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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Concurrent Programming in Java by Rice University

662 ratings

About the Course

This course teaches learners (industry professionals and students) the fundamental concepts of concurrent programming in the context of Java 8. Concurrent programming enables developers to efficiently and correctly mediate the use of shared resources in parallel programs. By the end of this course, you will learn how to use basic concurrency constructs in Java such as threads, locks, critical sections, atomic variables, isolation, actors, optimistic concurrency and concurrent collections, as well as their theoretical foundations (e.g., progress guarantees, deadlock, livelock, starvation, linearizability). Why take this course? • It is important for you to be aware of the theoretical foundations of concurrency to avoid common but subtle programming errors. • Java 8 has modernized many of the concurrency constructs since the early days of threads and locks. • During the course, you will have online access to the instructor and mentors to get individualized answers to your questions posted on the forums. • Each of the four modules in the course includes an assigned mini-project that will provide you with the necessary hands-on experience to use the concepts learned in the course on your own, after the course ends. The desired learning outcomes of this course are as follows: • Concurrency theory: progress guarantees, deadlock, livelock, starvation, linearizability • Use of threads and structured/unstructured locks in Java • Atomic variables and isolation • Optimistic concurrency and concurrent collections in Java (e.g., concurrent queues, concurrent hashmaps) • Actor model in Java Mastery of these concepts will enable you to immediately apply them in the context of concurrent Java programs, and will also help you master other concurrent programming system that you may encounter in the future (e.g., POSIX threads, .NET threads)....

Top reviews


Sep 2, 2017

Great course. With minimal effort you can learn about important concepts and see immediate results regarding the actual speedup you can achieve using concurrent programming.


Feb 9, 2020

Excellent way to refresh what I learned some years ago in Operator System. Also I won a small hands-on experience using locks, isolation and high level concurrency in Java.

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76 - 100 of 111 Reviews for Concurrent Programming in Java

By Junqi X

Mar 17, 2020

The course overall is good, but the autograder of assignment can be improved so that the students will not get frustrated to their answer for such long time

By Shruti

May 1, 2020

It was a really interesting course where the things were presented in a very simplified manner in which I could learn the topics in a short span of time.

By Roman I

Nov 24, 2020

The material is badly organized, the course is worse than the course on parallel programming. Concurrent library could have been covered more wide

By Yuhao W

Oct 24, 2019

content with just naming and simple theories of terms, is oversimplified. Actually Concurrent Java is harder and can be taught much more deeply!!

By Sohit S G

Jan 27, 2020

The course was niece. It could have made of use of a programming language from scrath rather than depending on the pre-built library.

By Luciano F

Jan 28, 2019

Lo consiglio a tutti, Vorrei soltanto che gli argomenti fossero affrontati più approfonditamente dal punto di vista teorico

By Vijay G

Oct 31, 2021

I enjoyed the course and the quiz as well. I am able to apply the learning from this course to solve problems at work.

By Samuele M

May 6, 2018

Good course, with relevant basics of concurrency, even if I expected deeper and detailed contents.

By John O O

Aug 6, 2019

This course is great!... But... it could be better if code explanations are giving in the videos.

By Cong X

Nov 10, 2017

It's a good introductory course. The programming assignment are indeed too simple though...

By Guillermo D

Jan 3, 2019

Excelent course, just some mixups with the concurrent API used in the assignment for Week3

By Atsuya K

Feb 6, 2018

A good primer to concurrent programming. Week 3 and Week 4 assignments are well-designed.

By O N

Apr 1, 2020

Needs more assignments and would benefit from prescribing optional real world projects.

By Lakshmanan P

Aug 12, 2019

It was a great course introducing the learner about various aspects of Concurrency .

By prabhakar k

May 28, 2020

i learn new way to solve java concurrent programming questions.thanks to Coursera.

By Antonio J M G

May 13, 2018

Only thing I missed are more optional exercises, otherwise a great course.

By vini g

Apr 12, 2019

Better than Parallel Programming

I would prefer more assignments.

By Simon C

Oct 18, 2017

Very interesting! i hope that the third is the same

By Kartik M

Jun 29, 2020

Great explanation with pseudocode hand hands on.

By Samujjal B

Nov 5, 2020

No of assignments and difficulty could be more

By Marcos N F

Jun 13, 2019

It is great but some homework had bugs

By Monika S

Sep 10, 2019

would like to do more assignments

By Srinivas V

May 22, 2020

I feel that we need way more practice in writing concurrent code than what is provided in the mini projects, This course needs to include more challenges ranging from easy to hard for it to be more effective. In the current scenario, faced with a challenge, I would not be confident in tackling it with concurrent programming, but I expected to be confident, since this is a college course offering.

By Přemysl C

Jun 9, 2019

I wasted a lot of time because of the poor quality of test evaluation (autograder). Resubmit of the same code often means different results in autograder.

On the other hand, the course shows basic concepts of concurrent programming and opens themes for further studies.


Jul 12, 2023

The grading system is terrible and not so clear about notation. It is a little bit helpful for instructing your learning about concurrent programming.