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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Network Analysis in Systems Biology by Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

200 ratings

About the Course

This course introduces data analysis methods used in systems biology, bioinformatics, and systems pharmacology research. The course covers methods to process raw data from genome-wide mRNA expression studies (microarrays and RNA-seq) including data normalization, clustering, dimensionality reduction, differential expression, enrichment analysis, and network construction. The course contains practical tutorials for using several bioinformatics tools and setting up data analysis pipelines, also covering the mathematics behind the methods applied by these tools and workflows. The course is mostly appropriate for beginning graduate students and advanced undergraduates majoring in fields such as biology, statistics, physics, chemistry, computer science, biomedical and electrical engineering. The course should be useful for wet- and dry-lab researchers who encounter large datasets in their own research. The course presents software tools developed by the Ma’ayan Laboratory ( from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, but also other freely available data analysis and visualization tools. The overarching goal of the course is to enable students to utilize the methods presented in this course for analyzing their own data for their own projects. For those students that do not work in the field, the course introduces research challenges faced in the fields of computational systems biology and systems pharmacology....

Top reviews


Jul 24, 2020

It was a nice course with great information and resources for new people working or willing to work on bioinformatics


Oct 8, 2024

it is very helpful for my research.the way of teaching is very nice. the lab demo was amazing in the whole session.

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1 - 25 of 35 Reviews for Network Analysis in Systems Biology

By Felix E R P

Jun 3, 2016

Excellent course to get deep into the data analysis of system biology experimentation.

By Erick C

May 11, 2016

From the Systems Biology specialization courses, this is the one from where I have learned the most, in some way the reason is because I didn't know most of Network Analysis, but now I feel familiarized with it. I consider this is one of the most extended courses, and could be improved in the practice evaluation with more exercises.

By Yalda Y

Apr 26, 2021

The content of each week was good (except for the RNA-seq lectures which I had no clue what the instructor was talking about!) but I think there was no integration between them and it was hard to connect everything in my brain. Also, lots of lectures were about how to analyze a list of differentially expressed genes but no one ever explained how to identify differentially expressed genes! which is why I'm stuck in the first step of my project.

Although I wasn't very satisfied by all the lecturers, I think Neil Clarke did a great job at explaining how some methods work.

Overall, I don't feel like I've learned network analysis in systems biology. Don't expect this course to make you an expert in the field.


Apr 6, 2016

Its really a very interesting course ,and very informative

By Venkadajalapathi S

Oct 8, 2024

it is very helpful for my research.the way of teaching is very nice. the lab demo was amazing in the whole session.

By DBSun

Mar 28, 2016

demanding and interesting , like it ~

By Jorge A G M

Jan 25, 2024

This has been the best course of the specialization so far. It packs a lot of info, but is very well organized and consistent, a big improvement from the other courses. My only complain is the RNA-seq part in week 6, which I found to be very confusing. I wasn't able to fully understand how it relates to the experimental methods from the last course. Something to consider is that the course is more than 10 years old, so many of the tools introduced are not really standard anymore. That being said, some others, as Enrichr I believe, became quite common nowadays.

By Arif R

Feb 11, 2020

It's a comprehensive course, very resoureful. The course needs few update in terms of softwares/tools mentioned. Some of the lectures are hard to follow, especially if you are coming from non-bioinformatics background. Overall, an excellent course.

By Carlos A F

Feb 6, 2021

Well elaborated and that brings an overview of bioinformatics and systems biology. The knowledge acquired is already being very useful and has helped me a lot in my investigations. My sincere thanks to Dr. Avi Ma'ayan, students and researchers for preparing this course.

By Mimi D

Jun 30, 2021

I have learned alot from this course. This course really helped me to gained more knowledge. Thanks again. Love to see, new advanced course in Bioinformatics (personalised medicine) area. Please put more advanced course.

By Esteban C

Jul 24, 2020

It was a nice course with great information and resources for new people working or willing to work on bioinformatics

By Sandeep K

Apr 3, 2022

nice and very informative course

By Muhammad W

Jan 3, 2019

my favorite and the best course

By Hamsini N

Feb 3, 2021

Very informative course.

By Salvatore M

Jan 30, 2016

Thanks - excellent!

By julio c r m

Nov 11, 2016

Excellent course .

By Kirk G

Dec 2, 2016

Very good course

By mac g

Feb 5, 2018


By Alejandra R O

Dec 4, 2020


By Lizhu Z

Jul 1, 2024


By Doreen B

Jun 5, 2019

Very good course. Subjects are explained very well. Only downside is that it oscillates between these explanations to very dry demonstrations of specific tools. That is not to say they are not demonstrated well and thoroughly, but I prefer the theoretical background. Also, it's a shame that not all of the sites are completely functions - I was particularity disappointing by not being able to log on to the crowdsourcing site.

By Adam H

Feb 6, 2021

A lot of useful information but the tests are very annoying. E.g. why should I know what javascript library is used to plot bar graphs in Enrichr or what is the meaning of a certain argument for a tool I didn't use. The section on processing sequencing data but also other could use more on-hands approach. Still, although sometimes a bit boring, I learned a lot.

By Páidí C

Mar 11, 2018

The course material was great, and covered many interesting topics. But I found many of the problems didn't really test your understanding of the material, just whether you remembered some fact from the lectures.

By Pooja R

Jul 22, 2020

Various analytical approaches for network analysis are very well explained. Also, have explained the working of different bioinformatics or network-based tools and software.