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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Animal Behaviour and Welfare by The University of Edinburgh

5,256 ratings

About the Course

Animal welfare has been described as a complex, multi-faceted public policy issue which includes important scientific, ethical, and other dimensions. Improving our understanding of animal welfare, involves the fascinating study of animal behavior as well as the challenge of accessing the emotions of animals. This is the On-Demand version of this course, which means you can start the course at any time and work through the course materials at your own pace. The materials and quizzes will always be available to you. You can come and talk about the course on Twitter using the hashtag #EdAniWelf...

Top reviews


Apr 28, 2020

Its a nicely designed course. It sheds light on many animal care practices and welfare. Very well instructions and quiz sessions are arranged. Many important learnings and takeaways from the course.


Jun 22, 2020

This course was very informative and interesting! I enjoyed the lectures as well as the instructors and also loved that it focused on many different kinds animal welfare issues. Definitely recommend!

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126 - 150 of 1,321 Reviews for Animal Behaviour and Welfare

By Kirsteen N

Sep 3, 2020

I enjoyed this course very much. The calibre of the course teaching resources is first-rate, and the lecturers were engaging, absorbing and clearly passionate about their areas of expertise. I'd highly recommend this short course to anyone who's interesting in learning more about the welfare of animals in the EU and other countries today. Well done to all concerned.

By Fabián T

Dec 29, 2020

Curso muy bueno, entendible. Me ayudo considerablemente a tener una mejor perspectiva del bienestar animal, a ver ciertos errores que solemos cometer al tratar a los animales bajo perspectivas netamente humanas.

Recomiendo este curso totalmente, profesoras muy buenas y expertas en el tema, las clases llenas de contenido y material audiovisual, los subtítulos bien.

By Marta G R

Dec 11, 2016

I have learned a lot about the research performed related to animal welfare and I have new perspectives of what it is needed to be improved, not based on my beliefs, feelings or point of view, but from the animals' perspective and needs to have a better welfare. I am so exited to be able to learn more about this topic and someday work somewhere I can apply it.

By Navid N

Nov 8, 2022

As you know, getting to know animals' behavior and their needs is very important. This course teaches you the behavior of a wide range of animals such as poultry, cows, sheep, horses, dogs, cats, and zoo animals. One of the complete animal behavior courses with excellent professors and various high-quality educational videos provides you with this knowledge.


Jun 5, 2021

The way the teaching staff have made the effort to incorporate every detail and the amount of effort they've put into executing the notes in order for us to understand the best way possible is commendable. I appreciate all the efforts that went into making this course for us. I learnt new ways of helping animals thanks toy you all. Thank you so very much <3

By Sofiia P

Apr 30, 2020

This course was very informative and offered me a new insight into some of the important issues and regulations of animal welfare. As a student interested in investing my future career in the science of animal well-being, I found it very interesting and will definitely use the information I've learned here as a guide in my upcoming studies and experiences.

By Sophie P

Dec 11, 2024

Fantastic course, thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish! As someone who’s studied animal behaviour and welfare at multiple educational institutes and worked in the field, I actually learnt so many more things from doing this course. It was very valuable and gave me a further understanding into this incredibly interesting and critically important topic.

By Brittany M

Nov 23, 2020

This course was quite informative with an array of animal welfare situations ranging from different categories of "pets" or more domesticated animals, as well as the husbandry of farm animals and the wild animals in human care/captivity. They also provided a plethora of additional resources which was not tested on, but nice to have to refer back to.

By Vidya S

Sep 18, 2020

It sheds light on many animal care practices and welfare. Very well instructions and quiz sessions are arranged. Many important learnings and takeaways from the course. This course was very informative and interesting! I enjoyed the lectures as well as the instructors and also loved that it focused on many different kinds animal welfare issues.

By Ryan I

May 19, 2020

Very Professional and Informative. Will be recommending to friends and family. This should almost be a required course to take for any person who is thinking about adopting an animal, and with the educational awareness, that may play a huge role on dwindling down the number of sheltered animals every year. Thanks for putting this together guys!

By Nicolás V C

Jun 29, 2020

Me pareció un curso muy bueno, lleno de información valiosa y de calidad, me entretuve con todos los módulos y aprendí cosas que no sabía y que ahora gracias a este curso podré aplicar mas adelante, sin embargo quisiera señalar que me hubiera gustado más el poder acceder a las clases interactivas puesto que sería un complemento espectacular.

By Aygul Y

Mar 3, 2018

It is a great course for anyone who generally interested in the subject of an animal welfare. It could be reccomended to anyone who is working with animals or thinking about this. This course is well designed and very interesting especially if it is a new subject for you. I think that it could be interesting for specialists too. I enjoyed it.

By andrea C H

May 8, 2022

I found this course to be very informational. It was well written, the videos were great. The pace was fantastic .All the proffesors were easy to understand. I wanted to keep going each day. One of the best Animal behaviour courses that I have had the pleasure of attending, and getting my cetification.

Thank-you to all

Andrea Cargill Hauser

By Heather H

Apr 20, 2020

I felt this was a very informative, relatively easy introduction to animal welfare. I feel it is useful for ANYONE who loves the animals in their lives. It brings up many good thinking points, has many thought-provoking resources, and overall has the possibilities of changing or enforcing our current mindset towards animals in human care.

By Paula C A A

Jan 12, 2023

i am so happy i want to become a veterinary doctor and this course just made me love more that carrier, i didnt know too much about animals we consume and this open my mind to that reality that some people like me used to judge but this showed me how it works and why and how to do it providing a great welfare for animals, thanks.

By El k W

Feb 15, 2021

First of all, I would like to thank all the team for this course.

It was very interesting to know more about animal welfare with a lot of keys.

This training give us the chance to ask ourself our thoughts, considerations and feelings about animals.

For who wants to explore another way of animal welfare, don't hesistate to join us.

By tania w

Dec 13, 2019

Some emotive subject matter was professionally presented. I learned a great deal and was surprised at just how much there was packed in to it. Very well presented and thought out taking the learner gradually through a huge array of welfare and behavioural issues. One of the best courses I have ever studied! Top notch education!

By Geoff H

Jun 16, 2022

Although I have a very strong Investigative background I am or was deficient in the Animal Welfare area, this course helped and will continue to help me recognize and address deficiencies and areas of concern that need to be addressed in my job as Animal Welfare Inspector.

Thank You to the team of instructors. well Done!

By Curny N A R

Jun 10, 2022

Es un curso realmente completo, he aprendido muchisimo de los animales no solo domesticos, si no que tsmbien los de granja e incluso algunos salvajes en cautiverio. Todo el contenido es claro y realmente importante. estoy muy satisfecha y gracias a esta universidad y a coursera por tener este curso. no duden en tomarlo!!

By Ramona S

Dec 14, 2015

As a Pet Care manager at a boarding facility I encourage my staff to participate in a continuing education progam for rewards. I stongly encouraged them to sign up for this course. I am taking this a second time as it was extemely interesting the first time. Anyone interested in animals in general should check this out!

By Tina M

Feb 15, 2024

Undoubtedly the most difficult course I have ever done on Coursera. So much that we don't know about animals, how much damage we do to them and how much deeper the problems for our animals are. I bet that's just touching on what's really out there. Thank you for the courage to present this course and enlightening me.

By Deleted A

Apr 12, 2020

Informative and insightful course.

So, so glad A major city in China (April 09 2020) has recognized Dogs as pets and not livestock. A REAL lifesaving change for BILLIONS of innocent Dogs. I pray that cats and ALL other animals will be given back their GOD-GIVEN right to live very, very soon WORLDWIDE.

Animal Advocate

By Chathuka N

Aug 4, 2023

animal welfare and animals' emotions are crucial considerations for agricultural students to develop a holistic understanding of responsible and sustainable agricultural practices. By prioritizing animal welfare, students can contribute to a more ethical, efficient, and socially responsible agricultural industry.

By Matías M

Jan 4, 2021

Realmente un curso bastante interesante, que cambia las perspectivas que uno tiene sobre el manejo animal en las distintas ramas de la Medicina Veterinaria. Genera salir un poco de ciertas perspectivas totalmente basadas en lo que vemos y nos propone el colocarnos mas en lo que siente el animal. Excelente curso.