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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Finding Purpose and Meaning In Life: Living for What Matters Most by University of Michigan

2,642 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to Finding Purpose and Meaning in Life: Living for What Matters Most! In this course, you’ll learn how science, philosophy and practice all play a role in both finding your purpose and living a purposeful life. You will hear from historical figures and individuals about their journeys to finding and living a purposeful life, and will walk through different exercises to help you find out what matters most to you so you can live a purposeful life. As an added benefit, you will also have complimentary access, for a period of time, to the Purposeful App. This groundbreaking mobile and desktop app is designed to help you build a purposeful rhythm into each day, so you can bring your best self to what matters most. Look for more information in Week 1 of the course! By the end of this course, you will: 1. Understand that having a strong purpose in life is an essential element of human well-being. 2. Know how self-transcending purpose positively affects well-being. 3. Be able to create a purpose for your life (don't be intimidated, this is different from creating "the purpose" for your life). 4. Apply personal approaches and skills to self-change and become and stay connected to your purpose every day. We are thrilled that you are here! We look forward to hearing and learning from you throughout this course!...

Top reviews


Jun 24, 2021

I abolutely loved this. It has helped me tremendously in my understanding of self and setting a personal transcending purpose. And Vic, thank you for sharing your story. It made me tear up at the end.


May 19, 2020

I found this course beneficial in focusing my thinking about what is and should be important to me in life. Taking a self-critical approach to this issue has been difficult but revealing and freeing

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26 - 50 of 768 Reviews for Finding Purpose and Meaning In Life: Living for What Matters Most

By Deon N


May 2, 2020

Well presented and thought provoking. Good examples to illustrate the various concepts. Research findings were also helpful to solidify the concepts. Well done.

By Joanie


May 7, 2021

The content of the class is somewhat interesting but I feel the motivation behind this class isn't transparent. 1- This class is most likely to attract vulnerable people going through a rough path. I feel this class is mostly marketing for vulnerable people to purchase the App created by the lecturer. 2- Before the class you fill a survey about your intention of finishing the class and your commitment in finishing the class. Therefore, once you get to the first assignment, you can't submit it unless you pay money. This said, it is impossible for you to "finish the class" without spending money. So this class is really just about getting vulnerable people into spending money.

By Paul K


May 1, 2020

This is, already, really prozaic. Really not what I had hoped for!!!

By Teri D


Nov 10, 2020

Thank you, Dr. Strecher, for teaching a course that is so pertinent to our lives right now. I had so many moments where I could not believe how important the information was to my own life. You reminded us how important it is to have a valuable purpose and to not lose sight of the difference that can make in how we live our lives. I wanted to tell everyone I know to stop and think about their purpose in life and how to live by that purpose. Excellent information, pertinent studies that were so understandable, videos that were easy to listen to, as well as important advice on how purpose affects us as we age. Thank you for sharing your own personal story about Julia. I had tears in my eyes listening to you speak about your daughter wanting you to live your life. Very moving and important for us to hear.

By Ajaya G


May 20, 2020

I learned a lot from the course. I was not allowed to submit the assignments because I was just auditing. The videos were excellent and Prof. Strecher explained the ideas and concepts very well. I hope I can embody the ideas from this course in my thoughts and actions and start living a purposeful life.

Two suggestions: 1) Assignments may have to be made a little more challenging, and 2) You may want to explore the possibility of supplementing online course completion with the opportunity to the participants to attend a short residential in-person session led by Prof. Strecher.

By Jill W M


Jun 2, 2020

Thank you for an approachable, organized, and thoughtful survey on this topic. I was engaged during the sessions and thinking about the material offline. I hope to explore more of the reading following the course and give some personal reflection time to a deeper dive on the topic. I hope to use it personally and professionally in the months and years ahead. If you ever offer a sequel on the topic going deeper into the science, philosophy and application, I would be interested to sign up. Well done, I am truly grateful, thank you.

By Jacqueline 4


Mar 1, 2023

Interesting takes, definitely went into it ready to learn, & it opened my mind ~is learning your purpose too? Find out more about how to identify what matters most, yourself. If your into philosophy, statistics, & need examples to decipher the messages- this is Very thought provoking indeed, this can also help us identify what our DO vs BE goals can/should be... My favorite is the last chapter personally, I highly recommend if you're interested+ want to know more, the tests are always optional !

By Jiapeng W


May 3, 2020

This course is great. In the first two weeks I was forced to think deeply about my own value and purpose. Then I realized the importance of purpose and how having these purpose can change one's life through scientific research. He also taught some practical methods for specifying "be" goals, "do" goals and "action goals", and how they work together. It brought me deep confusion about myself at first but made a wiser person.

By Olena D


May 11, 2020

Thank you so much for the opportunity to take this course! This is a core knowledge that needs to be thought in high school! I really appreciate the dedication of the professor! Great Job and Great Purpose!

By Beverly F


Dec 14, 2020

The course was easy to understand and there are helpful actionable items. However, this course really made me think of how I am walking purposeless. And having a purpose needs to be purposeful.

By Kim S J


Apr 25, 2020

Excellent course. It certainly have guided me to find my own purpose and meaning in life. Dr Strecher is a great teacher.

By Basset B


May 3, 2020

a very emotional cours

i like it so mush .thank you docteur

By Diana S


Apr 25, 2020

Excellent course!

By Carolyn F


Jun 24, 2020

Focus on the Importance of Purpose, not How to Find Yours

Great visuals, great videos. All in all worth $49 and be aware: 1) this is the Cliffs Notes version of the search for purpose: you get the Nietzsche quotes but you don't study the texts; 2) the class focuses on the importance of purpose. But finding one's purpose isn't so straightforward. There wasn't enough time on that. I enjoyed the class.

By Yael S


Jul 1, 2020

I believe this was a very meaningful course. I liked how there were many anecdotes and stories. I would have liked if it had more hands-on or more engaging activities, but overall I did enjoy it.

By Md S H


Jun 5, 2020

Great but have some limitations.

By Allison W


Dec 17, 2020

This course has helped me find a structure towards self-improvement as opposed to stating how I simply wish to direct my life. It really gets at the why.

I really enjoyed learning about how philosophy, psychology, brain function are all connected. And it was helpful to create a structured path towards finding a purpose, which can be replicated for different life contexts, as opposed to just dictating an approach.

Of course you actually need to do the exercises and not just watch the videos. I used a graphic design program and paper; you do not need to use the app, if you prefer not to.

I also agree with other reviews that the instructor is able to connect with students, despite the digital classroom approach. Definitely recommend this class for people of all ages.

By Aedrian A


Jan 21, 2021

This is such a heartfelt course that draws from Dr. Strecher's experiences, expertise and personal learning & soul-searching. This is not your generic self-help course. The research examples are also insightful and show that we are only beginning to understand certain age-old practices and their true benefits to both the quality and length of our lives. This is highly recommended for everyone regardless of the stage or status in life. Those who consider themselves to have purposeful lives can find reinforcement here, while those who feel "lost" may find some sort of an existential guide in the material.

By J H B v d M


Dec 17, 2020

I am retired and 78 years old. From the moment I was retired at age of 70, I obtained to change my purpose and choose to have a new purpose I am living for. That's important for me, it gives structure. That is the reason why I follow different study subjects, mostly philosophy. This course opens a new perspective to me, given by Vic Strecher. It was a pleasure to follow this and his course. I will thank him for the excellent way he made clear that a purpose in live is important to prevent a retired person getting Alzheimer disease. I can confirm his thesis.

By Betsy P


Mar 26, 2021

Very inspirational. Effective mix of solid science (hard and social sciences) and philosophical perspectives. Will definitely be making changes in my life's purpose, and recommending this class!

By Shirley D


Feb 25, 2021

Could not get grade on Quizes without paying. Thought this was a free class. Thoroughly enjoyed and benefitted from but could not afford. I don't usually do well on tests anyways.

By Daniel C


Oct 16, 2020

Had a lot of what I wanted to know on the topic, and also some unexpected and intriguing information (the neuroscience findings, for instance). I think Noetic Science is a field of immense potential and power, and I hope your course can be included in this discipline as well. What was missing a bit for me was more information and help uncovering or detailing one's personal purpose and life meaning. I do think that most people enrolling in the course do so because that is their primary interest. I am an Occupational Therapist, and a core philosophy of our service model is providing interventions that support the client's own purpose and life meaning. So, I am not a stranger (nor an expert, by any means), to this topic. But, I've often wondered how I could makes assessing this (for my clients, but also for myself) clearer. A few ideas that just came to mind might be using standardized (or not standardized) personal values assessments, personality assessments, self reflection and mindfulness activities, and include some assistance in interpreting these in terms of life value and meaning. Another method might be to look at what stimulates the VMPFC, or other activities that are highly correlated with VMPFC activation. Examining one's purpose and life meaning while ensuring the VMPFC is activated might generate more authentic findings. I hope this helps, and thank you for the innovation and creativity it took to bring this course to fruition. I can only imagine the change we would see in our communities, our cities, even our country, if your message could reach more people. It's been a pleasure.

By Piyangoon L


Feb 27, 2021

Just like quick reading a tiny must-read book. Easy, light yet essential. Bring up really good questions but might not lead to get you the answers right away after course.

The content is good for people who hasn’t been studied on this area before but very very light for sophisticated readers. Still I find this helpful in the exercises that help promote recapitulation and review of your previous/in progress purposes in life (though I’m still not get a clear answer for myself). The instructor is great. Pretty sure he has been experiencing ups and downs of life and he really knows what purposes are to life. I believe he is very insightful but the presentation comes out just only on the surface or only the light stuffs.

By Jerry K


Jul 6, 2020

Great course. I just wish the course covered more topics on how to find your purpose in the career/work domain. Many people are struggling to find meaningful careers in their lives.

By Kathleen B


Aug 16, 2020

Good overall. There is a lot of fatphobia and misinformation about diets and dieting in it though.