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Learner Reviews & Feedback for ADHD: Everyday Strategies for Elementary Students by University at Buffalo

2,343 ratings

About the Course

This course will provide an overview of ADHD diagnosis and treatment. Course participants can expect to learn about ADHD as a developmental
disorder that begins early in childhood, and participants will also learn about evidence-based approaches for diagnosing ADHD. Following that,
two evidence-based treatment approaches (the Daily Report Card and Parenting Strategies) will be introduced. (Note these course activities are
informational and are not intended to replace working with a licensed/trained professional). Learning Objectives: Students will be able to
identify the behaviors characteristic of ADHD, the components of a diagnosis, and evidence-based treatment procedures tha...

Top reviews


Oct 20, 2020

Very easy to follow and informative course. Learned some things that I didn't know even though I have two children with ADHD. Would definitely recommend to parents who are wondering what they can do.


Feb 24, 2020

Thank you for your helpful and professional efforts. The information you shared so kindly will be extremely useful to me as both a parent to an extremely bright and kind ADHD child and as a teacher.

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51 - 75 of 722 Reviews for ADHD: Everyday Strategies for Elementary Students

By Mariana O

Aug 12, 2020

I had a good experience with the course in its totality. Something that stuck out to me the most is how a lot of the resources and strategies presented can be put into use right away. I believe this practical touch is important to build a clear path between the learning experience and the everyday use of this knowledge.


May 3, 2020

The resource materials given are very useful. Both teachers and parents will benefit from this course. A lot of practical solutions are proposed and they all could start to practice at hand. I find it difficult to follow the lecture because of its speed. If Professor could talk a little bit slower, that will be great.


Jun 19, 2020

Excellent course. Professor Greg Fabiano guided us with simple,easy to understand in-depth concepts and helped me to understand ADHD ,its symptoms,causes and intervention Techniques. The Daily Progress report is very valuable and important and effive tool in intervention and thank you so much for enlightening me

By Haya K

May 17, 2020

Its been absolutely a wonderful experience to learn about ADHD in detail at the ground level. I am definitely more enriched and aware. The program has sensitized me to understand, identify the children with difficulties and how to cater to their needs. Thanks a lot to the instructor and the program designer.

By José C L V

Oct 6, 2017

este curso es una herramienta valiosa para el acompañamiento y tratamiento de los alumnos con TDAH y con otros problemas conductuales, basado totalmente en evidencia científica. altamente recomendado.

cómo sugerencia sería poder traducir algunas de las herremientas cómo las hojas de reporte diario.

me encantó!


Dec 23, 2017

I am very satisfied I completed successfully this course. Mr Fabiano was clear and helpful to understand every module. I learned a lot and I am happy that in future I will be able to give the sligtest assistance to kids that need it. Every support, even the smallest, is big for society's progression.

By megan b

Mar 15, 2018

Thank you for offering this course! I have learned a lot about how to manage my son's ADHD in a productive way, instead of just dishing out punishments and administering medication. I now feel empowered to help him to make positive changes that will improve his interactions with both adults and peers.

By Diane S

May 11, 2020

I wanted something to do while sitting home during this pandemic. My son told me about this and I was glad to see that their were classes I could brush up on. Thank you so much for educating me further. This class is awaking opportunity for everyone to take very educational and easy. Thank You Again

By Masako I

Apr 28, 2020

A great introduction course with practical tips and practices. The instructor is knowledgeable and his explanations are easy to follow. The course is well structured. Although this is fairly short one, I learned a lot and do feel more comfortable in classroom. I am so glad I did this. Thank you!

By Hayley F

Mar 15, 2022

This course was informative, in-depth and realistic. I have already implemented many of the strategies that were provided and plan to use much of the knowledge that was gained to benefit the student in my class and to assist parents in getting their children to reach their full potential.

By Miyuki S

Apr 16, 2020

Useful and realistic strategies for educators and parents to nature children with ADHD.

Guideline by the instructor, Mr. Fabiano is clear and concise and ready to apply at home and school. His positive reinforcement and manageable practice such as Daily Deport Card are great takeaway.

By David F

Feb 27, 2017

Thank you! I now feel more confident to approach ADHD in the classroom. The resources shared will be invaluable as I continue to learn and to respond to the needs of the individual students in front of me. Thank you for your efforts in putting this course together! I really enjoyed it.

By Leonie C

Nov 17, 2017

As a parent to a child with ADHD and working in education this has been a fanatastic course. It has given me resources, strategies and a far better understanding of this disorder than I have previously had. I'm actually excited to implement many strategies in my home.

Thank you.

By Damián C

Dec 28, 2022

Fué un muy buen curso. Falta solo unos mínimos detalles, como cambiar el color de la letra de las diapositivas,y preferentemente incluir recursos en otros idiomas (como el castellano), sobre todo páginas con funciones acordes a las de inglés, pero en castellano. Se agradece

By Rene B L

Mar 27, 2017

Gosh, I learned a wealth of solid information. Very thought-provoking course but one that eased my anxieties all at that same time. Great experience taking this class. One that undoubtedly enables you as a learner to implement what you've learned in the real world.

By Carol S

Jul 19, 2017

Was a great intro to the subject of ADHD. Thanks for pointing us in the right direction to a range of practical and informative websites, forms, and (for me the meta-talk) lexical to quickly communicate with other professionals working with these students.


By Inna I

Mar 3, 2020

This course was very useful and direct to the point..I really appreciate that this course didn't focus on diagnosis but on strategies for helping kids. It gives me options that I can use in school when it comes to dealing with the students.Thank you very much!

By Тогайбаева А

Nov 8, 2020

Thanks a lot for useful and helpful materials and videos aboutstudents with ADHD. But it will be great if I earned a certificate. My financial aid was approved on the 26 th of October and I passed thhis course and I didn;t get my certificate. Can you help me?

By María L C

Jul 30, 2022

Me encantó el curso y todas las herramientas que aprendí para identificar el TDAH. Está muy bien estructurado y las páginas de apoyo en internet me parecieron muy interesantes. Fue mi primer curso en Coursera y definitivamente no el último. Gracias por todo!

By Jorge A M V

Jul 17, 2019

Enfocado en lo que se necesita saber sobre las formas de atender el TDAH, me gusta mucho como esta enfocado en resaltar los aspectos positivos que la niña o el niño puedan tener y el énfasis que hace sobre reforzar las áreas más limitadas en su desarrollo

By Mamtha V S

Jun 21, 2019

This is an excellent course with very good information on ADHD. It covers everything right from what it is, causes, diagnosis, treatment options, Not to mention that it also has an excellent reading material and resource toolkit. Overall 5 star.

By Raimunndo E F d S

Oct 22, 2024

Curso muito abre a mente para novos pensamentos e boas dicas de como devemos agir nos casos de crianças com DTAH, seja ela na escola ou casa. Recomendo o curso para todas as pessoas que tem dificuldades ou querem aprender mais sobre o assunto.

By Ghada R

Feb 19, 2021


By Amanda A

Apr 20, 2018

The modules are very consistent and organized to contribute with our knowledge. All the sites and extra resources are very useful. It was an amazing course. The teacher taught a lot of important tools and strategies to help kids with ADHD.

By Luis G Z O

Mar 30, 2021

I used to look for courses that help to do my job more efficiently on helping the parents to rise happy children even if they have difficulties and, I found this course very practical, useful without unnecessary information.

Thank you.