May 22, 2020
Thank you for this very informative course. I learnt a lot regarding contact tracing, and I am sure I will be able to use this information to help volunteering for COVID-19 Contact Tracing in my city.
Oct 27, 2020
This was my first course on Coursera offered by JHU. I fount it to be very precise, informative and up to date. I greatly appreciated and enjoyed the balance of visual and verbal learning offerings.
By William M
•May 25, 2020
This was my first online course with Coursera. It was excellent and very important regarding the COVID-19 effort to trace the pathways of this virus within our communities with individuals directly impacted. John Hopkins University and the work they are providing will be key to the data and analysis of data by which COVID-19 migrates through human interaction can be mapped, assist people infected, support and break the chain of spread. I hope that my involvement as a contact tracer will add to this effect to safeguard and reduce the spread of COVID-19. Thank you for this opportunity to help.
By Molly C S
•Jul 21, 2020
Having only been introduced to SAR-CoV-2/Covid-19 in the recent months; lack of government leadership, confusion, and chaos developed a desire me to to learn more. Contact Tracing appears to be critical for a positive direction forward to gain control of this global pandemic. Taking a course such as this perhaps provides some type of honor for all the lives that have been lost. I learned so much in such a short time. The modules were very concise, clear, and straight forward. I can see myself working with cases and contacts with confidence I gleaned in Dr Emily Gurley's excellent course!
By Loretta B
•Jul 27, 2020
The Covid 19 Contact tracing course was indeed excellent and informative. It gave a tremendous insight while teaching me the basics of Covid 19 and the basics of contact tracing efficiently. I learned the steps to investigate, the ethics of contact tracing, and the skills for effective communication. Dr Emily Gurley facilitates the course effortlessly using visual presentations and charts easy to understand and follow. Now that I have the technological tools and skills I feel ready to successfully go to the next level of a Covid 19 contact tracer. Thank you for this opportunity.
By Victor K
•Jun 20, 2020
This is a very worthwhile course. I highly recommend it. Not only is it useful to learn about how to do contact tracing but it would be useful for all of us in the country to learn the facts about Covid-19. Isolation and quarantine are so important for patients with positive diagnosis and the people they came in contact with. Thank you for developing this course and teaching 122 thousand people so far! The teacher was very good and very careful in providing useful information. The people in examples were very good also to help us see what we might run into. Thank you. Vic Korsun
By Erika W
•May 25, 2020
Excellent course that was very thorough. The instructor was great - presented difficult and rapidly changing information in a very clear way. Slides and videos were well done and helpful. The videos were engaging and gave good examples of the type of conversations that contact tracers are likely to have. Robust and to the point. Classes like this can often contain a lot of extraneous information, but this one was right on target. Even if I don't become a contact tracer, I feel like this course gave me good information and processes that could be helpful in other situations. Thank you!
By John R T
•May 22, 2020
Excellent course! Very clear and concise. It is a very much needed course in these times. One small glitch appears in the discussion around reflecting and paraphrasing.
I found the inline test and the final exam to have opposing answers as to when one is reflecting and when paraphrasing. Might take a quick look at that.
Also, a friend of mine who is the operating manager of a homeless coalition that does contact tracing asked if I could share the materials that I received through the course. I told him that I would need to ask for permission to do so. How might I go about that?
By Gary D
•Sep 23, 2020
I am pleased to have had the opportunity to participate in the course. The knowledge I have gained through out the course had been very helpful in understanding the origin of the virus, the need to pursue case and contact symptoms and sign of the infection. To understand the incubation period that someone exposed can show signs of the infection. To better understand the important role the Contract Tracer plays in the process of reducing the number of cases by isolating and quarantining infected contacts.
I found the instructor and the materials presented to be very informative.
By Cheryl B
•Jul 9, 2020
I have learned many valuable skills with this course, relating to Contract Tracing, Dr. Gurley, clearly explains the importance of keeping things private or confidential, having a more empathic connection with a case or contact, moderating my tone and volume of speech. I learned that a simple phrase like "I hear you", can solidify a rapport with a person who is sick, on the phone. The video examples of conversations done the correct or incorrect way, were an excellent tool.
Thank you Johns Hopkins and especially Dr. Emily Gurley, for a most comprehensive and informative course.
By David P
•May 31, 2020
I found this course to be very helpful for providing basic information about the disease, how it spreads between people and the effective methods of isolation and quarantine that can help to prevent the further spread of the disease. Further, the training for how to actually contact trace were clear and well presented, with a good mix of real life examples and concise instructions on the major do's and don'ts and best practices. A very good primer for actually taking the next step and joining a local contact tracing effort. Thank you for developing this course.
By patricia b
•May 24, 2020
I feel this is a very well written course. It is thorough and logically sequenced. Important for me , I could self pace and use new technological note taking of my old fashioned paper and pencil notes. Paper and pencil note taking is very helpful for individuals with learning styles that include kinesthetic learning. As is self pacing as I have had some students who needed to move at intervals through their studying.
I like the ability to retake tests when making an error. It allowed one to see if they misread the material or if they misread the question.
By Sammie S
•May 25, 2020
Thank you for offering this course. I learned a lot and it was easy to follow and keep up. My favorite part of the course was the module about effective listening. I found it difficult but so important and useful. I found it difficult because of the way we communicate in this country, so often we don't REALLY listen to each other during our conversations because we are too busy thinking about what we want to say in response. Again, thank you for offering this course and I'm ready to serve and to support all public health efforts to help with COVID-19.
By Suzanne
•May 22, 2020
I found this course excellent. I learned more about the COVID-19 virus. I now possess a solid understanding on the basics of contact tracing and imagine that the job challenges those who take it on. I especially appreciate how the instructor patiently and deliberately leads students through the material. The actors perform convincingly.
The section on communication strikes me as invaluable. I learned so much on how to communicate with people who are upset, and there are so many more these days!! I hope that I can go back and review some of the notes I saved.
By Kimberly E
•May 25, 2020
This course was very informative and well-executed form the slides, to note-taking and the ability to download the presentation for review. The voice of the instructor was easy to understand as well. I enjoyed the presentation and the style used to convey such serious and relevant information. I do think it would be helpful to give the full time it does take to complete the course. For example some slides were longer than the time stated. Overall I was able to complete this course ahead of schedule and at my own pace.
By Carla R
•Jul 23, 2020
This course was really and eye-opening as to how this virus, is transmitted from person to person. Taking this course has made me more aware, of the different types of surfaces, which I knew a virus could live, but we always took it for granted.
I am truly more aware and knowledgeable, now than ever. In tracing back the people you have been around can not always be easy, because you could have been around someone at the grocery store. How do you find that person, in order to contact them?
By Jean M N
•Jun 2, 2020
It was a rewarding and great learning experience. The course helped me to better understand the history of COVIT 19, and how it has been spreading in the community. The curriculum covers all the important factors for effective case tracing: interpersonal skills, communication skills, confidentiality, cultural sensitivity, biases, isolation, quarantine, community resources.
Thank you to all the staff members and managers who are involved in this project.
Jean Markes Nosea, LMSW.
By Andrea L A
•May 14, 2020
The course was thorough, informative and interesting. I was impressed to know that to be a Contact Tracer, one must have the ability and qualities to show compassion and be empathetic. These days one would only wish more people had those qualities. I only hope that I could use what I've learned to be a part of the solution, helping our Nation with prevention, and reduction of cases of COVID-19.
Take care, be safe, be healthy, be strong!
Andrea L. Alfred
By LuckyZ's H
•Jul 25, 2020
I think it was a nicely laid out course. Straight to the point and a very handy tool, some of the word choices for building rapport i didn't agree with such as i know how you feel since we avoid that in psychology with our clients. Overall worth it and very easy to do and worth the time.
By Kimberly O
•May 22, 2020
This course well prepares someone for Assisting individuals with Corvid-19 or people that may have come into contact with someone having become infected with Corvid-19.
This course also gives you the necessary skills to advocate and on their behalf .
By Jane H
•May 20, 2020
Very clear, organized and informative. I think this course is very useful, even for people who don't intend to serve as contact tracers. It really helps to understand the disease and some of the issues around it. Excellent course and well worth the time.
By Nur M
•Aug 3, 2023
This course was amazing and very informative. I, now, have clear and concise knowledge about being an effective Contact Tracer, and I'm looking forward to putting my newly-attained skills to the test.
By Abigail O D
•Jun 25, 2020
Extremely Informative! Totally worth it! The course really emphasizes the absolute need for effective contact tracing as this is a major step in curbing the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thank you so much, Emily!
By Sammy M
•Sep 10, 2020
This is an exceptionally well done course to equip those who will be carrying out the critically important function of contact tracing to effectively reduce disease transmission in our communities.
By Ankur H
•Aug 16, 2020
it was very very interesting and this helped me to gain a lot of knowledge and to get aware of many terms related to COVID-19. Very helpful to everyone, very clear and is easy to understand.
By Yelle B
•Dec 18, 2020
Wounderful training and lots of very useful and Vital information
This course was very helpful to me as Im a healthcare worker who is currently testing Native American tribes
By Lucas V
•May 13, 2023