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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to HTML, CSS, & JavaScript by IBM

436 ratings

About the Course

Want to take the first steps to become a Web Developer? This course will help you discover the languages, frameworks, and tools that you will need to create interactive and engaging websites right from the beginning. You will begin by learning about the roles of front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers and how they work together on development projects. Through this, you will also become familiar with the terminology and skills needed in your career as a web developer. Next, you will explore the languages needed for developing websites or applications. You will gain a thorough understanding of HTML and CSS and learn how a combination of both technologies can help developers create the structure and style of their websites. Finally, you will learn how JavaScript can make your webpages dynamic with features that include interactive forms, dynamic content modification, and sophisticated menu systems. By learning the fundamentals of HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript you will be able to combine them to: - create the basic structure of a website - create format and layout for web applications - enhance your website and create rich, interactive applications - increase user interactivity and enhance user experience - give your website a real wow factor! In this course you will practice what you learn with numerous hands-on labs. Lastly, you will complete a final project where you will create a webpage to showcase your skills and have a great addition to your portfolio!...

Top reviews


Jun 23, 2024

I a 100% new to this world of html,css,javascript world . I am thankful for this challenging experience because it sparked my interest.


Jul 18, 2024

I'm new to Web Development and this course helps me to lot to develop basics about HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

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76 - 100 of 109 Reviews for Introduction to HTML, CSS, & JavaScript

By Nicholas O

Jun 17, 2024

Good material, but the JavaScript section is a little outdated. With ES6 let and const are now preferred over var.

By Rahul A

May 30, 2024

JavaScript portion could be improved by adding more examples on implementing javascript on webpages

By Samuel A F

Oct 2, 2024

A lot of wordy theory and slides, but it all works towards a very nice final project

By Andrew S

Jan 15, 2025

Seems to be well designed, covering a lot of ground for an introductory course.

By Athulya M

Feb 12, 2025

A good course which is beginner friendly and focus on the content from basics

By Nick J

Oct 15, 2024

A little hard for beginners, but I was able to complete it with AI's help

By Andrés J

Oct 27, 2024

Se aprende mucho en este curso.

By Mubashirul I

Feb 14, 2025

It was quite good

By Keifvin M

Feb 14, 2025

good course

By Dussa P S

Aug 21, 2024


By Mohamed A

Jul 6, 2024

Very good

By Solomon I

Jan 24, 2024


By Henan Z

Mar 2, 2025

This course has lots of information but it is very general. It is not detailed enough for a complete beginner to understand what each part of a code stands for, or what a particular method is for, or why using one method but not the other when both could work (I had to try out myself to figure out that actually, both could be used). The HTML and CSS are less complicated and I could review the videos and labs repeatedly to figure out most things myself. However, JS is very complex and you really have to understand the very basic before learning the videos. It took me 30 mins to learn and understand what a 5 mins video is talking about as I had to constantly Googling. But that's fine, that's the journey of learning. However, what confused me so much and made me feel that I've actually learned nothing is the lab practice. When a method is used, there is very little explanation of why. Why use const instead var out of a sudden, is a particular phrase a specific function or it is customised wording for the writer to refer to, why use a name that has not been mentioned and it could work, I had no clue. I had to Google the elements to understand what they meant but I still didn't know why it was used in the lab. Unfortunately, I'm stuck at JS and unable to proceed to the next course.

By Daniel Q

Jan 17, 2025

There is a good deal of useful info in this course, but the JavaScript section is really a lecture. It is difficult to understand unless you have a programming background. I have some programming experience, but still was forced to stop the video many times and do outside research to understand the materials. A module explaining the basic structure of JavaScript would have been helpful.

By aleksandros N

Feb 25, 2025

Nice for HTML, nice and the lessons for css but you can not learn javascript in just one unit.I would prefer more lessons about javascript and also more readable units because cover everything very fast so you have no time to exercise.Also the lab was broken every time.

By Sujeeva r P

Jul 14, 2024

when i enrolled the course it was shown enroll for free but now it was showing upgrade or subscription is required.

By Tatiana L

Oct 6, 2024

Debería ser más práctico y no tan teorico hay muchas partes difíciles de entender solo teóricamente.

By Jamil A

Jan 12, 2025

تم اختصار الكثير من المعلومات والدروس, يجب دائما متابعة مصدر خارجي لفهم كل شيئ,

By Anupam C

Jun 4, 2024

A Very Satisfying Experience

By Aryan u

Nov 15, 2024


By K B N P

Dec 17, 2024


By Roman S

Nov 2, 2024

Positives 1. This course contained short but informative videos. 2. Overall, the course was helpful in progressing my front-end development knowledge. Negatives A. Quizzes 1. Poor scrolling experience on quiz pages may cause users to unintentionally select a different answer. 2. Quiz submission confirmation dialog boxes seem to be unnecessary. 3. The Coursera Honors Code should only be mentioned for graded quizzes. 4. Some of the questions and answers in multiple quizzes came off as confusing and inaccurate, so they have to be reviewed. B. Labs 1. At least a couple of programming examples from the labs contain code errors when run in a browser and don't look professional. 2. Lab completion time is underestimated due to the following: - Labs only functioned properly in the Firefox browser. - Edge's 'Read aloud' voice kept getting stuck due to poor text formatting. - Cloud IDE's slow & unstable connections caused some delay. C. Reading 1. The audio option didn't work in a few reading material sections, so this technical issue needs to be fixed. 2. This course is full of spelling errors, especially in the lab instructions. D. Design 1. This course should encourage students to design something on their own rather than follow lots of boring Copy & Paste steps. 2. The final project of this course contains duplicate lab instructions that need to be removed. 3. It's not students' job to review someone else's work, and my assignment was not graded correctly by someone.

By Daniel P K

Nov 23, 2024

weak in material, the labs are not really teaching you much and it goes over the content very superficially. Luckily i had prior experience with js, html and css.

By Nicolas P

Feb 4, 2025

Might be difficult for someone with no prior experience in JS. A lot of coding examples are missing in the lectures

By Dholariya J N

Dec 13, 2024

i submitted my final project but it didn't credit for it i think there is a problem with it fix it.