Jul 19, 2022
I'm a Mental Health professional whom found this Course on Schizophrenia to be amazing! It was a perfect blend of neuroscience, presentation and theory. Thank you Coursera and of course Dr. Kurtz!
Apr 8, 2021
hank you for this course. I get know experience and knowledge in using different kinds of online tools which are useful and effective. I'll use some of them during my lessons. And lots of thanks.
By Andriana G
•Jan 4, 2021
Great Course, i learned a lot that i didnt know about this disorder. The professor is excellent and really liked the way he explained the disorder
By Jane L
•Mar 8, 2022
The course is very interesting, Matt Kurtz has great knowledge on this subject and promotes a good learning environment to all of us, well done!
By Jean M M
•Dec 3, 2017
Top level course about schizophrenia. Well designed, the videos are not too long but very dense. The clinical exercises with patients are great.
By Sheema
•Jun 6, 2022
one of the best courses , learnt a lot , the professor has done agreat job , i would want to learn from him as well as the university. Thanks
By Karla J C G
•Feb 16, 2023
Me ayudo a expandir mis conocimientos para mi área de estudio, aprender acerca de la historia y el contraste social que abarca actualmente.
By Smgs P
•Mar 29, 2020
It was a great experience for me and also made me understand more about this condition that, at least in my country, is poorly researched.
By Jamal A
•Mar 12, 2023
The very well-organized content with role play. I highly recommend this course for psychology students to learn something better. Thanks
By Dr. H W
•Mar 16, 2020
It's a great overview about the disorder of schizophrenia. Thank you for providing such good information integrated in a weekly program.
By Cristián B A F A
•Aug 25, 2024
Muy completo, aborda distintas perspectivas y se posiciona crÃticamente ante los tratamientos históricos brindando paradigmas actuales
By Farhood J
•Aug 15, 2023
It has been truly a great experience for me. I hope I can shake the hands of Professor Matthew Kurtz one day. Thanks for everything!
By Efrat B
•Apr 26, 2020
it was a really interesting course. I like the idea of bringing actors for playing how each of the schizophrenic types looks like.
By Vanessa E
•Apr 14, 2020
A lot of information but I highly appreciated to have a psychology course on a more advanced level here at coursera :) Thank you!
By Azajul I N
•May 27, 2020
WOW. I really enjoyed this course. Thanks to Wesleyan University for launching this awesome online course about Schizophrenia.
By Ivan F
•May 13, 2018
Un excelente curso agradezco mucho la oportunidad de participar en el.
An excelent course I’m trully grateful to have taken it.
By Isaac R
•Dec 30, 2023
A lot of beliefs were challenged here and got a whole new perspective on how to treat them, even if I worked with them daily.
By Tiffany Z
•Oct 2, 2020
An insightful course on Schizophrenia! I'm glad to have clicked on this course. Professor Kurtz is also a very good teacher.
By Gabriel A G
•Nov 11, 2024
Excelente información;aunque a groso modo, pero concisa sobre el tema de la esquizofrenia. También a aclarado muchas dudas.
By Kudymova K
•Dec 11, 2019
This course was my first experiece of learning things at Coursera. I loved it very much. Very interesting and addictive. ))
By Jean H
•Mar 21, 2023
Very informative history of schizophrenia, treatments and causes. The CBT element for treatment was extremely interesting.
By Bharathi S M
•May 1, 2020
The course was really useful. It was easy to understand. The time span was really short which helped me to pay attention.
By Anthony E O
•Jul 28, 2020
It was so amazing! It was superbly interesting. I learnt so so so so so much, and I can't thank you enough!
Thank you!!!
By Orpa P
•Apr 15, 2024
membantu memberikan pemaham yang baik dan jelas mengenai Skizofrenia, dan membantu saya dalam menyelesaikan UTS saya.
By Excerption E
•Jun 10, 2020
Very interesting! I realised I haven't known anything about schizophrenia before. Thank you very much for this course!
By Sharvaree D
•Jan 25, 2020
excellent explanation .simple language with day to day experiences and examples,make it easy to relate.
thanks a lot.