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Learner Reviews & Feedback for COVID-19 Contact Tracing by Johns Hopkins University

95,131 ratings

About the Course

The COVID-19 crisis has created an unprecedented need for contact tracing across the country, requiring thousands of people to learn key skills quickly. The job qualifications for contact tracing positions differ throughout the country and the world, with some new positions open to individuals with a high school diploma or equivalent. In this introductory course, students will learn about the science of SARS-CoV-2 , including the infectious period, the clinical presentation of COVID-19, and the evidence for how SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted from person-to-person and why contact tracing can be such an effective public health intervention. Students will learn about how contact tracing is done, including how to build rapport with cases, identify their contacts, and support both cases and their contacts to stop transmission in their communities. The course will also cover several important ethical considerations around contact tracing, isolation, and quarantine. Finally, the course will identify some of the most common barriers to contact tracing efforts -- along with strategies to overcome them....

Top reviews


May 24, 2020

Very informative course on the etiology of the virus and also preventative methods and skills to combat this first in our lifetime pandemic. Very informative and easy tutorials to manage this course.


Nov 11, 2020

These Modules are very clear and easy to understand. I appreciate all the things I learned from these. Keep up the great work and let us work together to continue to fight against Covid-19. Thank you.

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2026 - 2050 of 10,000 Reviews for COVID-19 Contact Tracing

By Diane T B


May 18, 2020

Excellent course! During the quizzes though I did not get a perfect score but I knew which answers may have incorrect and why. This helped me to understand the processes and procedures to get complete and accurate information with compassion and direction! Thank you!

By Evelyn F


Oct 11, 2021

Excellent Course, in addition to teaching me about contact tracing (CT) in general, but thoroughly and accurately document covid compliance related information that may be collected through my efforts with the understanding that it may be needed by CT at some point

By Najae C


Sep 22, 2021

I think this course was very informative, and was able to communicate all the information in simple terms that everyone can understand. All the explanations were very clear. This course makes me feel so much more confident in my knowledge about Covid-19. Well done!!

By Annette C B


Jan 12, 2021

I found the course not only informative, but applicable in assisting my community with accurate information regarding Covid and about the importance of isolation and quarantining. As a retired nurse this course will assist me in my professional continuing education.

By Jeanne B


Dec 3, 2020

The information was relevant and easy to understand. The professor spoke very slowly, which for my learning style was difficult, so I was very happy that I could read the transcripts and click into the parts of the video that were valuable to the section. Thank you.

By Barbara C


Nov 2, 2020

This has been timely, useful information. Armed with such powerful knowledge , I am all ready to assist in keeping my community safe from this deadly intruder. It has also alleviated some of my own fears and helplessness during this health crisis period. Thanks.

By Lenwood H


Aug 10, 2020

Very informational, yet easy to follow. I am grateful I took the time to engage with this course as it has been really helpful in helping me to understand the virus, the disease, and how we can take relatively simple actions to quell the spread of the disease/virus.

By Helena B R


Jul 28, 2020

Só posso parabenizar toda a equipe que formulou o curso. Foi um aprendizado maravilhoso. Confesso que não tinha metade das informações explanadas e as que eu tinha, não saberia empregá-las corretamente.

Obrigada pela clareza com que as informações foram transmitidas.

By Taylor A


Jul 23, 2020

Excellent balance between covering the hard and soft skills of contact tracing. Explained the virus and contact tracing process in layman's terms without oversimplifying. Appropriate amount of detail and left me feeling prepared to conduct contact tracing if needed.

By Crystal B


Jul 9, 2020

It was a great experience overall I learned the importance of Contact tracing to the benefit of our communities, and why stopping transmission is so important. Professor Emily Gurley did an outstanding job reviewing topics, and her tone of voice commanded attention.

By Edward P


Jul 6, 2020

Provided detailed background information while also guiding me through the more effective skills and strategies to successfully complete the coursework. I feel prepared and ready to support the general public as we continue to help one another through this pandemic.

By David L


Jun 21, 2020

The course was very well designed and presented. The information was easy to follow, understand and apply when taking the quizzes and final assessment. I very much appreciate being offered this important training and hope to be able to put it to use in my community.

By Niko P D


Jun 2, 2020

This course was very informative and helpful to understand general facts about COVID-19 and the best practices for contract tracing. I feel confident in the current information about the virus and how best to support the health of the public with this information..

By Patricia B


May 30, 2020

The course was very comprehensive and well written. The material was paced very well. The quizzes were a good check of understanding of the various modules. The call examples were a good visual prompt and provided good examples of the right and wrong way to proceed.

By Deleted A


May 23, 2020

The Contact Tracing course is well thought out, in logical progression of the contract tracer's need to know and be aware, as well as how to build rapport and react for the best possible outcomes. Including the complexities and coaching training is also invaluable.

By mary k


Apr 8, 2022

The course was comprehensive and easy to follow. I am just wondering why you are still suggesting and offering a quiz question that is perpetuating misinformation. The origin of this virus is the wuhan lab gain of function testing, not a bat bite from a wet market.

By John R F F


Jun 9, 2021

Very informative and helpful course for us frontliners. I was educated how to deal with the case and contacts and what I must do as contract tracer. It is not just for our job but it could greatly help us to handle within our family or community. Thank you so much.

By Francini R


Nov 7, 2020

Coursera is a great Online training class, it enable me to understand the severity of this pandemic and how this knowledge can help me serve my community while providing services, it also provided me with the tools needed to search for new avenues in the workforce.

By Charmaine B


Oct 24, 2020

This was a very important course in understanding COVID-19, it's impact on public health and how each of us can play a part in eradicating this deadly virus. Since there are a shortage of contact tracers, I would like to volunteer and assist in whatever way I can.

By Cheryl S


Sep 15, 2020

I have been trying to keep up with information related to COVID-19 since it became known this spring. As a health care professional it has been both scary yet enlightening as we learn about this novel virus. This course really covered it all. I loved it. Thank you

By Karin A


Aug 14, 2020

This was a great course that provided me with important relevant information about Covid-19 and contact tracing. If you need to increases your knowledge base in this area, please take this course. It’s invaluable to all in the healthcare or community health fields.

By Anna M D J


Aug 7, 2020

The course was very educational and helpful. While it was long, I was able to complete it over two days (lots of breaks). In each module, it did a good job connecting what we learned from previous modules. The mini quizzes also helped to keep the information fresh.

By Ze S


Jun 22, 2020

This is an excellent course that provided important information about contact tracing, which is the one of the most important public health tools to limit the spreading of COVID-19 and ending this pandemic. This course is clear, well organized and easy to follow.

By Mary R


Jun 21, 2020

Excellent training guide! The material was presented in a very easy format. You can work at your own pace. And you can go back and review information too. I learned a lot about the the Coronavirus and what it takes to be a a competent contact tracer. Thank you!



Jun 17, 2020

It was an amazing experience. This course is extremely valuable for researching techniques. Comprehensive course that leads you to develop the core and integral basics of Contact tracing. Absolutely recommending these courses at every stage of learning & grasping.