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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Object-Oriented Design by University of Alberta

2,349 ratings

About the Course

This course takes Java beginners to the next level by covering object-oriented analysis and design. You will discover how to create modular, flexible, and reusable software, by applying object-oriented design principles and guidelines. And, you will be able to communicate these designs in a visual notation known as Unified Modelling Language (UML). You will be challenged in the Capstone Project to apply your knowledge of object-oriented design by evolving and documenting the Java codebase for an Android application with corresponding UML documentation. After completing this course, you will be able to: • Apply the Class Responsibility Collaborator (CRC) technique to analyze and design the object-oriented model for a problem. • Explain and apply object-oriented modeling principles and their purpose (e.g., abstraction, encapsulation, decomposition, generalization). • Explain and apply different types of inheritance • Explain the difference between association, aggregation, and composition dependencies. • Express object-oriented models as Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagrams. • Translate between UML class diagrams and equivalent Java code. • Apply design guidelines for modularity, separation of concerns, information hiding, and conceptual integrity to create a flexible, reusable, maintainable design. • Explain the tradeoff between cohesion and coupling....

Top reviews


Aug 6, 2020

Great course to learn the concepts of Software Designing and how it is used in real business scenarios. This course is indeed very helpful for aspiring product developers who aim to be an architect.


Jan 11, 2021

Great course to learn the concepts of Software Designing and how it is used in real business scenarios. This course is indeed very helpful for aspiring product developers who aim to be an architect.

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176 - 200 of 560 Reviews for Object-Oriented Design

By Atharva P

Jul 1, 2022

Using Java and UML to start of with Design is a nice concept even though not heard in many Interviews but this course forms the foundations for Developers

By Dorian A T D

Feb 22, 2021

Nice course, very complete, all the concepts are very well explained and developed and all the capstones are challenging and help to understand the topics

By Потапова К Н

Sep 12, 2019

I think it's one of the most interesting and useful courses. I consolidated the knowledge gained at the university and was able to learn a lot new things

By Jorge G

Jan 11, 2024

Course was very helpful but may be capstone milestone assignments should be more difficult especially the last milestone. But in general, great course!

By Max K

Feb 12, 2021

Very interesting course, and the most interesting is its capstone projects! This kind of practice really makes you not just learn, but also understand.

By Erick K

Mar 7, 2020

Instructors has deep understanding of concept which are applicable to real world. Thanks for those who contributed to the success of this great course.

By David D R

Aug 12, 2020

The course is very well done, with high quality content. The video explain thoroughly the topic and the questions and the assignments are challenging.

By To T

Mar 7, 2024

Great instructors! Lecture is well-cover with easy to understand examples. Challenging assignments. I would like to have more assignments to practice


Jun 20, 2022

Me parece un curso muy bueno. Excelente contenido, buena fluidez, temas interesantes y buen ritmo. Felicitaciones. Altamente recomendado !!!

By husam n

Oct 31, 2022

I would highly recommend this one-of-its-kind course to any software engineer who wants to sharpen his object oriented thinking and skills.

By Dave T

Jun 14, 2021

Very well structured course which provides detailed information to allow a thorough understanding of many Object-Oriented Design concepts!

By Huu A H N

Jan 22, 2021

Practical concepts explained in an easy way. I particularly like the UML part, not too much not too less, just enough for practical use :)

By Deleted A

Apr 12, 2022

Sam is such a talented teacher, it is surprising to have access to this level of quality education! Exhaustive explanations. Great job.

By Robert O

Apr 2, 2021

This is a course that I wish it never ended. Clear analogy and student engagement has helped me to correctly understand OOP and OOD.

By Jarh R

May 30, 2021

Excelent course in order to finally understand object oriented languages and how to evaluate and design object oriented solutions.


Jan 18, 2022

So lucidly described each and every topic. By the way so underrated course! Definately Software programmers must watch this....

By Rohaizad M

Dec 20, 2020

Very useful and full of knowledge! I was able to understand everything in this course relating UML, Diagrams, Codes and more!

By Nguyên

Jun 8, 2021

Good course for learning fundamental about how to design software using OOP aspect. Overall, the course meet my expectation.

By Emrah Y

Sep 7, 2020

Content is very very comprehensive. Examples are so clear. And instructor is experienced. I strongly advise this course.

By Danila B

Apr 21, 2020

Good course for getting to know UML State/Class/Sequence diagrams, and the basic concepts of the Object Oriented Design.

By Evgeny A

Mar 6, 2023

This course helped me to organize fragmented knowledge. Of course, I learnt many new things, too. Thank you very much.

By Milton E R N

Mar 19, 2021

This course is a pretty effective object-oriented design refresher. Very insightful details about the basics of OOP.

By Deleted A

Nov 19, 2020

This course has been of a great help in understanding the design and elements in app development, java connectivity.

By Zhao H

Sep 27, 2020

This is a very very excellent course of which I've ever taken & would like to recommend it to my friends to expore.