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Learner Reviews & Feedback for An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1) by Rice University

3,303 ratings

About the Course

This two-part course is designed to help students with very little or no computing background learn the basics of building simple interactive applications. Our language of choice, Python, is an easy-to learn, high-level computer language that is used in many of the computational courses offered on Coursera. To make learning Python easy, we have developed a new browser-based programming environment that makes developing interactive applications in Python simple. These applications will involve windows whose contents are graphical and respond to buttons, the keyboard and the mouse. In part 1 of this course, we will introduce the basic elements of programming (such as expressions, conditionals, and functions) and then use these elements to create simple interactive applications such as a digital stopwatch. Part 1 of this class will culminate in building a version of the classic arcade game "Pong"....

Top reviews


Apr 25, 2020

it is really a good, and interesting course offered by coursers. the teaching staff and the proffers exp land in a detailed and understandable way and made the course essay to understand and workout.


Apr 6, 2016

Muy buen curso, excelente introducción a python y que mejor que aprender con ejercicios que motiven como los juegos propuestos en clase. Gracias a los profesores y a Coursera por brindarnos este curso

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126 - 150 of 951 Reviews for An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1)

By zc52rd

Aug 20, 2017

Reliable instructors teach in an attractive way. It's awesome having put the all the knowledge I wanted into the learning process where I even have not felt a little tired.

Really enjoy learning in this class, the experience is fantastic and unforgettable.

By Roberta A M

Aug 31, 2020

I loved every part of this course! The content is really good and the experience so enjoyable thanks to the amazing work of the instructors! i have learned a lot and can't wait to attend the rest of the courses in the 'Fundamentals of Computing' program.

By Yehoshua K

Feb 7, 2018

An excellent course. I've been away from Python for a while, but am now reviewing it prepatory to doing the entire specialization. There are a few technical hiccups, but the teaching is so well thought-out that I'm willing to deal with those issues.

By Maksim U

Nov 17, 2018

I have never had any experience with programming before this course. It was a pleasure to complete the course, the material is well-structured and the tasks are reasonably challenging. I would really recommend this course to all newbie programmists.

By Heba I

Oct 14, 2018

I really enjoyed watching and rewatching the videos xD the instructors are fun and the mentors on the forums are alert and helpful .

About the content : it teaches python as well as some mathematical in different way , Gamification ,and i like that .

By Marcel-Jan K

Nov 4, 2016

I've gained great enthusiasm for the language Python from this course. I like the fun the professors put in this course.To make games as a programming assignment is one elements that keeps you going.

I likely will follow part II in the near future.

By Dean S

May 12, 2016

I would like to see the end date of the course linked to the start date of the next course (Part 2) without a few week time lag, or a one week lead time. It would nice to have the option to keep going while the material is still fresh in my mind.

By Hamza A

Mar 21, 2018

One of the best course but not for those who are afraid of programming because this course is bit pacey in terms of defining things i will recommend Python for Everybody course first then after that you will fell comfortable in this course .

By Oliver B d L

Jan 12, 2021

Really enjoyed the course. The progression throughout the weeks is very well structured and the lecturers are great. They crack some lame jokes, but I really appreciate them trying to add fun to lectures. I would 100% recommend this course!

By Gitesh C

Aug 28, 2017

Excellent delivery of topics ! I did this course back in 2013 when part 1 and 2 was a one single course. I not only learnt python but got an amazing game "Spaceships" to my resume as well. Plus, it was so much fun making that video game.

By Lasarenko V

Jan 18, 2021

Great course! I really recommend it to all of you! I had a lot of fun. Tasks were not difficult but really interesting and effective! You'll have to use Python 2, but this course there was almost no difference from Python 3. Good luck!

By Peter D

Feb 15, 2017

Excellent introduction to Python and programming. The Python concepts move at a gentle pace, but the assignments are quite challenging. This makes a great introduction to programmatic thinking and problem solving in addition to Python

By sayed m

Jan 24, 2021

I really enjoy the course, and the instructors are very friendly and skillful too, on top of that I really admire the way they present the course with an easy and simple ideas such rock paper scissors lizard Spock :)

Thank you all

By Ed W

Jun 21, 2020

Very enjoyable course. Even though I had already done an introductory python course (University of Michigan) I learnt a new way of thinking from this course. The game design concept makes event driven programming easy to understand.

By Kamya J

Aug 11, 2019

It's one of the best beginner courses when it comes to Programming in Python. As someone who is from an entirely non-technical background, I was able to understand most of the material and have enjoyed the learning process entirely!

By Jinru Y

Nov 17, 2017

A very useful course, and I had so much fun doing it!

I really like the professors, they successfully made me get interested in computing.(I hated computing for actually no reasons before and I'm so glad I decided to try this course)

By Stanislav M

Mar 17, 2020

What a great course! Thank you, dear teachers and all the assistance for making for learning path so fun! I indeed learned a lot but also had a lot of fun doing all the exercises and quizzes, special kudos goes to Joe's T-Shirts!

By Jacob D

Jan 13, 2024

i love this class. It's well structured, the teachers love what they are teaching and you can feel it. The exercices and the mini projects really helps you master the basics. Great course. I would recommand it without hesitation.

By Andrew W T

May 21, 2020

I loved this class and already enrolled for part two! The professors are excellent, the lectures are excellent and the mini-projects are very, very fun. Highly recommended if you want to learn software development using Python.

By Carmit B

Jan 18, 2019

Great course! I highly recommend this series to anyone who wants to get started with programming. The instruction is great and clear! This course is interesting and motivating because it focuses on learning by problem solving.

By Aitken G

Apr 11, 2018

This course is great. I loved the detailed explanations and the constant challenge.

Miniprojects are really fun too, particularly liked the different levels of support, so you serve of all the resources to finish your projects.

By Domenico M

Nov 30, 2020

Fun to follow to learn the basics of python. Helps given on topics other than pure programming are useful.

Excellent idea of having subtitles in the original language and other languages, especially for non-native speakers.

By Dawn G

Jan 8, 2019

Loved this course! It was challenging, fun and interactive. I moved at my own pace and had plenty of reference material to guide me in driving to my solution. Great approach and opportunity to leverage the knowledge gained.

By Matthew S

Dec 29, 2020

A well-structured and accessible introduction to both Python and computing in general. There's enough challenge to make the course interesting and worthwhile, but not enough to overwhelm and discourage. Highly recommended.

By Louisa N

Jan 25, 2018

Enjoyed learning through games and the challenges put up. they make you practice a lot which is good when trying to grasp new concepts.The course is quite interesting and easy to spend a lot of time on without realizing.