Dec 24, 2020
This course was very informative not just as it relates to Covid-19 but also in the way we should deal and interact with people. Enjoyed learning about the time frames for incubation, isolation etc.
Nov 11, 2020
These Modules are very clear and easy to understand. I appreciate all the things I learned from these. Keep up the great work and let us work together to continue to fight against Covid-19. Thank you.
By De L C M N G
•Jun 19, 2020
As a sanitary engineering student, this is very helpful for us considering that this pandemic hinders a lot of the activities in the Philippines. This course does not only evaluate you on the knowledge about the virus but also the things you need to know on its impact in the society and social movement .
By Kumar L R
•Jun 6, 2020
Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to learn this valuable and educational course. I learned more about the Covid-19 Contact Tracing Technique sand Tips. This course helped me to keep my knowledge base uptodate with currtent trends in Contact Tracing. Thanks again. Kumar L Radhakrishnan
By Laura A M
•May 18, 2020
This class was very informative. Breaking down the difference between isolation and quarantine, learning questions types and active listening. I have a better understanding of the virus, modes of transmission, incubation versus infectious period and how to guide the questioning in a productive manner.
By Jarrett A
•May 17, 2020
Originally, I started the course, really for something to do and keep busy. Soon, I was hooked, finding each course interesting, timely and necessary for all people, especially those in the health and human services fields. I highly recommend this course. In fact, I am looking for other courses to study.
By Frances C M
•May 16, 2020
Excellent course with good details. Videos were excellent examples of what to do and not do. I am a physician and it helped me review how best to talk to patients in my work- as if I was back in med school. A good reinforcement of what I have learned on how to interact with patients for the best outcome.
By Terrence E N
•Dec 17, 2020
I found the course extremely Informative. Although I am familiar with some of the concepts delivered, I did learn questions to ask contacts and the proper vernacular to use when speaking with these respective Individuals. Starting a job as a Contact Notifier soon gives me a solid foundation to build on.
By Alba K
•Aug 29, 2020
Very informative and interactive. The videos, questions and vignettes were fun and very good examples of what to do. I was disappointed that we did not receive CEUs even though it was long enough to receive some credit. The music at the beginning and ending of the videos was distracting and unnecessary.
By Robin H
•Jun 30, 2020
This course was full of great information that was delivered perfectly to help in the understanding of all of the components of Contact Tracing. I have completed the course feeling much more knowledgeable about COVID -19 and feel confident in the skills learned to do the contact tracing job effectively.
By Mallika B
•Jun 13, 2020
This is a nice course, which gave elaborate information not only COVID 19 signs and symptoms, also mainly concentrated on how to deal with COVID 19 patients, communication, contact tracing, and confidentiality of patient details. It is really helpful for me. Thank you so much for the wonderful course.
By Tanya C
•Jun 5, 2020
Excellent. Very clear, very easy to understand. My only challenge was timing - I'd planned to go back in and retake the Final one last time to get 100% but missed that deadline due to my schedule.
Thank you for offering this course and certification for free. It's a huge help anytime but especially now.
By Alice H
•May 29, 2020
This was a very informative!! Easy to follow and understand. The information provided helped understand the reasons for isolation, quarantine, testing, symptoms, social distancing and the importance of contact tracing. I recommend this course to everyone, not just those interested in contact tracing.
By Alexandra E S
•May 16, 2020
This course was very clearly written and recorded. Very easy to follow and did not include extraneous or unimportant information. I'm very glad it included details about how to speak with empathy and actively listen to people you're in contact with. The emphasis on building rapport was a priceless one.
By Beth B
•Sep 11, 2020
I had shared with my fellow CTs in the western region of NC as I think the course provided:
improved techniques for communicating with contacts/cases
additional information regarding technology and the goal of reducing Covid-19
the class was well paced, clear to understand, and easy to follow sequentially
By Craig D
•Aug 20, 2020
Hi, I thought this was a great course. Very informative and Dr. Gurley has a very engaging and pleasant voice and communication style.
Thank you so much for making this training available for free. This is an important tool for us to keep our academy open and operating.
Craig Dawson
Cal Maritime
By LucÃa R
•Jul 3, 2020
The topic of each module is clear as are the objectives. I am not a contact tracer but decided to take the course to understand better how COVID-19 should be handled from the contact tracing and follow-up standpoint. Highly recommended, even if only for knowledge to lower any anxieties covid19-related.
By Monica H
•Jun 15, 2020
I enjoyed this training. It was broken up in to small comprehensive sections and very informative. It seemed to really cover the essentials for understanding what contact tracing is and issues and processes you need to be sensitive to and understand if you decide you would like to do this type of work.
By Karen R
•May 26, 2020
Thank you so much for providing this service. The class was easy to follow, provided excellent detailed information and had including the short videos of how to make case/contact calls.
My 5 start rating includes the professor. She was clear, easy to understand and follow this course.
Be Well,
Karen Rau
By Joseph S G J
•May 22, 2020
I really enjoyed the course it taught me a lot about understanding the COVID-19. I really needed this course for my own knowledge base, I'm 66 and truly want to ensure I understand and do the right things to protect myself; family and community! Thank-you so much for making this available to everyone.
By Christopher P S
•May 22, 2020
Great course. Very straightforward. The slides of the presentation are very clear, and the instructor does a terrific job leading you through the process of what it takes to be a Contact Tracer very seamlessly and thoroughly. Thank you, and kudos for coming up with an engaging class in a timely manner.
By Nicola D
•May 22, 2020
A clear and well articulated course that developed my understanding of the importance of contact tracing and the communication skills that encourage co-operation by COVID cases and contacts. Thankyou, I hope I can be of help to our Health system if they require more contact tracers in the months ahead.
By Gary M
•May 21, 2020
I truly enjoyed learning about COVID-19 and the importance of "Contact Tracing". Especially for all who are affected and the persons who can be. One of the important parts of studying this course, make sure you have enough sleep in you and alert. The questions and final quiz will ensure that you are!
By James T
•May 17, 2020
I much better understand the challenges of this pandemic and how important it is to limit its spread through effective contact tracing. I also appreciate just how important effective communication and building rapport with people affected by COVID-19 is to contact tracers, and how skilled their job is.
By Winson K
•May 14, 2020
I learned a lot about COVID-19 and the process of contact tracing. Understanding the disease better and what those affected may be going through has changed my personal perspective. Knowing we really can make a difference, prevent suffering and help others effectively increases my hope for the future.
By Angela L S
•May 12, 2020
Very easy to follow, great examples, frequent opportunities to test and solidify knowledge and understanding. I had already completed the Covid-19 Contact Tracing training provided by ASTHO, but this course went into even greater detail to prepare new Contact Tracers for the job ahead. Terrific course!
By Mary C
•Dec 4, 2020
I'm enjoying gaining specific knowledge about contact tracing. As a licensed teacher, I can appreciate information presented in multiple learning styles. I just wish that I could get credit for my work. I've reviewed the help topics. I had to add another device. Good content. I appreciate the updates.