Aug 2, 2020
excellent, the content contemplates fundamental concepts in many areas, allowing participants to have a clear and general view of the world of it support regardless of prior knowledge. Congratulations
Mar 6, 2018
Awesome course designed by google. Thank you very much. Knowledge gained in just introductery leactures started burning desire in me to complete whole syllabus. Every bit of program is worth the time.
By Kristin S
•Mar 29, 2019
Great first course! Lots of knowledge and information. The only "problem" I had with the course (and this isn't about Google) is that one of my assignments still says not done and I need to reset my deadlines even though it was an optional assignment between two assignments. I realize it's a Coursera error, however it is still not fun to see on the screen. Other than that I loved it!
By Georgiana T
•Mar 27, 2022
Easy course to fallow even for beginners. There were some lessons where I needed some extra reading, and even though there are some recommendations, reading outside of those helped me to get a better understanding. You can do it at your own peace, I decided to do it on an intensive mode as the time I can allocate for online learning is limited so wanted to learn as much as possible.
By Suhaila A
•Oct 2, 2020
It has been recommended that you need a PC to complete the courses and the plug-in assignments, but it can also be done using your mobile phone like me! (I didn't have a PC) You can just put the page on Desktop View, to complete the graded plug-ins. And as for qwiklabs, I used an RDP and also an SSH app I got from play store. It worked perfectly! And I have completed my course too!
By Makayla D
•Sep 30, 2020
This course is a really good introduction to the IT world. I wouldn't say that I would feel confident to just drive right away into an IT support role without some additional training, I did find this course very insightful on some problems that I would encounter. I feel like there should have been more labs or more applied knowledge instead of just multiple choice questions though.
By Sachin b
•Jan 7, 2022
i have a deep interest for tech but i am from arts background i learn various things in it but i forget but i meet with the love partener frend google and coursera i fall in love with both extra learning relation ship but cousera is may radha if i am a krishina in our hindu mythology and mera would be my coursera ii love two no third will come in my life 1000% sure ,
i love u
By John R S
•Nov 15, 2021
Amazing!!! A lot of effort was put into this course! You learn the fundamentals of computers and more!!
The best part is anyone without any prior experience or understanding of computers would be able to understand or follow along with these trainings.
This could definitely be the absolute starting point towards a career or understanding towards computers and IT technical support!!
By Deleted A
•Sep 30, 2021
I enjoyed this introductory course. It was a prelude and basis for a lot of fundamentals in IT. Coming from some knowledge in IT it was great to get a refresher on these topics and begin the practicing of the fundamentals again. It is suited for beginners and does a nice job in keeping you motivated to continue and to learn more if you truly have a passion for IT. Highly recommend.
By Thomas P
•Sep 24, 2021
Great course, the way this video learning was setup and produced made it easy to follow what the instructors were talking about. The instructors themselves were very personable and knew how to get the information across in a way that was easy to understand. I love the ability to go back and rewatch or re read information from earlier modules.. I'm looking forward to the next module
By Akilah G
•Jul 19, 2020
This course is perfect for learning everything you need to know concerning the foundation of modern computing and the technical support role. It was interesting to hear about the history and evolution of our use of the computer. I feel like I have a solid understanding of the basic key concepts that go into IT support. I really enjoyed it and I am excited to start the next course.
•Jun 18, 2020
i'm param, i really very happy to complete this course successfuly and thankful to Google team, who are make this course very intresting and very knowledgeable for learners. It's very helpful and very informative also. My journey with this course is very greatful and enjoyable. I much like the part of assembly the own computer. That was very good stuff for me.
Thanks again!!
By Dishelesh J
•Apr 17, 2018
The information was truly a basic introduction to technical support fundamentals. It is always good to review, refresh and reflect on objectives before starting a new assignment or task. The different perspectives on technical support was helpful and inclusive of the different opportunities. I would like to take a moment to thank the team at Google and contributors for program.
By Deleted A
•Mar 16, 2022
technical support fundamentals- may be named with some broader aspect like computer support fundamentals! just fun bcoz personally i learned a lot of new things that i never came across i work with all the times and i don't even know how it works under hoods. not just from technical perspective but of course from computer tech perspective. very engaging stuffs and easy to follow.
By Daniel J
•Oct 9, 2020
Really good course. It was all refresher for me but I liked that the course tied together and reminded me of all I have learned over the years and in some of my time in college. I do not have a degree and for financial reasons am not able to go back to college for the foreseeable future. This course. and the IT Professional Certification Program as a whole is very valuable to me.
By James H
•Dec 18, 2019
Very well designed course. I already knew a lot of it, but I feel that it was presented in a way that I wanted to listen even to the things I already understood, and in a few instances I ended up learning that I didn't understand as much as I thought. I really appreciated the opportunity and the challenges, I definitely feel more confident about the idea of Technical Support now.
By John B M
•Mar 14, 2018
This course is the very beginning of the IT Support journey. I was introduced to the instructors that taught the rest of the specialization and learned about each part of what an IT Support Specialist will do. The modules are informative and concise. They provide an overview of everything that you'll learn throughout the duration of the Google IT Support Professional Certificate.
By abdelkader b
•Aug 8, 2023
I can only describe this wonderful and great journey. I was surprised by the huge amount of information that I absorbed in this course. I thank Google for giving me this opportunity in order to obtain this knowledge. I also thank all the professors who were at the level in terms of knowledge, education and study. Simply can be described in one word. One is that it's a great trip
By Allen F
•Apr 10, 2023
I really appreciate how little this course assumes about its participants and how much they show that people from diverse backgrounds can get into this field. It is incredibly encouraging to find something like this that has depth without having to spend the amount of time and money required to get a full-on degree for those of us who are in a position where that isn't feasible.
By Omar K
•Oct 5, 2022
This course, which I studied, is very useful for developing my knowledge of the basics of information technology. It added new and important things to my information. It opened a door for me to expand my field of work and develop my studies in this vital field. I would like to continue taking advanced training courses in the Information Technology Support Specialist Certificate.
By James E
•Mar 22, 2021
This course gives you an easy to follow instructions, comprehensive and relevant lesson content, and objectives. This course is engaging and immersive for someone who has been away from the field for a while or new to the field. It gives you the building blocks for a career in IT. The troubleshooting course skills are transferable to just about any other customer-centric career.
By Tyrone H
•Jan 4, 2021
I've worked and studied in IT and can say this course does cover the fundamentals for supporting in IT. I would recommend this course as a good start / eye opener to the world of IT support and to get your foot in. As for someone who is in this world, it is a good refresher course and had elements that I did that play around with before as well so I learned a little bit as well.
By Dezman M
•May 12, 2019
This first of five course has been one of the best refreshers for the IT Field for me. I have knowledge of the field and am knowledgeable of how it works, but this course was a great review and update on things that I didn't know had changed and grow. I am excited to get through the next four courses and have the certification to really see what the Technical Field has to offer.
By Evelin U
•Apr 29, 2023
La finalización del curso de Technical Support Fundamentals es una logro valioso para cualquier persona interesada en la resolución de problemas técnicos y el soporte al cliente. El curso proporciona una base sólida en las habilidades y conocimientos necesarios para el soporte técnico, incluyendo la comprensión de sistemas operativos, redes, seguridad y resolución de problemas.
By Celinez B
•Sep 25, 2022
This was an amazing and fun course. The videos are so detailed and helpful in learning. It's incredibly interesting and very easy to move along. The fact you can work at your own pace is incredibly important druing this day and age where we are all so busy with life things. Thank you Google for providing this wonderful opportunity to learn about the different facets of IT.
By Mary J B
•Jun 25, 2022
Throughout my career I knew I had gaps in my understanding of computers and software and this always made me feel like I was missing something. This course did so much to fill those in those gaps, and did it in a clear and concise manner. Taking this course made me feel good about myself for FINALLY learning this! Thank you so much! And thank you to your excellent instructors!
By Yuuka K
•Oct 16, 2020
Great course for someone who is interested in IT or technology in general. Also a great refresher course for someone who is already with the IT job like myself. I do not have an IT background as an education but being an IT Support ore than 10 years. The course has helped me understand some of the fundamentals that I did not know. There was great 'aha!' moments throughout!