Aug 20, 2020
It's very helpful to me even though I am not a contact tracer. It's very informative because it deepens my knowledge about this COVID-19 and the things that should be done when one is being infected.
Jul 1, 2020
This is good thing to know about how this pandemic virus SARC Cov -2 spread infecion higher rate in age group abov3 the 65 year old. So keep wear the mask and washing the hand with soap and senatizer
By Selome B
•May 27, 2020
A very paced and well-written interactive course. I appreciated the audio, visual, and textual components, as well as the frequent mini-quizzes along the way. I got a 95.75% on the final assessment! I feel way more informed, forearmed, and prepared to be of service to my community!
By Lam A T
•May 24, 2020
A short and very informative course , i learn a lot of new thing about COVID-19 in this course ,the instructor is clear and well presented , right now i just hope for thing to get better out there. And many thanks to the instructor and everyone who contribute on making this course.
By Valarie Y
•Sep 9, 2021
Thank you for this course. iam seeking to work as a contact tracer, however not only to havae a job , but a new career. The other reason is to inform communities and defunck the mis/disinformation that's taking place. And again, Thank you!
Best wishes and stay safe!
Valarie Young
By Ramil L E
•Nov 2, 2020
I had learned more about COVID19 and Contact tracing, This lecture is great and Thank u to Madam Emily Gurley and to John Hopkins University for sharing your expertise and ideas on how to prevent COVID19 to spread quickly in our world. Again, Thank you, Keep Safe and God Bless....
By Ashley Y
•Sep 13, 2020
This was a convenient, well-paced online course that was easy to follow! The feedback for the assignments between each video made it clear what concepts I might not have understood, and subsequently made it much easier for me to pass the final exam, on the first try, after review!
By Josephus B C
•Aug 7, 2020
I like to commend the maker of this course because it is very timely and relevant. It is good thing to know that if we are all knowledgeable and understood the fundamental of COVID 19 then we can make a good start to prevent the spread of the virus. Thank you for this opportunity.
By Ana S
•Aug 5, 2020
Muchas gracias por la oportunidad. La cantidad y la calidad de la información recibida superó mis expectativas. Ya me siento capacitada para atender y explicar a toda la población conceptos como cuarentena, COVID-19, aislamiento, contagio, entre otros. Quedo atenta a otros cursos.
By Patricia A P
•Aug 3, 2020
A concise overview of the virus that is causing a global pandemic, and the proper steps and procedures that should be followed by those performing Contract Tracing duties to stop it. All provided by one of the most respected Academics and medical research facilities in the world.
By Sandeep V
•Jul 4, 2020
This is one of the best teaching methodology for the course modules. Everything is clearly explained and also there are mock cases, where the contact tracer speaks live with the person inquiring more about the symptoms & other related things. Very insightful and meaningful course.
By Sheila d
•Jul 3, 2020
I really learned a lot with his course it was not difficult it was nice easy I would say it was in the middle but I learned a lot about the COVID-19 and the spread process and the symptoms so that information was very helpful I’m equipped and ready with knowledge thank you so much
By Julia M
•Jun 29, 2020
This course gave me a clear, concise approach to contact tracing. It also gave me guidance on working with cases and contacts to prevent the spread of COVID-19, with an emphasis on active listening and an empathetic approach to persuade cases and contacts to isolate or quarantine.
By Dennis R K
•Jun 29, 2020
This course give a lot of information that can be useful will different situations. This is good information to assist people you know and co-workers on the process after they have been tested and others that are unaware of the timeframes for the virus to Quarantine and Isolation.
By Jenny
•Jun 24, 2020
I found this short course very informative and easy to understand. Understanding how to calculate incubation and infectious periods are useful for anyone. The latter part are just useful tools for communication in general. I think it will be useful in areas outside of contact trac
By Edgar D N
•Jun 16, 2020
This module was very valuable and informative. You can tell that the people behind it put a lot of time, effort and attention to details. Easy to understand/good at explaining/summarizing.
The module was very deep and detailed. I learned a great deal about COVID-19 Contact Tracing.
By Deleted A
•Jun 4, 2020
This is an excellent course. It enlightened my knowledge of Covid-19 and Contact Tracing. The instructor was very good. She was clear with a friendly voice and easy to engage. The information was presented in detail and easy to read and understand. I highly recommend this course .
By Dennis O
•Jun 4, 2020
This is an excellent course designed to give beginning contact tracers a basic understanding of the disease and the methods of contact tracing. I would recommend this course to anyone who would like a better understanding of the covid virus and its' effect on society. Thank you.
By Samantha S
•May 27, 2020
This course is the perfect first step in understanding how COVID-19 is spread and affects populations. This course also provides a basic understanding and reinforcement of how to interact with folks who may be affected in one way or another by COVID-19. This course is entry-level.
By Ratchaphon M
•May 27, 2020
I appreciate your course detail with a pile of updated information and how to trace a contact and case. It is very useful for me, as a teacher, to implement it in school for the upcoming educational year. 'Questions' and 'Issues' mentioned in the course are tangible and practical.
By Robin A L
•May 22, 2020
The instructor was very articulate, clear and all examples and scenarios were great!
The information provided was an eye opener and made since compared to what you hear on the news; however; the teaching was - - thumbs up for Great teaching and public speaking skills!!! EXCELLENT!
By Miguel A B
•Dec 1, 2020
As a public health professional who is not working directly with COVID-19 relief efforts, this course provided me with enough information to feel confident when colleagues ask questions I feel I should know. I definitely recommend this course to other Public Health professionals.
By Jessa M N
•Nov 1, 2020
This course is very informative. It tackles all the information about Covid-19, contact tracing and the computation for quarantine and isolation days of a case. This also helps in giving a proper rapport on handling covid cases and contacts to gain trust and informations quickly.
By Dawn A
•Oct 6, 2020
Very useful information. Easy to understand. I wish Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia would take it. And the Georgia Dept. of Corrections might have prevented 69 deaths and we don't know how many cases in our prisons. And the White House? Please tell them about contact tracing. ASAP
By Florence F
•Sep 30, 2020
This was a very informative course. I would recommend everyone to take it just to education themselves on how the disease is transmitted, where it started from and how to better protect themselves and others from coming in contact with this disease. Thank you for enlightening me.
By Paula H D
•Jul 28, 2020
I have a new respect for the Health Department and contact tracers. While I knew much of the material, there were several pieces I was not aware of. This course has also increased my level of respect for avoiding possible exposure by the information regarding reproductive number.
By Dr. S R
•Jul 25, 2020
I had a wonderful experience learning about contact tracing under Dr. Emily Gurley. The basics of Covid 19, identifying a case/contact, the way to handle complicated situations as a contact tracer, the way to communicate were simply phenomenal. Kudos to Dr. Emily Gurley and team.