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Learner Reviews & Feedback for What Does IT Sales Entail? by Dell

12 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to the Dell Technologies “What Does IT Sales Entail?” course. This is the first course in a series of courses designed to prepare you
for a career in Sales. This course provides an overview of sales careers and how to prepare for those careers, while providing foundational
professional skills and the basics of an IT sales campaign. By the end of this course, you will be able to: -Describe the sequence and
significance of each stage of the sales process -Identify and apply principles of professional communication -Communicate relevant information
about their background, education, skills and experience in a concise format -Identify and demonstrate effective strategies f...

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1 - 3 of 3 Reviews for What Does IT Sales Entail?


Mar 5, 2025

ES un curso que me esta dado bases solidas para convertirme en un experto consultor de TI. Aqui aprendi los fundamentos de un vendedor de tecnología de Información y todo el proceso de ventas ,otro aspecto valioso fue la empatía con el cliente , es importante porque al colocarte en tus zapatos pueden entender lo que necesita y como puedes ayudarle a tomar su decisión. La escucha activa es algo fundamental para detectar sus preocupaciones o los problema que quiere resolver. VPO

By Karim A

Nov 16, 2024

on e of the most detailed and beginner friendly courses I have seen for IT sales in a long time

By Amy H

Feb 5, 2024

Very Dell specific and training videos are tough to stay engaged.