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Learner Reviews & Feedback for At the Origins of the Mediterranean Civilization: Archaeology of the City from the Levant to the West - 3rd-1st millennium BC by Sapienza University of Rome

424 ratings

About the Course

Which are the deepest roots of that mix of cultures that we use to call ‘Mediterranean Civilization’? Which are comminglings and exchanges which produced its most complete fruit, i.e. the city, a place for landscape-modelling communities? And which elements did contribute to build up that baulk of customs, ideas, and innovations which compelled to confrontation and hybridizations different peoples for millennia? What did it made, from pottery to metallurgy, from gastronomy to architecture, from art to religion, of a sea a cradle of civilization? Archaeology may help in disentangling such questions, seeking unexpected answers , by tinkering what ancient Mediterranean peoples left buried in the ground. A privileged point of view of our course is the ancient Phoenician city of Motya, located exactly at the centre of the “sea in the middle”. Throughout the live experience of excavation, with images taken on the field, this course will let you touch the many tesserae of the great mosaic of the Mediterranean Civilization. The field diary of the archaeologist, and the handpick will be the two tools, which will lead us across the sea to discover what such early cities actually were, and how their contribute is still a major part of our shared memory....

Top reviews


Mar 14, 2021

This was a great course, it was great to be out 'on location' with the archaeologists and Lorenzo Nigro. There was also a great selection of reading material which offered more in-depth information.


Jul 29, 2017

A very informative and interesting study of the origins of Mediterranean civilization. The course is packed with examples and explanations and delivered by the superb Prof. Nigro

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26 - 50 of 175 Reviews for At the Origins of the Mediterranean Civilization: Archaeology of the City from the Levant to the West - 3rd-1st millennium BC

By Emanuela Z

Sep 20, 2024

La metodologia Coursera rende ogni corso un'esperienza molto efficace. Questo, in particolare, svela la storia "globalizzata" dell'isola di Mozia in Sicilia, Italia, dalle prime colonizzazioni fenicie fino al IV secolo a.C. La sua storia è molto coinvolgente, raccontata bene con ricchezza di descrizione delle rovine e dei reperti ritrovati. Contentissima di averlo seguito e di aver piacevolmente scoperto l'unicità di questa piccola isola che visitai qualche anno fa. Grazie della condivisione di queste informazioni aperte a tutti ne abbiano interesse.

By Patricia T

Jan 4, 2020

Agradezco mucho al Profesor Lorenzo Nigro el haber compartido sus amplios conocimientos sobre este fascinante lugar llamado Motya. Muy relevante en el curso fue la explicación de varios procesos de sincretismo religioso, cultural y artesanal en Motya, lo que, en mi opinión, constituye una dificilísima tarea. Disfruté enormemente los descubrimientos arqueológicos y conocer cómo los fenicios sentaron las bases de la Civilización Mediterránea.

By Paul H

Apr 9, 2022

This course filled all my expectations and then some. It gathered evidence from many different fields to build a picture of life in the early historical period. The nitty gritty of getting the evidence was also very interesting.

Would recommend highly for anyone interested in archeology and history. Also nice to see the Mediterranean views in the midst of cold weather in North America.

Great course.

By Tony a E L

Jul 9, 2020

I found this course outstanding, and Doctor Nigro an excellent teacher. His English is very good and his presentation is clear and easy to understand. He makes you feel that you are out in the field in Motya with his students. The quizzes were well-organized, and it has been obvious that you had to focus on your studies to pass them. Thanks to La Sapienza for making my life richer.

By Matthew P

Apr 14, 2021

I absolutely loved this course and would like to do more similar ones. I thpught the presenter was really articulate despite his English being uncertain at times. I have not visited Motya (but I plan to do so now!) but I have visited Byblos and this has brought to life so much of what I saw there. More courses on archaeology and the Phoenicians please on Coursera!!!

By Suk-Kyoung H

Nov 8, 2023

I am Korean, a completely different civilization from Europe. Through this lecture, I learned about Mediterranean civilization, which can be said to be the root of European civilization. The Motya charioteer stone statue, believed to be Hercules, is truly an amazing masterpiece. I would like to thank Professor Nigro from Sapienza University of Rome for his lecture.

By Damaso V

Jan 30, 2022

Estoy muy satisfecho de los conocimientos adquiridos por medio de este MOOC de la Universidad de la SAPIENZA de Roma.

Era un campo este de la Arqueologia que nunca habia tenido la oportunidad de observar, y por medio del curso, se me ha abierto una curiosidad especial.-

Muchas gracias a la Universidad y especialmente a Coursera por coordinar este tipo de Cursos.-

By Luis B

Apr 28, 2020

Is the second time that i do this course, a little different from the first one anda i enjoy it very much. Tanks for prof. Lorenzo Nigro because he loves what he do. I'm digging a city in Portugal, with large walls and a fosso, and begin in the IV Millennium B.C. and was abandoned in the roman times, II/I centuries B.C.

By Christine B

Oct 13, 2019

Excellent course which helped me understand the development of ancient Mediterranean civilisation and the contribution of various people groups to its rich contribution to our own western civilisation. Knowledgeable and generous professor who did a good presentation in English. Bravo Professor Nigro!

Thank you.

By Stanley R B

Sep 8, 2024

It really challenged me and was indeed a remarkable and fascinating course of study. For those with a background in Classics, Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology, or even Cognitive Archaeology, this may well be the course for you. A caveat: some academic articles are in Italian and French. Highly recommended!


Jun 7, 2018















































que ha de sido de gran interés para mí. Excelente el trabajo del curso y fantástico el profesor. Muchas gracias por todo. Sois lo mejor que conozco. A mis 68 años tengo mucho interés para conocer y lo debo a vuestras oportunidades. Saludos para todos.

By Manuel J P

May 5, 2020

Great course, entertaining lecturer and good materials. I am currently doing my PhD in Archaeology, and this actually gave me some new insights! I did not expect the strong focus on Motya, but the earlier period case studies of Jericho and Khirbet al-Batrawy are sufficient to understand the process.

By 黄中

Oct 12, 2019

Very great course, focusing on one city and use it as a model to know how the Phoenician Civilization work and function. Plus, there are many archaeological skills in this course, also many beautiful pictures and videos. After compeleting this course, I have strong interest in archaeology. Thanks

By Lara

Mar 14, 2021

Fantastic course and the instructor! Had NO idea about Mozia and the life in this city back in ancient times. Yes, questions in the tests and answers sometimes are confusing but this is nothing compare to the great knowledge I gained. Baravi to all who made this course available! From New York.

By Joaquim

May 6, 2020

A fascinating journey through a culture and people nearly forgotten, the phoeniciants, whose endevours and sprit made the foundation of the Mediterranean civilization. Professor Nigro conveys his passion for the topic, provides authoritative information and engages students.

By Genevieve S

May 25, 2017

I can't say enough about this course! Professor Nigro's enthusiasm about this fascinating subject just makes you wants to delve even further! If you are at all interested in the roots of civilization and how it spread, then you should absolutely take this wonderful course!

By Robert L

Mar 5, 2022

Good overview of how the Phoenicians expanded accross the Mediterranean as well as an in depth exploration of the archaeological site of Motya. Prof. Nigro provides a great insight into the many discuveries he and his team made there during their excavations.

By Ale V

Aug 2, 2020

Un placer recorrer Motya, el Mediterráneo. Conocer un poco más la civilización fenicia, que tantos cambios trajeron al Occidente, Un gusto, poder haber participado este curso, sentí por un momento que participaba de algún descubrimiento arqueológico. Gracias!

By Dr C D

Sep 4, 2024

Absolutely awesome course, Prof Nigro is so full of passion and the way he told the story and structured the course really helped deliver a strong message in a short space of time regarding urbanisation and cultural integration in the Mediterranean

By Wojciech W

Oct 20, 2018

Fascinating journey through Mediterranean. You can learn a lot about Phoneicians and their Sicilian colony of Motya. The course is amazing also because professor Lorenzo shows real excavations and takes You to museum to better understand the topic.

By selin a

Mar 1, 2024

It was a great pleasure to follow this course. I've been wanting to know more about Motya and new discoveries for a while, and this course was a great opportunity to make a virtual tour with a a passionate guide and discoverer. Thank u so much.

By Ellen H

Aug 13, 2020

A thoroughly absorbing account of the Phoenician settlement on Motya, with background and context. Lorenzo Nigro was personable and enthusiastic, with carefully constructed lectures and slide shows.

I hope there are more courses like this one!

By Jacqueline R

Mar 14, 2023

Excellent course. Very well presented. I visited the ruins and museums of Crete and Rhodes this past year and this made sense of so much I didn't know about the settlement of the Mediterranean areas. I will be following up with more reading.

By Juan P S

Aug 22, 2019

Ha sido un curso muy ameno en el que he aprendido un buen bagaje de conocimientos para entender el concepto de "ciudad" en el Mundo Occidental Antiguo, enfatizando también en aspectos como arte, escultura o mitología. Muchas gracias.

By Holly F

May 26, 2019

The course is interesting and the professor is quite passionate about the history of Motya and the/his excavations there. I definitely worked hard taking notes, and reading the supplemental readings, when available in English.