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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Modern Art & Ideas by The Museum of Modern Art

6,564 ratings

About the Course

Modern Art & Ideas is designed for anyone interested in learning more about modern and contemporary art. You will look at art through a variety of themes, including Places and Spaces, Art and Identity, Transforming Everyday Objects, and Art and Society. Each week kicks off with a video that connects key works of art to the theme. You’ll also have access to interviews with artists, designers, and others who speak about their materials, processes, and sources of inspiration. Through the discussion forum prompts you will also have the opportunity to connect with other learners and explore how these themes resonate with you....

Top reviews


Jun 8, 2020

Really enjoyed this course! Well organized/developed, and even for a museum buff, like me, offered great ideas, and perspectives in ‘looking’ and ‘understanding’ art, and particular artist’s process.


Jan 15, 2018

It has been a very wonderful course. I love the museum as a cultural space and now I love it more for its commitment to online education and giving us the opportunity to learn in different countries.

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176 - 200 of 1,654 Reviews for Modern Art & Ideas

By Raja P

Jul 16, 2020

It was an amazing journey through the rich history of Modern Art and the ideas that has been influencing the entire human civilization. The course content is too rich to be pursued by any art enthusiast. I am really thankful to MOMA and Coursera for this wonderful opportunity.

By Muskan C

May 8, 2020

I have always thought of Modern Art as something that is meaningless or vague. This course taught me a lot about it and now I see Modern Art in a new light, confident to interpret and understand paintings. Brilliant videos and reading sources, a must course for all art lovers!

By Camille A

Jul 4, 2020

It was such a great pleasure to follow that course. I am an art amateur and the older I get the more I appreciate modern art. I really really enjoyed this course although having no computer I had diffIculties in some parts of the course. Anyway thank you for the experience!!

By Kilprints

Jul 4, 2020

si bien es un curso muy completo, muchas veces era repetitivo, no sé si era estrategia para refrescar información acerca de la modernidad. Muy buenas referencias, me encanto el tema de Arte e Identidad, así como el de Espacios y lugares. Además son temas que siguen vigentes.

By Suz F

May 15, 2020

I feel as though this course has really opened up my mind to new ways of looking at and understanding modern art. I enjoyed it very much and discovered many new artists and works. The final practical assignments were thought provoking and fun. I would highly recommend it.

By Vanessa S

Mar 9, 2023

I'm very happy to complete this course, it synthesizes very well the main themes and characteristics of modern art, and it also has some dynamic activities to engage more in it, so I think it's a good choice for all the people like me that enjoy and have an interest in art.

By Zona T (

Dec 31, 2020

I greatly enjoyed this exposure to modern art, some of which I have been aware of but didn't know much of the context for its creation, and other works I was first exposed to in the class. The course is well presented and coherent in the themed approach. Well done, thanks!

By Avni A

Oct 9, 2017

I did this course while I was feeling a little lost in my practice as an artist. This course inspired me to explore further with my creativity. And I am very glad I found this course. Plus I learnt quite a bit about modern art in america that I didnt know details about.

By Katie P

May 25, 2020

I enjoy the pace of this course and the lessons each week. The writing prompts were excellent and the quizzes were short and sweet, just enough to solidify what I had learned without feeling overwhelming. I learned a lot of about examining artworks through this course.

By liang g

Jun 27, 2018

I like this course. It shows brief introductions and comments on famous artworks, which mostly exhibited in MOMA. I think this time when I come to MOMA I will appreciate the artworks with more knowledge about its creating backgrounds and its ideas artists wanna convey.

By Cathryn S

Mar 22, 2018

I so enjoyed this course- visiting famous works I knew but now have a new appreciation of both the art and an insight into the artist. I was introduced to new works which has been a fabulous journey that has expanded my knowledge and emotional response to their works.

By Olga Y

May 18, 2020

I really liked the course and would recommend it to those, who're interested in getting more familiar with modern art. A lot of new ideas around well known and less known art objects, interactive cooperation with classmates made the course quite an impressive journey!

By Ceara F

May 18, 2020

I learned a lot about artists old and new! This course allowed me to explore many themes in modern art including beautiful, and very popular artworks by well known artists as examples of them. I also learned a lot about some of my own artwork while taking this course.

By Srinitya D

Apr 27, 2020

Really well-explained, with lots of different ways to engage with course material, and many opportunities to connect with learners. There's so much to learn and see and do that by the time the course ends, you will feel like you've only just begun and want to do more!

By Milla

Jun 13, 2022

Inesperadamente esse curso me prendeu bastante com conteúdos muito satisfatórios e interessantes, algumas obras que estudamos que eu não fazia ideia de como olhar para elas mas agora eu consigo ver claramente o esforço e sentimento transpassado por elas. Ótimo curso.

By Anuradha R

Feb 28, 2020

I am not a professional painter or artist but I had interest in painting and that is why I wanted to explore more in this field. Coursera provided me this opportunity through MoMA. This course was alluring and helped me developing more interest. Thank you Coursera.

By Oleksandra K

May 3, 2020

Very interesting course. I understand that ability of art to document the time, place and cultural identity of the artists. I got acquainted with the works of contemporary arts and got aeththetic pleasure from their creativity ,style and reaction to the present.

By Cindy W

Oct 27, 2019

I learned a lot about how to view different kinds of modern art works and how the artists express themselves. All those make me to think how could I express more acurate about my points of view of surroundings not only by language but also by other abundant ways.

By Emily O

Apr 17, 2019

A very accessible and interesting introduction to Modern Art. The extra materials and learning via the Moma website are curated with thoughtfulness. I truly enjoyed this course so much and look forward to learning more through other Corsera classes and on my own.

By Ellene H

Nov 30, 2020

I absolutely loved this course. As someone without an arts background, I felt that everything was accessible and easily explained. I really enjoyed the videos about each work of art and I am looking forward to taking more courses offered by MoMA in the future.

By Shubhra S

Jun 21, 2020

This course on Modern Art and Ideas has provided me with in depth knowledge and understanding of the motivations and inspirations behind a creation of an art in modern time. This has also provided me an insight of evolution of various out of the box thinking.

By Emmanuella P

Apr 23, 2020

This course is great! It develop critical skills for considering art in contemporary society and interpreting artworks. The course is well crafted in terms of the material, assignments etc. Participating in the forum makes the learning experience interactive.

By Claudia A

Sep 6, 2019

In this course I learned to relate all aspects of time and space in which an artist operates. Aspects that lead to a particular sensitivity and poetic expressed in many different ways and creativity. I will certainly be struck when I approach an artistic work

By Jose M R A

Jan 22, 2016

This course is amazing. I absolutely loved the, albeit short, fun videos for each week. And the recommended readings make a great deal of it, which is great. Also, the focus on teachers was not something I was expecting, but that may be helpful in the future.

By Felipe R

Jul 3, 2020

A great course where learning about art in the voice of its authors or MoMA specialists, turns learning into an enriching experience and full of relevant content to understand art in general. Very happy to have participated in this course and Thank you MoMA