Dec 24, 2020
This course was very informative not just as it relates to Covid-19 but also in the way we should deal and interact with people. Enjoyed learning about the time frames for incubation, isolation etc.
Nov 11, 2020
These Modules are very clear and easy to understand. I appreciate all the things I learned from these. Keep up the great work and let us work together to continue to fight against Covid-19. Thank you.
By Abdulqader F
•May 23, 2020
this is a very nice course, it came just on time. it provides information regarding COVID-19 and explains the method of using contact tracing to reduce the infection spread throughout the community. the course also provides excellent communication skills that help contact tracing agents to succeed in their jobs.
•May 18, 2020
This course covered all aspects of Covid-19 Identification and tracking, dealing with the public, both those infected and those exposed, and best practices for many and varied scenarios. The course was presented in clear and easy to understand language with helpful illustrations covering a variety of situations.
By Kimberly D L
•May 18, 2020
I really enjoyed the ease of learning that this course offered. The material was very informative, presented in a format that made it easy for me to understand & keep me engaged, provided great examples & role plays and left me feeling a bit better about COVID-19 & feeling more realistically informed. Thank You!
By Helen S
•May 17, 2020
Excellent course. Videos are deliberate and full of relevant information. The interspersed test questions reinforce learning, and the ability to relearn and retake the quiz valuable. The content on interviewing techniques was quite thorough! Even potential challenges that await a contact tracer are included.
By Jayesh K
•May 16, 2020
The course was excellent. The contents which included text , video , diagram , graphics and assessment were relevant to the topics. The course was in easy to understand , with very good clarity and need optimum time to go through the course. The software is also very good and all the interaction was motivating.
•May 2, 2022
The course was informative with the resources and information that was available at the time the course was completed. Since our knowledge of the virus is very fluid, a few things are not up to date. It clears the basic knowledge we need to know about CORONA virus.I suggest you to do this course.All the best.
By Mardeliez C
•Oct 31, 2020
First of all, I would like to thank Dr. Emily Gurley for all the knowledge and expertise she had shared about Covid-19 and how to become an effective Covid-19 Contact Tracer. I really learned a lot from this course! Special gratitude is extended to Coursera and John Hopkins University! More power and God bless!
By Md. T A K
•Jul 22, 2020
I enrolled this course just out of curiosity to enrich myself on COVID-19 issue. But, as I indulged into this course I discovered something new passing every level. So, without any question I will appraise this course with 5 stars. Thanks to Johns Hopkins and Coursera for such a marvelous programme on COVID-19.
By Valerie C B
•Jun 25, 2020
The course was well-done, very comprehensive and easy for a lay-person like myself to understand. I have learned so much about measures to stop the spread of the disease. I further appreciate how the coursework was doled out in small "bites" and how concepts and key points were reinforced throughout the course.
By Monica H
•May 28, 2020
The course took me a couple of days to complete, but it was very straight forward and easy to understand!
The most challenging part for me was understanding the terminology for types of questions. I really enjoyed this course, however, I do not think the music at the beginning of every single video is necessary.
By Rodrigo A C
•May 21, 2020
The instructions has been very clear and easy to understand all the concepts that have been applied here. The practical cases were of great value to understand the day-a-day situations and prepare for what's to come. Totally recommend this course. the speaker masters the subject very well and conveys very well.
By Richard W S
•May 13, 2020
I've taken a lot of courses in my life: online, by correspondence, and in-person, -- this is one of best. It is concise, well structured and very relevant in this pandemic era. Anybody interested in learning about Contact Tracing in general, and in the specific context of COVID-19 will find it very informative.
By Dianarose A
•Dec 12, 2020
This course really helps a lot. This is an on time course that should be taken by many. This will help us understand more about this pandemic, how to prevent it and how to finally stop it. This will also help us on how to communicate properly to the contact and cases without any judgement and misunderstanding.
By Pamela M M
•Aug 23, 2020
I thought the course was great. It kept my interest as well as reviewing the important information needed for this Contact training. I also appreciated listening to the phone conversations to be able to see what can be done differently. I believe it was very easy to follow and understand all the terminology.
By Maria H C
•Jul 3, 2020
I found the course very informative, the information provided quite technical, however, very useful although at this point I have no plans to be a contact tracer. Personally, the information has provided me with information to better understand terminologies like case vs. contact, isolation vs. quarantine etc.
By Lina G
•Jun 16, 2020
Un curso muy completo,tuve algo de dificultad en las lecturas ya que intentaba entender mejr escuchando los audios en ingles, pero estuvo bien, continuare estudiando mas sobre el tema, Gracias por su ayuda y por haber subtitulado el curso, una buena herramienta para aquellos que no hablamos ingles, Mil gracias
By Sandra L K
•May 18, 2020
This course is not only great for those who will be employed as contract tracers, but also for anyone who wants to better understand the process, or may even be on the receiving end of contract tracing at some point. The course material was relevant, thorough, presented clearly, and was at an appropriate pace.
By Shane J
•May 16, 2020
This course was truly informative! I think I learned more about COVID than I did watching the news for the past few months! The amount of information that goes into becoming a contact tracer is truly impressive. I believe that this course truly prepared me for all that I am going to encounter in this position.
By Denise B
•May 16, 2020
This was an awesome course! I liked the platform. The instructor was clearly an expert. The quizzes made me think. The videos were informative. The vignettes provided great comparisons of the wrong way and right way to perform the role of contact tracer. This was a really cool class. Thank you for offering it.
By varsha s c
•May 15, 2020
I am Varsha a public health graduate from Illinois, I am very happy to learn about the contact tracing and learn in detail about the COVID-19 how it is developed, how it's transmitted, signs and symptoms, which were important for every public health student to learn.
Thanks, Coursera and Emily for this course.
By Crystal Y
•Feb 16, 2021
This course was helpful to understanding what terminology is when I hear Dr. Fauci or other doctors and experts talk. I feel I have skills that may be able to help end this pandemic so we can move towards our new normal -- whatever that may be. How much better to do this with understanding than just guessing!
•Feb 12, 2021
This course validated information I have learned from the news & online research but I also learned new information. The course was user friendly & reviewed material enough to retain the information. Being able to retake the quizzes is also helpful. It was a plus to not experience any technical issues as well
By Marc B
•Jan 11, 2021
Thank you for this learning experience. There has been valuable pieces information that I can bring back to my workplace to bolster our process. As well, this has also reaffirmed the protocols we have put in place to support our Post-Secondary institution and community. Be well, be safe and stay healthy.
By Olga O
•Aug 16, 2020
Fantastic opportunity to get full information on the virus and knowledge on contact tracing. Being a contact tracer myself in Australia it was interesting to compare how I was performing my duties with what is required to perform contact tracing correctly. Thank you so much for the great opportunity to learn!
By Scott M
•Aug 10, 2020
I found this course very interesting and I gained a great deal of new information. Having worked in microbiology/virology for 30+ years, it was interesting to learn what goes on outside the lab results we provide. I definitely gained a great deal of insight on the public health role in infection prevention.