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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Understanding Cancer Metastasis by Johns Hopkins University

2,460 ratings

About the Course

Over 500,000 people in the United States and over 8 million people worldwide are dying from cancer every year. As people live longer, the incidence of cancer is rising worldwide, and the disease is expected to strike over 20 million people annually by 2030. Everyone has been, or will be touched by cancer in some way during their lifetime. Thanks to years of dedication and commitment to research we’ve made enormous advances in the prevention and treatment of cancer, But there is still a lot of work to be done. In this course, physicians and scientists at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine explain how cancer spreads or metastasizes. We’ll describe the major theories of metastasis and then describe the biology behind the steps in metastasis. The course also describes the major organs targeted by metastasis and describes how metastases harm the patient....

Top reviews


Feb 9, 2017

Good course, but why researchers whant to hold/control cancer in a human and not rebuild the destroyed mechanisms of autoregul;ation by genetic engeneering for example? That would be true cure.


Jul 2, 2020

A big thanks to John Hopkins University for this course the faculty of this university is one of the best faculty i have ever seen all things are much clear and confidential.Once again Thanks.

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476 - 500 of 526 Reviews for Understanding Cancer Metastasis

By Manuel A O M

Feb 15, 2020

Besides I am slightly familiar within this field, I have gained a broader and deeper insight into the biology of metastasis. The course is well structured, complete and easy to follow the lessons. However, the questionnaire could have been a bit more challenging to test the acquired knowledge.

By robbie m

Aug 9, 2020

Close to the last part was hard. but, i knew i couldn't give up . Learning about cancer is triggering so many things. My sister died from a brain tumor and my mom had lung cancer. this class just reinforces the information that I'm learning and I am so happy I'm taking these classes.

By Ishaq A N

Sep 10, 2021

The course tutors have done justice to the subject area (Understanding cancer metastasis). The lectures are comprehend-able, instructive and scientific thought-provoking. I believe that i am not qualified and i have gathered the courage to pursue a career in cancer research.

By Suganthamala

May 6, 2020

its was really interesting. enjoyed learning through out the course. A lot thanks to the university and the resource persons. If it is credit based would be more useful. and one more suggestion the percentage gain can be reflected in the certificate.

By Sneha C

May 17, 2021

It helped me understand the pathology behind cancer metastasis and the various steps involved in the same. This course surely was helpful in understanding cancer and related mortality in a better way. It gave deep insights about cancer research.

By Mark

Mar 1, 2017

Thorough course on Metastasis that anyone can follow regardless of whether they have a background in medicine/science or not ; loses a star for locking access to the quizzes to non-paying coursetakers.

By Ali M M A F

Apr 18, 2020

very simple informative course about Cancer and its mets. how cancer migrate to organs and how it cause damage and some of definitions & theories that can simplify the whole process

By Karishma K

Feb 27, 2018

Short, concise, to the point, and yet slow enough that it was easy to understand, grasp and remember the knowledge that was being taught. Overall very enjoyable :)

By Md M I

May 6, 2020

excellent information. new updates and running works over cancer research have made it more valuable.thanks coursera and John Hopkins for their effort.

By Niloofar A

Jan 5, 2021

Thanks to Coursera for providing equal chances for people from all around the world. This was one of the most informative courses that I have passed.

By Mansi V P

Aug 13, 2020

Im glad that i have joined this course very well qualified experienced professor and with example explained it in very much simpler manner thank you

By Tom Q

Apr 9, 2020

Thank you for a great course. The beginning was a bit simplistic, but as the lessons progressed the content became better and more informative.

By Nindiya K

Aug 11, 2020

It is a great course for someone who needs a basic understanding of cancer metastasis. Got to learn a lot of new things from this course.

By Islam M

Apr 30, 2018

A great course and a must for every beginner in Cancer research. I see the only disadvantage of this course is its short length

By Hasan A

Aug 31, 2017

It is very nice, but the information there is not specifically designed for people with limited knowledge about Biology.

By Cor R

Apr 20, 2020

Great in-depth course on cancer metastasis, excellent follow-up to the introduction to the biology of cancer course

By Gloria C

Jan 6, 2025

I wish the three parts could be purchased together with the same price I paid for the first part

By Yanqi J

May 13, 2020

Some of the modules are not that vivid full of texts. I hope more videos and photos to be seen!

By Hunter K

Feb 14, 2021

The class could have provided mnemonics to help memorize common metastasis sites.

By Cheryl G

Jan 15, 2021

The information was amazing. Sometimes the presenter talked a little too fast.

By Thijs

Mar 29, 2020

Great course. Could have been 1 or 2 weeks longer as I really enjoyed it

By Saman J A

Jan 14, 2017

Loved it! Thank you teachers! Wish it had bit more details though :)

By Guilherme H B R

Aug 4, 2020

Achei genial o curso. Conceitos simples e diretos. Recomendo muito!

By Annisa W S

Jan 14, 2022

very clear and make me understand more about cancer metastasis.

By Tauseef S

Mar 16, 2020

There was an excellent learning environment and material.