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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Implant Dentistry by The University of Hong Kong

1,578 ratings

About the Course

Implant Dentistry is one of the most dynamic and rapidly developing areas within oral health care. In spite of increasing popularity of implantology, it is a relatively new discipline within dental education and remains limited to post-graduate courses offered by dental schools in many parts of the world today. With the vision to help dental practitioners gain clinical understanding of implantology and an opportunity to provide implant treatments to their patients, the Faculty of Dentistry of HKU (ranked No. 1 dental school in the World in 2016) developed this MOOC to provide a world-class quality, unbiased, evidence-based and clinically-oriented course in this discipline. Watch course trailer: Who are the faculties? The course teachers include more than 20 implant experts from 10 countries. Among others, you will learn from Professor NP Lang (Switzerland / Hong Kong), Professor Christoph Hämmerle (Switzerland), Professor Rino Burkhardt (Switzerland), Professor Paul Weigl (Germany), Professor Saso Ivanovski (Australia), Professor Man Yi (China), Professor Vasilios Chronopoulos (USA/ Greece), Dr Richard Chan (Australia), Dr Martin Janda (Sweden), Dr Chatchai Kunavisarut (Thailand), Dr Ian HS Yip (Hong Kong) , Dr Michael Ho (Hong Kong), Dr Irina-Florentina Dragan (USA), Dr Adam Siu (Hong Kong), Dr James Chow (Hong Kong), Dr Alfred Lau (Hong Kong), Dr Coral Yao (China), Dr Nikos Mattheos (Hong Kong) and more. What are the contents covered in the course? The MOOC includes 5 modules and runs over a period of 5 weeks. We will begin the journey of Implant Dentistry by exploring how discoveries in biology and technological developments lead to the current practice of dental implants. Then, we will examine clinical cases, diagnose our patients’ needs and expectations and learn the principles of treatment planning. We will learn step-by-step surgical procedures for placing implants and various restorative techniques, directed by current evidence and best practices. Finally, we will investigate major threats and complications of implant procedures and ways to ensure successful treatments and long serving implants. What is the aim of the course? This MOOC has a strong clinical focus and is especially designed to enhance professional learning among dental practitioners and dental students. The course aims to help the students LEARN the fundamentals of implant dentistry, UNDERSTAND the treatment procedures and protocols, and APPLY the competences gained through interactive peer and case based learning. Who is the course for? The course is specially designed to serve multiple groups of learners: From intermediate and experienced general dental practitioners who want to establish and deepen their knowledge in implant dentistry and advance towards implementing implant treatment and restorative procedures, to dental students and recent graduates who wish to gain understanding of implant dentistry and increase their competence in related practice. The course makes good use of evidenced-based education, sound eLearning pedagogies and 21st century “live” resources to engage and create the best learning experience for our students....

Top reviews


Nov 18, 2023

It is a great and helpful course .The course has a lot of information about implant and also with a lot of videos , which was very interesting to me. Thank to all professors I met during this course .


Dec 29, 2023

Very helpful,as it provides knowledge about all the aspects of implantology right from placement to impression taking and tips for maintenance and what to look for ongoing care and good maintenance

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1 - 25 of 373 Reviews for Implant Dentistry


Nov 27, 2016

This course is must for every practiotioner practising implant dentistry.

It helps the clinician explore implant dentistry right from treatment planning to the perfect execution of the case.

By Amna A

Dec 21, 2018

A very comprehensive and up to date course!

Highly recommended for even specialists as a continued professional education course.

Helps review all the essentials of implant dentistry!

By Predrag Š

Apr 1, 2017

Although I have got over ten years of practical experience in both placing implants and restoring teeth on implants, I was very pleasantly surprised by the multitude and quality of new knowledge and practical tips I have received from this course. I would like to thank professor Matteos and the team for making possible this superb and brilliant course, which will remain a cornerstone implantology reference for me in the years to come. With best wishes and deepest respect, Predrag Škrinjar, (Ljubljana, Slovenia), MSc AGDP (Birminham, UK)

By Richard P C

Jun 3, 2020

Initially a little confused with the learning pathway, eg the real patient and how they relate to the quiz but later I became more familiar with the pathway and the experience was more rewarding.

By Takkay C

Mar 27, 2017

this is a fantastic course!! There are not so many online dental implant courses. This offering from the University of Hong Kong is essential for everyone who is interested in implant dentistry!!

By Hans h b k

Nov 27, 2016

Everything is clear, to know and learn everything to start implantology, the course is too a guide to explore more about implantology with a guidelines of research. Because in this surgical discipline, we have never finish to learn, In Dentistry everything go fast and we must stay connected, what's news ? what's protocol is better ? and what we must to do or stop actually with the data acquired from science. In Fact this course it's an amazing guidelines, but we don't never stop to learn more about all of subject in implantology. Thank you to all great and amazing speakers who have try to give us the best information that we need to start implantology or to confirm what we now, it seems to be difficult to resume all keys factors of each course in one video. Thank you all, i'll stay connected now with university of Honk-Kong. Dr Hans Helder Boussamba K. GABON - Central Africa.

By Simran K

Nov 26, 2016

My very first experience with an online dentistry course. Implant dentistry explained well from basics to the advances step by step each week along with some interesting cases. Great experience learning from the experts from this field and well known clinicians sharing their experiences. Also got a chance to interact with the best people from all over the world. This course was organized very well and giving sufficient time to read, watch and learn all the lessons, solving my first implant cases along with quiz at the end of lessons ! Looking forward for more such courses in Dentistry from Coursera.

By Mitrasen M

Sep 18, 2019

This is a wonderful course,I have attended many courses conducted by many reputed doctor over the past year. All of them are more or less good but they did cost me serious money. This online course comes for free and covers almost everything that I have learnt from paid courses. This is concise, effective and practical simultaneously. Thanks to all those who have organized this one. My sincere request is to arrange another one with emphasis on full mouth implant and prosthetic planning.

By dr b p

Feb 7, 2017

It's simply amazing.People spend a lot of money to learn about implants here and there.But,it was unbelievable for me to have such wonderful n extensive lectures from the speakers around the world on every clinical aspect of implant dentistry.The best part was i can learn wherever and whenever i get time.a big thanx to all the mentors and coursera.Love from Dr Bhavin Prajapati,Ahmedabad,India

By Fariha I

Aug 26, 2020

This course is easy to understand and very very informative. The facilitators have done very well and remarkable efforts . I really want to thank all of the instructors for letting us know key concepts and critical things for a successful implant provision.. Many many thanks

By taskin n

Jun 26, 2018

This course is so much explanatory and well detailed that I learned a lot from it. Now I can say ,I know Implant dentistry and it's application to patients in my dental OT.Many many thanks to Faculty of Implant dentistry , HKU .

By Mohamad A A

Jun 20, 2018

outstanding dental implant course!! highly has a comprehensive educational materials in addition to learning the basic clinical skills and up-to-date techniques.

By Amrita P

Jul 4, 2023


By Gabriela N O

Apr 1, 2021

Buenas tardes. Estoy muy complacida con este curso. Como principiante en el mundo de la implantologia ha sido de mucho provecho. es un curso muy completo, con un alto grado de profundidad en los temas, muy motivante y actualizado con las ultimas tecnologias aplicadas a este campo. Muy buena instruccion por parte de los profesores en sus actividades. y muyilustrado con los casos clinicos y videos. Muchas gracias a todo el claustro de profesores y en espera de realizar algun dia un entrenamiento con ustedes en el futuro. Gracias

By Alejandro V R

Oct 20, 2017

With this course one get a clear picture of the implant dentistry, a good entry level. Accomplishes to involve you in the process of diagnose, plan and treat a "virtual implant patient", you learn as you contrast your opinions against a vast international community of peers, you get the lectures from historic clinicians of the field of implant dentistry and other clincians and researchers from around the globe.

It is a great way to start or to refresh your knowledge in the field of implant dentistry

By Omer H A I

Nov 26, 2016

Thank you all for this great job i really appreciated. I learned a lot during this course and i am looking forward to attend your future courses. Iam so happy that i finished all the steps in this course because of my strong potential to end all the course material. The way that you presented the materials it was really very interesting and thanks for technolgy that used during this course.

I wish you all the best

thank you a lot again

By Bernadette A S

Sep 25, 2022

This implant dentistry course is very insightful and very interesting. The professors and instructors are very helpful and they provide real-life implant patients situations that we students are able to determine the treatment planning and real chairside preparations for surgeons to facilitate succesful implant treatment of patients. Thank you so much for your guidance and I really enjoyed the course.

By A Y G

Jan 10, 2024

Thanks to Dr. Nikos Mattehos and all contributors for The University of Hong Kong Implant Dentistry Course by Coursera. I highly recommend all Cousera courses for everyone. You can find numerous professional courses, certificate programs, and university degrees via Coursera. Thanks to the COURSERA, you can reach various e-learning education programs at top universities all over the world.

By JaniceYoung

Dec 5, 2016

as a novice, the course is very useful to me, and I learn a lot from it, and even some exprenced dentists will be thrilled to attend this class for so many specialists here to convey the up-to-date knowledge in this field. well, I greatly yearn for the next turn course.

By Stavroulla T

Aug 18, 2024

It offers an excellent basis in theoretical background in the field of implants (especially for beginners and not only). In this field, however, the practical part (hands on) is very important, something that having the knowledge from the module, you can apply

By 张迪

Nov 19, 2016

This course have vigorous structure and systematic content. It's very practical because of its focus on clinical operation. With the various forms of expression such as video, photo etc, we can understand all the content better. The course is very attractive.

By Ahmed S M

Mar 19, 2017

One of the wonderful courses in the dental field, it doesn't only expand my knowledge in Implantology but it give me the opportunity to help and communicate with implant leaders world wide, it's a great chance for every dentist to enroll at least one time.

By Juan G C M

Jan 6, 2018

The course has astonished me it has a solid curricula of interactive activities and articles which helps to get a sound knowledge about Oral Implantology. So Iam very Grateful with all the staff who makes posssible this succulent course!


Jun 28, 2020

Excelente curso sobre Implantología Oral, muy bien organizado, lo contenidos de las clases y los videos son muy buenos, las referencias bibliograficas apoyan muy bien el concepto d eun aImplantología Oral basada en Evidencia cientifica,

By Dr L M A

Aug 19, 2021

This course has really helped me alot to acquire the basic and intermediate level of knowledge in implant dentistry. I really appreciate for all the mentors and team members hardwork and feel gratitude for your dedication and effort.