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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Personal Finance by SoFi

195 ratings

About the Course

This course is a general overview of a variety of personal finance topics - including budgeting, the importance of your credit score, cash flow, setting financial goals, and taxes. Taught by two CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professionals, the concepts are broken down through videos, readings, and activities so you can apply what you are learning in real time. The course provides the foundation to build on for the rest of The Fundamentals of Personal Finance Specialization or as a standalone survey course to improve your understanding of basic personal finance terminology, as well as how they apply to your own financial situation. Whether you are just starting college, nearing retirement, or somewhere in between, this course will provide you with the knowledge to understand your money and actionable steps to manage your finances in the future. This course is geared towards learners in the United States of America....

Top reviews


Sep 29, 2021

​Great overview amd first look into personal fiance. If you already know a little bit about personal finance it may be a little basic but overall a very well rounded valuable course.


Jun 29, 2022

I really love the course Introduction to Personal Finance, I knew some stuff although I learned more in depth about the stuff that I already knew. Thanks SoFi for this!

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1 - 25 of 63 Reviews for Introduction to Personal Finance

By Asiman D

May 19, 2021

Overall the course is as expected, a decent introduction to start with improving your own personal finance.

Pro: The course provides quite some useful information and recommendations

Cons: (1) The videos can be improved substantially (I would recommend watching it at 1.25 - 1.5x; The eye movement to read the script is very distracting; A couple of videos have slight audio problems). (2) Almost all of the reading material is accessed through hyperlinks to SoFi's websites which makes it kind of pointless to follow this course, not to mention that this content is not "course" quality. (3) Many points discussed are associated with the US laws and regulations which make it less relevant, if not irrelevant, for individuals following this course and not from U.S.

Possible Improvement: Addition of case studies and real life examples would make this course quite interactive and interesting in my opinion.

By Melissa M

Jun 14, 2021

Overall, I really enjoyed this course. One of the primary reasons I had for enrolling was to learn more about and understand taxes. There was plenty of information provided on that particular topic. I also wanted to learn more about personal finance and about budgeting. Unfortunately, some of the videos had moments in which the speaker could not be heard. I struggled some with a few of the assignments but I did my best. I would recommend this to those looking to learn more about personal finance and to those in need of a refresher.

By Eric O

Sep 29, 2021

Great overview amd first look into personal fiance. If you already know a little bit about personal finance it may be a little basic but overall a very well rounded valuable course.

By Michael F

May 30, 2021

This course just made me feel much more confident in my personal money management skills. Of Course, I did pick up a few other tricks that will help me improve my budgeting skills. Highly recommend this intro course.

By Yalesha S

Jun 30, 2022

I really love the course Introduction to Personal Finance, I knew some stuff although I learned more in depth about the stuff that I already knew. Thanks SoFi for this!

By Conrad C B

Nov 5, 2021

The course is great. It is the first of a series, so it might seem a little bit too basic for some people, but I am sure it's perfect for a public that is learning about Personal Finances for the first time (:

Note it might only be useful to US users.

By Sierra M

Jun 22, 2023

It really helped me understand what was happening with my finances and how to work towards a good place with them that wasn't overwhelming.  Plus, it clarified a lot of things I wasn't 100% on.

By Laura C

Jan 9, 2022

Unfortunately, this feels like one big advertisement for SoFi services. Every supplement and reading assignment is from their website and it just didn't teach me anything.

By Bob L - p l

Jul 19, 2024

I have gained much knowledge about personal finance, including the benefits of financial planning, understanding my current relationship with money, and planning for short- and long-term financial goals. The noteworthy steps in the financial planning process include identifying financial goals, gathering relevant financial information, analyzing the data, developing a plan, implementing the plan, and monitoring the plan. It's influential to understand common money personalities and how they can influence your relationship with money. Different money personalities can impact how individuals manage finances and their roles and responsibilities in financial decision-making. Recognizing common behavioral biases is crucial, as these biases can impact how individuals make financial decisions. Identifying and understanding these biases is a significant part of improving financial decision-making.

By Aiden Z

Oct 3, 2024

This course has been incredibly helpful—probably the best personal finance course I've taken so far! It does an excellent job of breaking down the complexities of personal finance in a way that's easy to understand. The instructor's delivery really stood out to me. His pace and tone are calming and comfortable, making it easy to absorb the material. He has a way of engaging you that makes you want to listen to everything he says. It’s a rare skill to combine warmth with clear instruction, and he does it beautifully. What I found particularly enlightening is how understanding your own finances can empower you to make sense of the world around you. The course encourages self-reflection and practical application, which is essential for anyone looking to take control of their financial future.

By Carlene G

Dec 28, 2023

Learning how to manage personal finances can be challenging, but it is a crucial skill that can have a significant impact on your life. By studying personal finances, you can gain a better understanding of how to handle your money, plan for the future, and make informed financial decisions. Don't let the fear of the unknown hold you back from taking control of your finances. Start learning today and take charge of your financial future.

By Chia C L

Feb 13, 2022

Very good course!

However, some portion is not relevant to the place i stay so I skipped! Overall, it offer very managable steps towards our financial goals. Excellent course! While doing the course, I have manage to create my own net cash flow, ....etc. I now know what is my next move! Thank you!

By Jiovanni R

Dec 11, 2021

I really enjoyed this course. I recommend to anyone getting started with personal finance to start here. The information was brief, easy-to-understand, and provided a nice balance between video and articles. I look forward to continuing my education in personal finance.

By Joshua B

Jan 1, 2022

Wow! I learned so much! My goal was to become 1% better each week of the course. This course taught me so much about managing my personal finances. I am already making much better decisions with my income. I highly recommend this course! Thank you,

By Ziad Y

Jan 21, 2025

اتعلمت حاجات كتير فعلاً مفيدة وعملية لا المدرسة ولا اهلي علموهالي. مع التوضيح طبعاً ان بعض الأجزاء في الكورس تنتبق فقط علي الأمريكان زي الضرائب ودي ممكن ترجع لقانون بلدك فيها والبعض الأخر حرام علي المسلمين زي البطاقات الإئتمانية

By Benjamin R

Jul 13, 2021

I really enjoyed this course! It was broken down into manageable sessions. I also liked how the course included a mix of practice items, videos and readings. I'm looking forward to continued learning with SoFi and Coursera!

By April C O

Jan 13, 2023

This is a great personal finance introduction course which can benefit anyone. I thought I knew all the basics, but this course definitely taught me a few things. I am hoping to share with my teenage children as well.

By Yves A C

Sep 22, 2022

J’ai beaucoup appris dans ce cours. Il y a matière à étudier et intégrer. Il est question de personnalité, gestion d’argent, budgétisation, planification et finance personnelle.

Très enrichissant !

By Eryn R

Jul 1, 2021

Great foundation into personal finance. Repetitive and sometimes boring if you have some footing in that area, but a great reference for those who do not!

By Michael N

Jun 25, 2021

Great overall course that can help with your personal finances and if you are in a business can also help with your goals for that business

By Bettina R

Jul 9, 2021

This was a great course, I enjoyed learning about the psychology behind finances. Having the order we should do things in was helpful.

By Cristina G

Nov 22, 2021

I have little to no personal finance education and this has helped me to tackle my problems and feel like I am in charge, not my debt.

By Kristina D

Jun 25, 2022

Very good for very basic stuff. I wish the end of every reading bit wasn't a push to start a Sofi account though.

By Muhammad H

Dec 1, 2023

I learned a lot from this course about personal finances. The instructor's teaching style is simple and effective.

By Khafilat

Jun 18, 2021

A very wholesome course that breaks down in simple terms; key concepts related to personal finance.