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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19 by University of Toronto

8,609 ratings

About the Course

Never in the history of humanity have so many people been feeling intense anxiety related to COVID-19 and the world it will leave in its wake. The intent of this course is to give you a deeper understanding of the anxiety reaction as it relates to various aspects of our current life, ranging from our consumption of news to the way we talk to our children about this. I will also give you clear strategies for managing and, in fact, turning off the anxiety response at least for short periods. My sincere hope is that you will leave this course with a better understanding of how your brain reacts to crises, along with some powerful tools for managing it before it manages you. In this course we will cover: 1.1 Introduction and Overview 1.2 Understanding the Anxiety Response 1.3 The Necessity of Strategies to Manage Anxiety 1.4 Achieving Relaxation: A Skill We All Need to Learn Now 2.1 Why Watching the News is Addicting and How to Manage Your Consumption 2.2 The Critical Art of Mental Distraction to Crowd Out Stressors 2.3 How We Think About Physical Distancing and Explaining it to Our Children 3.1 The Effects of Isolation 3.2 Some Strategies to Make Isolation More Tolerable 3.3 The Importance of Social Connection in a Physical Distancing World 4.1 The Need to Guard Against Depression: The Importance of Control 4.2 Bring it Together: Practice Makes Proficient 4.3 Invitation to Suggest Additional Videos...

Top reviews


Jun 15, 2020

Great course to understand the situation, your mind, and how you can help others! Thank you so much for putting it together. I find it very helpful even now when we are almost half year in COVID-19


Jun 16, 2020

During this time where the whole world is going trough a very rough time,it is very imp for the people to take care of their mental health and thanks to this course!It has taught me lot many things.

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2251 - 2275 of 2,500 Reviews for Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19



May 20, 2020

The methods and things taken in this course are not only realted to COVID 19 crisis but also can be used for all other things happening in life. Course was very helpful in general.

By Rabia A


Jul 21, 2020

A Very nicely put together course that definitely highlights what measures are needed to be taken by one during this pandemic and how one can take care of their mental health.

By Arianna M


Nov 1, 2020

This course was very helpful, it definitely opened my mind to controlling anxiety. Also loved the focus on the importance of not being socially isolated. Thank you Steve.

By Md. S A S


Jul 19, 2020

During this COVID-19 period, having this course is such a blessing. From this type, of course, any student or any person can keep him/her fit both mentally & physically.

By Zydrune S


Sep 14, 2020

Short, clear and useful information.

And some really practical tips how to manage yourself in this period, and how to help yourself by helping others. Great! Thank you!

By Saumya N


Jul 7, 2020

It was a good course, with simple and easily understandeable concepts. For me most of the information provided through the course was repetitive with few new learnings.



Jan 24, 2022

I think is hard to combat each day, it's passed almost two years since the isolation and and reconnecting has not been so easy, especially the management of stres...

By triveni g


Aug 2, 2020

Good information thank you, the way how to control our mind without anxious, stress ..regarding the society and our mind set...let us be safe during covid-19 crises

By Aditya A K


Jul 12, 2020

it was really satisfying and nice course during these COVID19 situation. It will really help to lead a good and healthy thought process. Looking forward for it ;)

By Reem H


Nov 20, 2020

loved this course! great instructor with some really good POSITIVE VIBES! I actually enjoyed this course! we need more like this short and quick beneficial courses

By Aayush p


Jun 2, 2020

It was a nice course but I didn't get my certificate even though I had completed all the videos,readings and quizzes. Please provide me my certificate. Thank you!



Jan 24, 2022

Thank you so much for this course - it's a very needed topic right now, and I appreciated how you walked us through so much material in such a tight progression

By Leticia A


Aug 14, 2020

Very well done. Good advice and suggestions as to how to keep stress and anxiety at bay. Loved the guided visualization, would have liked to see one more.

By Silvia F F Y


Feb 12, 2021

Me gusto bastante el curso, debido a que te recuerda lo importante de tomarte tu tiempo y realizar pequeñas acciones diarias, para mejorar la ansiedad.

By Pat B


May 4, 2020

Thank you for offering this course. I found the material interesting, as well as helpful at understanding emotions during this time of isolation.

By Hiba H


Jul 5, 2020

Proved to be very helpful and useful during this difficult scenario and surely helped me to improvise my mental health during this condition.



Jul 23, 2020

This is a really helpful course not just for me but also for my students/counselees. Would really love to share what I learned here to them.



Feb 2, 2021

Es un curso muy interesante, el cual combina aspectos de la psicología con la actual pandemia, todas las personas deberían tomar este curso

By alexis l


Jul 22, 2020

I enjoy every lesson in every chapter and videos. What he says is true and in reality we must watch ourselves both physically and mentally.

By Sunaryo


May 24, 2020

Clear teaching, real life application and friendly lecturer. I wish the exam could be more complex in order to push us to our limits.

By Md. J H


Jun 14, 2020

This course was quite helpful. Mr. Steve Joordans was very calm and informative as the instructor. Thanks a lot for the opportunity.

By David J H


Jan 31, 2021

Excellent short course to remind you that there are many ways of making isolation more bearable and even a positive experience.

By Kris N


Dec 8, 2020

Enjoyed the course, nothing I didn't know already but always, always, always good (especially now!) to hear these ideas again.

By Toms A


Jul 18, 2020

Excellent course that provide practical and simple mind control techniques to manage critical situation. Thank you very much.

By Hemalatha


Jul 31, 2020

course was informative but also expected more practical solutions to manage covid anxiety or any other general anxieties.