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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Machine Design Part I by Georgia Institute of Technology

2,180 ratings

About the Course

“Machine Design Part I” is the first course in an in-depth three course series of “Machine Design.” The “Machine Design” Coursera series covers fundamental mechanical design topics, such as static and fatigue failure theories, the analysis of shafts, fasteners, and gears, and the design of mechanical systems such as gearboxes. Throughout this series of courses we will examine a number of exciting design case studies, including the material selection of a total hip implant, the design and testing of the wing on the 777 aircraft, and the impact of dynamic loads on the design of an bolted pressure vessel. In this first course, you will learn robust analysis techniques to predict and validate design performance and life. We will start by reviewing critical material properties in design, such as stress, strength, and the coefficient of thermal expansion. We then transition into static failure theories such as von Mises theory, which can be utilized to prevent failure in static loading applications such as the beams in bridges. Finally, we will learn fatigue failure criteria for designs with dynamic loads, such as the input shaft in the transmission of a car....

Top reviews


Jun 12, 2017

Thank you so much. I liked your teaching style.You gave me a clear understanding about each and every topic covered in this course.I enjoyed the learning.Hope we will be in touch for further courses.


Jun 27, 2020

I have got knowledge about material and design sequences and ther strength and stress and factor of safety and lot of fatigue detail on materials thank you professor madam for telling this course

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151 - 175 of 586 Reviews for Machine Design Part I

By Nivedita T

Apr 15, 2020

The course was very useful and and exposed to problem solving techniques and approach. with a perfect speed Dr. Winget explained every concept.


Mar 14, 2021

Curso incrível, ótima abordagem de ensino, material muito bom, recomendo muito para quem pretende aprender mais sobre elementos de maquinas.

By sumit s

Nov 28, 2017

one time study video's

not only knowledge about the subject but also provide learning towards the deep knowledge about subject environment's

By Sari M

Dec 21, 2018

Easy to follow and well structured course on machine design. Great as a refresher course or a supplementary to standard university courses.

By kevin s

Feb 14, 2017

Excellent course for recap all the considerations about failures types, given to you real world examples. Higly recommended, very thankful.

By Omar G

Jul 4, 2020

Great course, it allowed me to have a stronger fundamental knowledge regarding the analysis criteria for both static and dynamic loading .

By seyed s a

Sep 1, 2022

This course was awsome, the topics were not so interesting but the outcome for every module was so much profitable it totally worthed it.

By Mohammad A H J

Jan 24, 2021

This course helped me a lot both in my academic and professional life. Dr. Kathryn, you explain everything way better than my professors!

By Hrishikesh G

May 11, 2020

Very smartly designed, intriguing but simple course. Looking forward for another courses related to mechanical engineering. Thanks a lot.


Jun 13, 2020

everything was good and its is the best platform to learn something good and better. meet my experiences and learnt a lot of new things.

By Shivam P

Mar 6, 2019

really good synchronization..... i will consider this as good crash course of machine design to align all concepts together. Thank you:)

By Ramin K

Sep 23, 2021

Hello, thanks for your Courses abaut Machine Design Part 1.

I am interested to know about the next step in this subject.



By Khileshwar R

Aug 30, 2020

Very good course for Mechanical Engineers. Concepts are explained in detail using real life examples. Case studies are also included.

By Reny J

Feb 11, 2022

Concept explained brilliantly . Syllabus was good , Each topics covered with sufficient Examples . Practice problems and solutions .


May 11, 2019

it was a great learning experience for me attending machine design part-1 course here on coursera.

it's a great platform to learning.

By Raghav N

Sep 6, 2020

Coursera really helped me to build self confidence inside me and also they have made us each and everything clear about this course

By ShawnMack

Jan 29, 2022

The course was excellent as an overview of Static and Fatigue Failure theory, really hope they come out with part 2 of the course.

By Muhammad S K

Jan 7, 2020

This course was really great for me. I learned a lot about the basic of Machine design and looking for to contribute in part 2 & 3

By Alexander R

Sep 21, 2017

Very good course material. Recommend it to every Mechanical Engineer who has several years of work experience as a refresh course.

By Brts p

Jun 5, 2021

One of the finest course ,I ever experience as it ensure the best practical touch and problem solving ability.

thank you


By Kasuntha M

Jan 30, 2021

Great course to learn about Machine Designing. I highly recommend this course. Thank you for offering this valuable course to me.

By Muhammad A

Aug 13, 2020

I have learned too much factors which should be consider in designing. Otherwise designer will face too much failure of machines.

By Nagaraj E

Apr 29, 2020

Its really, very good course. Example problems and quiz questions were comprehensive in approach. Looking for machine design 2.

By Omar J J D

Feb 4, 2021

Este ha sido un excelente curso, agradezco a la autora

PhD Wingate , por su excelente transmisión del conocimiento y vocación.


Jul 24, 2020

Great content offered by the institute.

Great teaching effort by kethryn ma'am.

Amazing easy understanding 👍.

Must join!!!!!!