Mar 30, 2018
Material Behavior is a key subject for material studies and also very important for the mechanical engineering career. This course is very helpful and very easy to understand the hole concepts.
May 30, 2020
This was very useful for me to understand the material beviour , crystal structure of various material , material type after that got the sufficient knowledge about material beviour
By Robin v
•Dec 3, 2020
Zero stars. The forums are unmoderated; student questions remain unanswered. At least one quiz question is incorrectly graded. The instructor speaks in a monotone. The movement through the concepts can be rapid. It might help to know that the course is based on "The Science and Design of Engineering Materials," Second Edition.
By Surabhi L
•Aug 8, 2021
Not indulging. I attended lectures on Miller indices and Bravais lattice. The lectures are monotonous. Crystallography has a lot of chance to involve good visualisations. Or else, possibility to draw some structure to make the listener walk through. Found both aspects missing.