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Learner Reviews & Feedback for COVID-19 Contact Tracing by Johns Hopkins University

95,125 ratings

About the Course

The COVID-19 crisis has created an unprecedented need for contact tracing across the country, requiring thousands of people to learn key skills quickly. The job qualifications for contact tracing positions differ throughout the country and the world, with some new positions open to individuals with a high school diploma or equivalent. In this introductory course, students will learn about the science of SARS-CoV-2 , including the infectious period, the clinical presentation of COVID-19, and the evidence for how SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted from person-to-person and why contact tracing can be such an effective public health intervention. Students will learn about how contact tracing is done, including how to build rapport with cases, identify their contacts, and support both cases and their contacts to stop transmission in their communities. The course will also cover several important ethical considerations around contact tracing, isolation, and quarantine. Finally, the course will identify some of the most common barriers to contact tracing efforts -- along with strategies to overcome them....

Top reviews


May 22, 2020

Thank you for this very informative course. I learnt a lot regarding contact tracing, and I am sure I will be able to use this information to help volunteering for COVID-19 Contact Tracing in my city.


Oct 27, 2020

This was my first course on Coursera offered by JHU. I fount it to be very precise, informative and up to date. I greatly appreciated and enjoyed the balance of visual and verbal learning offerings.

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426 - 450 of 10,000 Reviews for COVID-19 Contact Tracing

By Magda R


Aug 25, 2020

Excellent course. Each module identified what you were expected to learn and presented information in a concise manner. Visuals included slides, graphics and videos that kept the presentation engaging. The longest presentation was about 28 minutes. However, most were about 15 minutes or less with a quiz immediately following. The videos demonstrating mock contact tracing calls were a welcome tool. As were the checklists to guide calls with people infected or potentially infected with COVID-19. The instructor stayed on point and spoke in a lively manner. I felt like I was in her classroom versus taking the course on-line. I would highly recommend this class.

By William S


May 14, 2020

An overview of what I learned: How to effectively probe a case or contact to determine the best way to proceed with their tracing. The incubation period for the virus. The difference between a case and a contact. The proper ways to interact in an empathetic way with the case or contact. How to initiate an investigation in tracing possible contacts. What symptoms to look for when determining whether the case should call 911 or their family physician. Effective methods or questions to use when trying to get the most complete information from a case or contact. Also, the factors that would suggest a case or contact can end their isolation or quarantine.

By Yussif B D


May 25, 2020

I am currently a member of the COVID 19 Rapid Response Team and directly involved in case investigation and contact tracing. This course has opened new horizons into my work and I have also gained further interview skills and sensitized on client rights and ethical issues. The concept and understanding of client requests and needs have been better explained so as the meaning and application of autonomy, privacy and confidentiality in case investigation and contact tracing. I also

forsee the knowledge and skills acquired applicable in my EPI, TB and the larger disease surveillance programmes and not just only COVID 19. The course is very useful to my work

By Carol D


Aug 16, 2020

The information is presented clearly, and was very well organized. There were a couple of times when I would have liked to be able to send feedback to the course designer---one time where a graph was confusing; another time when something important was omitted. But there were only a few questions on the quizzes and the final where I wasn't sure how to answer. It did take me more than 6 hours to complete the course---closer to 10 hours. The video examples of contact tracers talking to cases and contacts were especially helpful. The only thing missing was an opportunity to role play and practice what I was learning, and a way to ask questions of the instructor.

By Lyteshia G


Jun 9, 2020

Thanks kindly for offering such a program that is much needed in this pandemic. I appreciate that I was given the opportunity to take this certificate program in such a prestigious setting. I will forever be grateful for this. I am a recently retired from Law Enforcement Officer, at a young age (with 21 years of experience, and a plethora of expertise), and would love to have Contact Tracing as my encore career. I love to do anything with algorithms, tracing, requiring investigative skills, in which I also had the pleasure of doing Comp-Stat, and Quick Stat before retiring in our H.R. Division of my law enforcement agency. God bless!

Retired P.O. Gunn-Pope, L

By Alysa H H


May 23, 2020

I have worked as an SLP from hospitals to nursing homes to schools and private practice for 20+ years. I was extremely impressed by the teachings in this course, and the clarity of the course. The videos were very informative and I was pleased that we had opportunities to get feedback of our responses, and if need be, retake the quizzes. I have been wanting to be involved with an organization where I am helping society, and I truly hope that this contact tracing course, my personal and professional experiences as an SLP working with all ages, from toddlers to seniors, I will have the opportunity to be part of a team that helps fight this pandemic in NY.

By Mosella C -


May 20, 2020

This course was insightful, invigorating and interesting. I did not know such skill existed until recently. I took the course because it intrigue me the fact that contact tracers play such a big role in ending pandemics. I'm very interested in becoming a contact tracer. I think that I'm suited for this job, along with this cousre, my desire for service work, and my love of people, Altogether make me a good candidate. In addtion, Dr. Emily was great! She made the modules easy to follow and understand; I think the course content covers all ways that people learn and gives you all the information you'll need to be a successful contact tracer.

By John M


Oct 4, 2020

I think the course was really good and relevant to what is happening in this world today. It is very educational, and allows you to face the reality of this pandemic. The course content was introduced very well and allowed you to stay consistently focused and able to learn in a steady manner also. It was not "system overload" with too much information all at once and did not lose you during the process. It allows us to be very open to how it effects people differently and how important it is to remember whom you have came into contact with while showing symptoms. Thank you for educating me and allowing me to have the opportunity of taking this course.

By Richard H B


Jun 16, 2020

Very helpful and informative. The course was paced well and provided a great overview to the issues. It spends as much time on interpersonal skills as it does medical/COVID related concepts. I was looking for a way to save my own notes or submit questions and/or observations to the development team. There appeared to be options for this sort of thing but none were functional. There's also a bit of a void about what's next. Does course completion make us eligible to actually be contact tracers? I have a full time job but would be willing to volunteer or whatever it takes to actually get involved, but I didn't see guidance about how to proceed.

By Michael A


May 18, 2020

The COVID-19 Contact Tracing online course was exceptional! It was easy to understand, it was user-friendly and it shared skills, strategies and information to help people become great Contact Tracers. I am much more educated when speaking with others about SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 and Contact Tracing. The information I learned will be used as a tool to educate, support and teach others. I strongly suggest that everyone take the time to complete this course and embrace Contact Tracing. Information in this course can help everyone around the world learn how to limit the virus from spreading and take action, together! Best of health to everyone!



Jul 21, 2020

As a chef ,I Always Update my knowledge in Public Health and food safety .

All the countries in the world are spending mostly their economy for Covid-19 Contact tracing process to protect the people.This course is very modern and effective way to learn about Covid-19 and contact tracing. This course was very interesting, well-presented and easy to follow. The exercises and quizzes are relevant and prepare you for doing contact tracing.This course will give us the ability to help many people understand how they protect those they come in contact with.Thank you very much for offering this course.I learned alot about covid-19 and contact tracing.

By Karl K


Jun 21, 2020

I found the information about Cars-CoV-2/Covid-19 infection and the infectious period very enlightening. I was impressed by the skill with which the information about contact tracing was presented. I appreciate the style in which the information was imparted--the short videos with transcripts and immediate testing to verify my knowledge. I feel that this course has provided me with the necessary tools to begin contact tracing. I am humbled by the amount of work involved in contact tracing. I hope that this work helps to keep people safe in my community and in the whole country. Thank you for providing this incredible educational experience.

By Donna M


May 18, 2020

I feel much more informed about Cov-19 and it's orgin. I really enjoyed learning about this pandemic and the material that was used in this course was really easy to follow. I didn't exactly agree with two of the questions answers on the final, which were, if a tracer was reflecting after repeating what a case had said to him, and the question about transmitting the virus by stepping on a droplett of an infected person. Given how long the virus can live and the person that stepped on the droplett, actually touching the shoe and the droplet, I feel, can cause that contact to become infected. Overall, I really enjoyed taking this course!!!

By Ruth G


Sep 26, 2020

Thank you. Very informative.

Issues with set up and going into quizzes and starting course again. Suggestion: Have a button on the bottom at the end of each section for the quiz and one at the end of the quiz to go back into the next section.

Keep reviewing dates for incubation and infection separately throughout the lecture. Make a clear distinction between isolation and quarantine and between privacy and confidentiality.

I believe a found an error when explaining paraphrasing and reflecting. The speaker states incorrectly during the lecture that Amy is reflecting but in the quiz the correct answer is paraphrasing.

Thank you very much.

By Antonella L


Jul 11, 2020

Any American should take this class as it would help them understand how we have become the country with most infections and most deaths in the world. Contract tracing is essential to stop a pandemic, but the lack of leadership has created a situation where contact tracing is not possible. Sick people wait days before being tested and then several days before getting their results back. As I learned from this course, the window for contact tracing is very narrow and it's essentially impossible in most of the US states like Florida, Arizona, and Texas where I live. We are in the middle of the biggest public health failure in US history.

By Frederick W


May 30, 2020

This was indeed a fun and extremely informational course. I learned more than I expected about how to both approach and handle the delicate issues people infected with the Covid-19 virus are presently living with on a daily basis. At first, you only think of this course as a quick means to certification for employment. But as you get further into the course, you get to meet the cases and their contact. How this disease totally upsets and changes the lives of so many people. As a Contact Tracer, you are able to give many of these people hope and a foreseeable way forward for them, their families, friends, community and coworkers.

By Eric L M


Jan 17, 2021

Great overview of the process and tips to be successful. Vignettes and videos were very helpful (much better actors than typical training films, lol). Two minor distractors: (1) the estimated completion times always rounded down to the last whole minute, e.g., a 3 min 59 sec lesson was billed as 3 min. Sometimes I completed lessons when I only had a couple of minutes and this threw me off just a little. (2) I had no control (I could find) to turn off the closed captioning. It seemed to come on on it's on volition. This would have been okay but it frequently obscured slide content. Loved the course despite the two nit picky items.

By Atulkumar H K P (


Jan 8, 2022

Excellent Course to increase the knowledge about World's current greatest and most dangerous Virus Covid-19.

Still Covid-19 is not yet finished, it is taking new shape and coming with more dangerous condition.

By learning and getting good knowledge about how to control and minimize the Covid-19 in the society, city, state, country and in the world.

We learnt/studied about how to deal/check with covid-19 infectious case, and about close contact, to reduce the impaction from dangerous virus covid-19 by educating the surrounding society/colleagues/relatives, and save the nation/world from the economy point of view too.

Thanks Coursera.

By Tong L


Jun 23, 2020

A bit of a slow start... I'm guessing that there's been so much information about SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 that the initial sections that describe what the virus is and what the disease does feels a tad stale but this is possibly due to public awareness campaigns. The contact tracing sections are excellent and at times I was hoping there was much more in-depth analysis and more extensive case studies and discussions on best practice. Excellent course overall and invaluable for anyone wanting to understand the challenges of Contact Tracing or to start their training journey in this vital area of Public Health service delivery.

By Christiana T H


Jul 3, 2020

This course is good its at a high school or community college level of reading. But I think it needs an extensive review module where everything covered before the actual final exam is given be covered. And they need more hand on practice assignments for the charting of the calendar section. Exercises practicing simulated cases and contracts. All the math is upfront and doesn't seem to be repeated until the final exam. Its hard to remember 2 days before, 2 to 5 days, and then the difference between 10 days and 14 days requirements and the 2 to 3 days of the last symptoms. Repetition during the course would have been nice.

By Neris A G


Jun 15, 2020

Excelente curso , me gusto mucho porque mis destrezas y conocimiento se fortalecerán mucho mas con este nuevo tratamiento con la comunidad en la educacion y concientización, de lograr con éxito la sanación del COVID-19 coronavirus. La comunidad necesita educacion y disciplina para lograr un éxito de como manejar esta pandemia. Las habilidades aprendidas fortalecen como tratar las emociones, la resiliencia, la creatividad, l manejo del tiempo y el trabajo de equipo.

Muchas gracias por la oportunidad de conocer cosas nuevas y fortalecer el conocimiento, felicitaciones por este lindo programa en la Universidad Johns Hopkins.


By Yorman J S P


Nov 14, 2020

Excelente curso. Muy bien explicado todo lo relacionado a comunicación con el paciente y los medios necesarios empleados para obtener la mayor y mejor información para detectar casos y contactos. También está incluido un poco el tema de ética. Es un curso enfocado en la comunicación con el paciente, te orientan a cómo deberías realizar la cuarentena y aislamiento y quienes deberían hacer uno u otro. Finalmente, para quien este muy interesado, debe de saber que NO es un curso donde explican la fisiopatologia, Inmunologia, tratamientos, etc. Es solo investigación de casos y contactos. Felicidades por tan excelente curso.

By Jesse L D I


Jun 19, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed this course. It provided insight to the community we live in and how our health departments co-ordinate with the citizens they serve. I am not a healthy provider, however I have been in the past . Things have changed considerably, like social media and health care altogether. I took this course to help me understand this COVID-19 virus, how it affects us and what is being done to keep us safe. It also gives me a general understanding of my health departments role locally and within the state. Thank you for providing this course to anyone with the urge to gain knowledge relating to this matter.

By Emily


Jun 1, 2020

This course was brief, to the point, easy to follow and understand some complex topics. I hold an MPH and thought it was well done and accessible within and outside of the public health field. I think anyone could benefit from taking this course just to have a general understanding of what is going on and to equip themselves with basic knowledge regarding the virus, how it is spread and what to expect if contacted by a public health professional. It is an amazing crash course that I thoroughly enjoyed and feel serves as a good foundation as I apply to be a contact tracer. Thank you Dr. Gurley and team at Johns Hopkins!

By Rosemarie M


Jun 9, 2020

So sorry. I had written several paragraphs of commentary most of which were complimentary and others designed to be helpful in avoiding ambiguities that in my case led to confusion. These had an impact on two incorrect selections on the final assessment. After laying out all my observations in detail, the entire content of my writing disappeared. My schedule this afternoon does not allow for replication. Suffice it to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the course which I thought to be well structured, well organized and well presented. I intend to continue taking Coursera courses and look forward to doing so.