Aug 3, 2022
I really enjoyed the online course. Easy for me to follow. The work load was just enough, so i could finish everything with enough time, learn about the topics and not feel over loaded and rushed.
May 31, 2020
It is great course to learn more about the google cloud platform.this course clear my basic understanding about how google cloud work and how to create and manage container in kubernetes cluster.
By Ravi P
•Jun 19, 2020
Very well designed course for someone who already knows AWS and c an relate to the services provided therein. Would have been better if a small lab for Machine Learning was put in .
By Shamim A
•May 12, 2020
I have great learning experience with Coursera
very details and very easily understandable.
Thank you for give the opportunity during the lock-down to increasing my knowledge.
By Shahzad C M
•Apr 12, 2018
Recommend this to anyone who wants to figure out what is the AWS counterpart in GCP. Well don't expect the Quizzes to really test you and also don't be fooled with the grades as anybody with an AWS CSA can get through it easy enough.But i can't complain as this course does exactly what it claims-introduce you super real quick into GCP. Am all eyes & ears for the detailed ones.Cheers !
By JayaLakshmi T K
•Aug 28, 2020
I learnt over all part of fundamental GCP and AWS to GCP migrations and exactly points of working in 2 platforms(AWS & GCP) line to line clearly stated and explained clearly.
By Nuno A V
•Oct 27, 2017
Very good advanced level introduction into GCP infrastructure, services and components, specially for people with advanced AWS knowledge.
Thank you!
•Jan 26, 2018
Very easy and intuitive to learn GCP leveraging existing AWS knowledge. Especially like using the side by side table like comparison in the video.
By Pratap C
•Mar 1, 2019
Very good review of GCP services compared to AWS. If you already have AWS knowledge this would give a quick lay of the land in GCP.
By teja s
•Aug 18, 2020
I learnt a lot of topics in this course and for the beginner level it helps you a lot
By Janzen A
•Jul 14, 2020
I enjoyed the course. Very informative, and is not only applicable to AWS Professionals, but also a good starting environment to those being introduced to cloud platform itself. I am glad to know as well that GCP offers are mostly better than AWS, and expenses are more controlled, as the basic point ingrained in my brain after the course was "you only pay for what you use". The laboratory sessions are pretty straightforward, and the video materials are very informative and nicely subtitled.
By Vivek C
•May 16, 2020
Google Cloud offers four main kinds of services: Compute, Storage, Big Data, and Machine Learning. This course focuses mostly on the first two, together with Google Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networking. This module orients learners to the basics of Google Cloud. It traces the evolution of cloud computing and explains what is unique about Google's approach to it. The module introduces the key structural concepts of regions and zones.
By Varun N M
•May 29, 2020
This is very crisp and concise delivery of the GCP, for AWS professionals. It helps to quickly ramp up their understanding on GCP and have a fair knowledge to take decisions while architecting applications. Thanks to Coursera for creating this course which has aspects of videos, combined with hands-on lab works; which gives a level of confidence to the learner. Thanks!
•Jul 14, 2020
The course and practicle labs included show you how GCP can help in your Information System digital transformation.
Google is a real major provider of such technology allowing you to decide if you want to be in public cloud or in hybrid mode (i.e. public cloud + on premise internal cloud) and this all over the world!
By Rathod J
•Jun 30, 2020
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is an excellent Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solution that integrates with various Linux distros as well as with Linux Server. Network setup is well-designed, easy to use, and provides a wide selection of assets including network infrastructure and virtual networking
By Jittrinn R
•Mar 13, 2018
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals for AWS Professionals
It's the very better than better for the course of cloud platform
who wanna find the starter cloud platform info or beginner to the pro
By Izmilia P
•May 13, 2020
Quite rigorous, but the interactive lesson help me going through these long course. I hope in further I could get free Google Cloud training like this. Because this free course help me understand very basic cloud application like GCP. Thank you Coursera and Google Cloud!
By Mohamed A
•Jun 25, 2021
Its really a great expereince for me to learn about GCP fundamentals. The way the course has been desinged is awesome, it enables us to get a clear view of how the GoogleCloud Platform environment works and explains clearly each and every aspect of the GCP fundamentals.
By devanshkanda
•Jun 30, 2022
Really a wonderfull and Concise course , with well defined structure of cloud world and topics related to it so that a intermidiate or a beginner can easily understand the architecture of cloud with hands on practical demonstration.
highly recommended for beginners
•Jan 29, 2022
Respected Sir/Madam I am Aachal Chede. and I have completed a corsera goggle cloud fundamental AWS professional course.But i didnot resive a certificate. I request you to please issue me the completion certificate. Thanks for your anticipation .Yours faithfully,
By Stuart L
•Oct 8, 2021
This course was a great introduction to Google Cloud Platform for someone with AWS knowledge. The labs were quite helpful but I think this course is only really a "taste test" and a lot more study is ahead of me if I want to get certified in GCP.
By Bhavin P
•Jun 2, 2017
From AWS to GCP is technically simplified course to easily ramp up on another public cloud. It leverages existing knowledge about AWS to clearly understand by showing similarities and differences in various technical terms and cloud services.
By Caesar O K
•May 8, 2020
It was very educative, informative and dynamic. As an Oracle professional, this opened my eyes to some Google Cloud Platform and AWS Infrastructure/services and it was straight forward. Thanks to Coursera, AWS and Google.
By Solapur R
•Jan 28, 2022
Wonderful course, really impressed of their teaching, I have gained lot of skills and got to know about cloud fundamentals. I suggest everyone to join the course and gain the knowledge about cloud computing.
By Bobby C
•Jul 7, 2018
Great course. Not only does it serve as an Introduction to GCP capabilities, it was also a great refresher on AWSThe Labs were very well presented and really helped consolidate the learning from the modules
By Muhammed Y
•May 28, 2020
Very helpful course to understand the GCP's various offerings & Products. I enjoyed learning this course and quick labs were very helpful to have hands-on experience. Thanks for the course Coursera.
By Aayush S
•Aug 3, 2022
I really enjoyed the online course. Easy for me to follow. The work load was just enough, so i could finish everything with enough time, learn about the topics and not feel over loaded and rushed.