Oct 16, 2021
Good course series if you are new to IOT and embedded systems. The instructor gives weekly assignments and it is easy to understand. Highly recommend to people who is new to IOT and Embedded systems.
May 29, 2020
This couse is full of benefit. Content of the course is very accurate. Teacher who was teaching was also good. I would suggest to all the beginner to learn this topic who are interested in IoT field.
By Priyansh S
•Sep 14, 2019
this introductory course is very very basic
By Rajat J
•May 1, 2020
Very disappointed with the course service.
By Gerry F
•Nov 25, 2015
No forum, what are you thinking!
By 이두현(공과대학 전
•Feb 6, 2022
I want to cancel my enrollment
By Bernie V
•Jul 11, 2020
I want to refund my payment.
By Amr E
•Jun 28, 2018
Useful information too litle