
Health care is a booming industry with a wide range of rewarding jobs working with patients, communities, or behind the scenes. Explore your career options with these guides to careers in the health industry.

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Status: Free

Skills you'll gain: Cooking, Preventative Care, Food and Beverage, Behavioral Health, Socioeconomics, Cultural Diversity, Education and Training, Culture, Environmental Issue

Johns Hopkins University

Skills you'll gain: Change Control, Health Systems, Health Information Management and Medical Records, Health Care, Health Care Administration, Healthcare Industry Knowledge, Clinical Leadership, Decision Support Systems, Solution Design, IT Management, Clinical Data Management, Databases, Usability Testing, Data-Driven Decision-Making, Information Technology, Analysis, Systems Analysis, Business Systems Analysis, Technical Communication, System Requirements

Skills you'll gain: Active Listening, De-escalation Techniques, Greeting Customers, Growth Mindedness, Customer Service, Call Center Experience, Empathy, Interviewing Skills, Cross Selling, Retail Sales, Data Entry, Customer Relationship Building, Verbal Communication Skills, Team Oriented, Upselling, Teamwork, Customer Complaint Resolution, Conflict Management, Product Knowledge, Retail Store Operations

Working in health care can look like a lot of different things. You may work directly with patients as a doctor, nurse, or physical therapist, or maybe you work within communities through a public health career. You'll also find jobs behind the scenes, working in a lab or with health care data. You'll find several fields to explore:

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