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Learner Reviews & Feedback for COVID-19 Contact Tracing by Johns Hopkins University

95,125 ratings

About the Course

The COVID-19 crisis has created an unprecedented need for contact tracing across the country, requiring thousands of people to learn key skills quickly. The job qualifications for contact tracing positions differ throughout the country and the world, with some new positions open to individuals with a high school diploma or equivalent. In this introductory course, students will learn about the science of SARS-CoV-2 , including the infectious period, the clinical presentation of COVID-19, and the evidence for how SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted from person-to-person and why contact tracing can be such an effective public health intervention. Students will learn about how contact tracing is done, including how to build rapport with cases, identify their contacts, and support both cases and their contacts to stop transmission in their communities. The course will also cover several important ethical considerations around contact tracing, isolation, and quarantine. Finally, the course will identify some of the most common barriers to contact tracing efforts -- along with strategies to overcome them....

Top reviews


May 22, 2020

Thank you for this very informative course. I learnt a lot regarding contact tracing, and I am sure I will be able to use this information to help volunteering for COVID-19 Contact Tracing in my city.


Oct 27, 2020

This was my first course on Coursera offered by JHU. I fount it to be very precise, informative and up to date. I greatly appreciated and enjoyed the balance of visual and verbal learning offerings.

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526 - 550 of 10,000 Reviews for COVID-19 Contact Tracing

By Sanjay S


Jun 24, 2020

The course is well structured and lucidly explained. I would suggest everyone to go through this course during this pandemic period as it teaches some value able skills in terms of communication that helps in contact-tracing and preventing further spread of infectious diseases.

I would also like to suggest that one should proceed serially as the final assessment based on the questions asked on each module. Final assessment is easy just keep in mind to go through the modules properly. One should be able to finish it in about 4-7days with ease.

By Constance S


Jun 15, 2020

The course was a condensing of what we've been reading in the news as far as the symptoms and infectious period goes which is good to have it all in one place and not rehashed. Having scenarios where there is actual dialogue between a contact tracer and a case is good so you can science out what you might actually do during an encounter is helpful. The course was very easy to follow.. It was good to be able to answer a couple of questions after a short video. I also liked the fact that you had the option of reading vs listening to the video..

By Naomi


Jun 15, 2020

I learned a lot. I need to review the incubation and infection periods. It was confusing calculating the number of days for isolation and quarantine, when to calculate or count out 7, 10, or 14 days from the onset of symptoms. More examples could've been given for some things. Overall, this course was well laid out and organized. I liked how there was a mini-quiz after each video to check for understanding. Having the ability to re-take quizzes and having notes available under each video was super helpful in assisting me to pass this course.

By Gabriela R


Jul 20, 2020

I found this course easy to follow and very clear, the information I learned really makes me feel confident that I can now do the job of contact tracing effectively and ethically. I feel well-informed about the virus and its origin, and able to explain it clearly to others. I appreciate the fact that this course also focuses on empathy and other qualities necessary to be successful as a contact tracer, because I'm certain those will make the difference in every call. I highly recommend this course. And if you must go out, please wear a mask.

By Genevieve S


Nov 10, 2020

A very comprehensive, timely and informative course for contact tracing. It's intended for non-health workers, but health workers like myself will also benefit from taking it. It covers the basics from information about Covid-19 to what is contact tracing and how to do it. I was taken aback that it also teaches how to be a more effective contact tracer, which included communication skills and working out the possible hindrances to isolation and quarantine-- very important stuff. I hope contact tracing in my country is also taught like this.

By Jana J G


Jun 27, 2020

This course is very interesting and I find this informative and educational. Given the current situation that I am in right now, this gives me the right information that I should know about. This pandemic gives me tension since it began and there are many questions I have in my mind, until I chance upon this course. Thank you so much Coursera, you have provided me a better perspective about COVID19 and how else I could be of help for my family and others, and eventually in my society in becoming a contact tracer, I guess. Thank you so much.



Jun 21, 2020

COVID-19 Contact tracing is a very effective and helpful course for those who are willing to study about this pandemic as well as wanted to understand the over all seriousness of this COVID-19 disease. Students, Health worker or any individual person can study it and can get some useful reliable information from this course module; it is easy to learn you don’t have to be a medical personnel to able to understand this subject. Studying is the best way get your answers it helps me to clears my doubts and I’m sure it will do the same for you.

By Linda R


Jun 21, 2020

This contact tracing course was informative. Learning the history/origin of SARS COVID-19 and its evolution was interesting. Learning about the rate of infection and the importance of contract tracing was very helpful in understanding transmission. Most importantly, was understanding the RO rate of infection. I think this course should be broadcast widely to the larger community so people understand COVID-19. Thank you Johns Hopkins University and in particular, Ms. Emily Gurley, PH.D., for taking the time to educate us on this virus.

By Dawn F


Oct 10, 2020

I liked the training for incorporating videos along with reading material. It was easy to read the content again without have to replay the video. Taking notes was simple, with highlighting and clicking to save to review at a later date. Most of the questions were straight forward with the answers from the lessons, a few were not as straight forward and required critical analysis. Overall, it gave me more insight and the proper guidance on how one may efficiently use today's technology tools for the public good to help cases and contacts.

By Edith K


Aug 19, 2020

I took the course to be fully informed what contact tracing is about and what the criteria are the government or health department is specially looking for to stop spreading the virus in the most updated way. I think that Emily Gurley was a wonderful host, thank you! There are still some thoughts i have and there was no discussion or forum i could have directed my concerns. One is definitely the question about child vaccination as a requirement does not play into a tracing course. Another one is technology and app in respect to tracing.

By Maureen P


Mar 1, 2021

This course mirrored the kinds of things we were hearing from our local Summit County Heskth Department, based in CDC guidelines. Unfortunately, the local Revere Local School District had a different approach. This course was clearly presented and relatively easy to learn as a result. Thank you! I hope I’ll have the opportunity to transition to doing similar work or assist in a committee at work in CCPL (library system). Also, may help me understand as a career counselor and librarian. Librarians should be considered essential workers.

By Alice W


Jul 22, 2020

The contact tracing course was well-organized and thorough. I appreciated observing the scenario videos that helped to demonstrate conversations and how to answer questions and interact with cases and contacts. Highly recommend this course.

One thing I learned on a webinar today, is that the isolation has been changed to fever free for 24 hours with symptoms improving as opposed to the original 72 hours with symptoms improving. Is there a way to notify those of us who took the course of these updates or are you incorporating them into

By Auriette A


May 24, 2020

I believe the course covered all the basics of contact tracing very clearly. It can be difficult to compact a ton of information into an online course, however, I would have liked to have seen/heard discussions about very difficult case situations (ex. the case/contact absolutely refuses to speak to you or isolate/quarantine). Parts of these difficult situations were covered in some scenarios and that was appreciated, but more details if possible. Overall I believe it was a simple and clear course, and I'm satisfied after completing it.

By Ray A


May 31, 2020

I am a UK-based fitness industry analyst and was motivated to complete this course in order to deepen my understanding of COVID-19. The course is intended for those intending to do US-based contact tracing, but it has global relevance.

Effective contact tracing is both a science and art. I have learnt a great deal on this course, including more generally, how to be a more effective communicator.

My thanks to Dr Emily Gurley and her colleagues for creating a course that will help to reduce the transmission rate of COVID-19 and save lives.



May 20, 2020

This course is an eye-opener for those who are interested in effectively working towards public welfare in any field. The common issues that people face while trying to initiate effective communication are beautifully explained in this course along with solutions. I thank everyone behind the preparation of such an interactive and awesome course. Also, I would like to project the manner of questions asked i.e., after each lecture and the quality of those questions, it was outstanding and makes us more into the course. Thank you so much.

By Sarah E


Jul 28, 2020

A very informative course for non-healthcare professionals. It provided a lot of useful information and resources when working with cases and contacts as part of contact tracing processes.

This is going to be helpful to anyone - at this time - not just contact tracers, as it provided valuable knowledge about COVID-19 and the required instructions to be followed in case of infection. I highly recommend this course for anyone who wishes to understand COVID-19, its repercussions, and how to deal with cases & contacts as a contact tracer.

By Beverly L


May 18, 2020

I read about this course being offered in a news story. Unfortunately, specific information regarding NYS asking people to apply for contact tracing position BEFORE taking this course, is buried in the resource section. This should be more prominent. Additionally, at the start of the final exam, information specific to NYS employment was mentioned. This was very confusing. I got one question wrong on the final exam, and I reviewed it several times, and still think I gave the right answer. Other than that, easy course to follow.



Jul 14, 2020

Es para mi un buen apoyo aprender un poco mas acerca de este caso que estamos viviendo dia a dia y enfrentado la situacion de este virus que nos tiene a todos preocupados. Es por ello que agradezco que todo el aprendizaje que vivi en este curso en linea para llevar acabo el seguimiento de este virus y aplicarlo en la vida cotidiana para que todos estemos bien de salud. Y como dice el lema si te cuidas, nos cuidas a todos. Y es importante acatar las reglas de sector salud para poder pronto regresar a la normalidad de la mejor manera.

By Jubin J


May 23, 2020

The course sticks to its core details as the course name suggests. The instructor and the entire team behind the presentation has done a great effort to put every bits and piece organized so that the candidates can learn without any difficulty. I thank Johns Hopkins University management for providing such an effective and situation-demanding course to the people. The knowledge; the course reveals is of a high standard as the world is in need of efficient contact tracers in the unprecedented situations to end the COVID-19 pandemic.

By Petey P


May 18, 2020

Very nice course. The information is broken down in such a way that it is easy to understand and remember. The test questions are not made to be tricky - they are straight forward and all of them should be just review questions if you paid attention to the Quizzes as you went along. I feel ready to assist someone who has Covid 19 to better understand what they need to do going forward. The case scenarios and the examples of good and poor communication were very helpful to increasing my comfort level with the course information.

By Doris H


Dec 24, 2020

This course was an excellent enhancement to my reinforcing precautions such as proper sanitization, respecting others' personal space whether in the home or out with the general public. Further this will give me a keener awareness of with whom I associate if nothing else, observing their behavior(s); do the exhibit the habits which will help them to stay safe.

Even though they did print my name wrong on my certificate they have put my last name down twice; maybe it was my error anyway, I am grateful for this course. Thank you.

By Loida S


Feb 9, 2021

Thank you for a wider perspective on COVID-19. These lessons have given me much understanding on this virus especially in dealing with cases and contacts. You have appealed to my emotions too. A spirit of compassion and care is what contact tracing is all about. I am in deep gratitude for continually reaching out and helping the needy cases. Through this well-prepared course you want people to get involved. Be an agent to stop the widespread of COVID-19. I wish you all the best and success in this endeavor.

Thank you so much.

By Juan F


Jul 17, 2020

I could swear my answer to this question is right, if not which one was it?

You are talking to Mr. Reyes, who tested positive for COVID-19 and tells you his symptoms began on July 1. During a regular follow up call on July 11, he reports that he hasn’t had a fever in 2 days and that most of his symptoms are completely gone. Which statement is correct?

0 / 1 point

He is able to safely end isolation, since ten days have passed since his symptoms began, his fever ended more than 2 days ago and the rest of his symptoms have improved.

By Yahbina M


Jun 7, 2020

This certification process was more than I expected, in that it is packed with details made easy.

I highly recommend the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 certification program. I am looking forward to completing more of the same online certifications related to COVID-19 in the next few week.

I appreciate that you have taken the time to extent this program to the everyday guy and gal next door. You have made it possible for me to give back to my community. Because you have paid it forward now I may do the same. Thank you

By Judith K


May 26, 2020

This course was very informative. I now understand the importance and usefulness of this data collection method.

The lessons were short enough to hold interest and the testing at the end of the sections was good practice for the final assessment. One thing I think would be interesting is to see a sample protocol since the protocol was referenced several times. I understand that they vary by entity but I suspect there are several commonalities.

Thank you for the opportunity to attend this training at no cost. It was excellent.