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Learner Reviews & Feedback for COVID-19 Training for Healthcare Workers by Stanford University

6,367 ratings

About the Course

COVID-19 is rapidly spreading across the globe and all providers must be prepared to recognize, stabilize and treat patients with novel coronavirus infection. Following completion of this short course physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals will have a unified, evidenced-based approach to saving the lives of patients with COVID-19, including those who are critically ill. Learning modules are broken into short videos presented in a richly illustrated and compelling manner. The course is self paced and providers can schedule their learning to fit with their schedules. Topics include symptoms and signs in patients with COVID-19, early stabilization of patients, preventing the need for intubation, and ventilator management. The best evidence and guidelines are summarized while accompanying handouts provide written learning points and links to online resources. Simple infographics are available for providers to utilize within their care facilities to educate and promote optimal care across their entire institution. To learn more about our other programs and find additional resources, please visit Stanford Emergency Medicine International (, The Stanford Center for Health Education (, and our Digital Medic Initiative ( Accreditation The Stanford University School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Credit Designation The Stanford University School of Medicine designates this enduring material for a maximum of 5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. If you would like to earn CME credit from Stanford University School of Medicine for participating in this course, please review the information here prior to beginning the activity....

Top reviews


Jun 1, 2021

Wonderful thank you. Full of great tips, well illustrated and explained systematic approach to patients with varying degrees of illness. This has increased my confidence to handle COVID-19 patients.


Jan 26, 2021

I love this course because it helped me a lot in understanding Covid-19 and what are the different managements that can be applied on a daily basis at work. Thank you so much for this wonderful CE!

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51 - 75 of 1,225 Reviews for COVID-19 Training for Healthcare Workers

By Saaniya M (

Nov 2, 2021

I enjoyed going through the modules of this course. The information was broken up in an effective manner, so as to introduce someone with little, or maybe even no healthcare related experience to this topic. As the course progressed I realized that my own internal confidence regarding my patient management skills, diagnostic abilities, and procedural thinking was improving, backed by a thorough understanding of the basics of COVID-19 Training. With the information that I have received from this course, I will now be able to assist the healthcare system in future pandemic situations. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Jan 28, 2021

This is an excellent course for everyone, not only for healthcare workers but for family members as well. Gaining an understanding of the procedures and process of handling covid19 patients will help everyone to appreciate the tasks of both doctors and frontline workers. Highly recommended for all frontline healthcare workers handling covid19 all over the world. Highly recommended for politicians and policy makers so that they know how to allocate resources in their policy making. Very well written and layout. High credits goes to the doctors and course writers and presenters for this course.

By Rafaela N d S

Feb 8, 2021

Wonderful and enriching content.

Thank you for sharing your time to teach us so much, these are matters for all professionals in the health field, I am a Physiotherapist here in Brazil and with certainty I will take all this knowledge forward.

Smart one day to realize the dream in life of studying in this incredible university. thank you so much, thank you to every professional who takes the time to record this compilation of videos, realizing our dream of being able to have the pleasure of a certificate with such a strong name, thank you Coursera.

By Мамлеева Л А

Feb 10, 2021

Мне очень понравился курс, несмотря на то, что близко не мед. работник. Курс помог мне подготовиться к неизбежному периоду ухаживания за ковид-больным, дал понимание что происходит, что делать и прочее. Такие знания уменьшают страх, действуешь не вслепую, а максимально чётко, осознанно. Обратилась к этому курсу, когда запуталась в информации в интернете и от знакомых. Сложновато проходить тесты, когда дело касается специальных знаний, но освоить реально. Надо приложить усилия. Благодарю за этот курс и что он бесплатный. Вы очень помогаете людям!

By Hema V

May 10, 2021

Content audio video was very good. The practice questions and multiple attempts to improve the score was good. I had asked all my nursing students to complete this course. On completion of the course the students expressed that the course was very useful and provided with knowledge to care for COVID 19 patients . As the second wave is hitting India additional manpower is required to take care of patients .

This online course will bridge the gap theory practice among the nursing students. Thankyou. Looking forward for future courses

By Jose L S P

Apr 5, 2021

Excelente curso de mucha calidad, que en lo personal, me ha ayudado a entender mejor la difícil situación por la que estamos pasando, en verdad gracias por la oportunidad de dejármelo tomar completamente gratis, ojala mas gente se siga preparando para ayudar a lidiar con la pandemia que estamos viviendo. Este curso es para todas las edades, debemos estar preparados, porque creo en lo personal, que apenas estamos a la mitad del daño que realmente va a causar.

By Tamara G B

Mar 10, 2021

Very useful information on covid 19. Contains some basics and more advanced topics that were very interesting and helped me learn more.

I think this course is very helpful for anyone in healthcare during the current situation, and specially useful for staff that has been re deployed to support on covid wards and may usually work on different specialties and have limited contact with respiratory patients and/or acute areas.

By Hamzah I

Oct 8, 2020

It's really fun learning in this course, all the material presented is very easy to understand, my problem is because I can't really understand English, but the important points about corona are conveyed well especially with the help of videos, I am very unfamiliar with Corona and don't really understand corona now i understand more about this corona virus. must take part in courses that do not understand about corona.

By R H

Apr 22, 2021

Awesome course that helped me to be more detailed in the carrying out of my duties as an health worker, the professors were in depth and gave very useful information based on there own studies and observation I encourage all health workers and even persons who would just like to have hands on knowledge about the coving 19 virus to take this course as these information will and may come in very handy.

By Habiba H

Oct 22, 2020

I have really enjoyed my learning in very simple concise yet detailed manner ,After completing this course I feel much in command of the situation at hand I feel confident that I can handle my patients in better and more effective manner,,Really felt honoured to have this course and came to know such a super team of Doctors who have beautifully made and conducted this course

By Pedro M d A R A

Dec 5, 2020

The course provides basic and practical knowledge in several medical issues related to dealing with patient with COVID19. It works as a good primer for the subject. As for me, as a primary care physician who recently started working with COVID19 patient, it really helped me in getting a bigger picture of hospital care with which I wasn't familiar.

By Stephania M

May 16, 2021

Excelente curso, abarca desde los aspectos más básicos de bioseguridad, hasta el manejo del paciente crítico, todo explicado de una manera muy amena y divertida mediante animaciones y videos, ejemplificando con pacientes reales. Muy recomendable para cualquier médico que quiera conocer el manejo estándar del paciente con COVID-19.

By Kareena S

Sep 1, 2021

A wonderful course. The course was extremely helpful and I would surely recommend the same to my colleagues. It covered therapeutic, pharmacological and non-pharmacological aspects related to COVID-19. It was all over an interesting course. Thank you Stanford University and Coursera for providing us with such an amazing course.

By Danny A M M

Aug 22, 2020

This is the best course about COVID-19 I have seen so far. It is simple enough but shows you step by step how to approach and manage a wide variety of patients. The videos were obviously scripted and the animations and slides used in the videos were very stylish, so I think the course had a very professional look.

By Radhika P

Aug 19, 2020

As a healthcare professional, this course is very helpful and relevant. Most importantly, it is updated with the most recent and evidence-based updates and information about the COVID-19, not just in the United States, but also globally. Straightforward, with competitive quizzes, and actionable resources.

By Andre N

Dec 10, 2021

I successfully completed the course. The course is clearly structured, it is easy to follow. Handouts are provided for further studying. It is good to have a comprehensive course like this in times like ours, as it educates and eliminates the misconcetpions about covid. Thank you Stanford University!

By Halimah b K

Jun 6, 2021

An excellent overview on Covid 19 infection and its severity/ identify and manage mild to severe covid cases/ airway management and ventilation. Also emphasize of PPE level in each scenarios. Critical thinking, decision making and of course background knowledge on airway assessment and management.

By Shalini H K

Apr 25, 2021

It was a great experience learning about covid 19. Thanks to the lecturers for sharing their knowledge with us. Biggest thanks to Stanford University for providing this course for free with a recognizable certificate. I would like to take up more courses from Standford University in the future.

By Amanuel T

Jan 8, 2021

The course highlighted key points about COVID-19 as relates to its clinical features, mode of transmission, endotreacheal intubation as well as pharmacolofic and nonpharmacologic management of hypoxia. I highly recommend all healthcare providers take the course and gain their clinical skills.

By Sandhya C

Aug 11, 2020

awesome content on ventilator management of covid patients. This course helped me how to identify the patients with severe dyspnea and the immediate management strategies for the same., than you Stanford university for upgrading many health care workers skills through this online courses.

By Helly G

Apr 11, 2021

A very good overview of the management of COVID-19 patients for healthcare workers, regardless of experience and level of specialization. You may find yourself out of your depth in some subjects, but you will surely find very valuable information that will improve your clinical practice.

By Yoseph I

Sep 17, 2020

It improves nursing knowledge, skills, or judgment challenging and fulfilling course by promoting a safe health care system to protect the public --make quick decisions under circumstances--COVID--19--and we really need to take it seriously--this is the most dangerous epidemic situation

By Jennifer T

Oct 15, 2020

This training gives me the courage to learn more and how we address Covid-19 patients with efficiency. I cried that I could answer the questions we're in I'm not in the health practice. I'm so grateful for the privilege of having free training. I'm so blessed! Thank you so much!

By Louise C

Feb 11, 2021

Esse curso foi extremamente esclarecedor. Eu amei a forma com que os profissionais ministraram as aulas e o material. O curso " COVID-19 Training for Healthcare Workers " é muito completo e objetivo. Estou muito contente e satisfeita por ter participado!

Muito obrigada!

By Aniqa A R

Dec 5, 2020

One the most amazing courses I have come across. Thank You Stanford and the faculty who worked to put together this wonderful course. It has made me confidant as a physician and helped me gain new knowledge and skill in management of covid-19 patients. Thanks once again.