Jun 25, 2020
Extremely Informative! Totally worth it! The course really emphasizes the absolute need for effective contact tracing as this is a major step in curbing the COVID-19 pandemic.Thank you so much, Emily!
Dec 24, 2020
This course was very informative not just as it relates to Covid-19 but also in the way we should deal and interact with people. Enjoyed learning about the time frames for incubation, isolation etc.
By David N
•May 20, 2020
Dear Doctor Emily Gurley,
Thank you very much for your time! I have learned a great deal of information about the origin of the virus that causes COVID-19, and will be able to identify the clinical signs & symptoms of this vicious virus & the risk factors of this severe disease. I appreciate that through this course I now, can be able to describe when someone is diagnosed with COVID-19 and is infectious, as well as explain how the virus is transmitted from one person to another.
Many thanks,
By Aisha F
•Jul 7, 2020
Write little notes, there are trick questions in the exam. That make you think you have to select more then one answer.See they give you options to select more then one option,that doesn't mean you should select more then one thing. just be very careful. And reread things to yourself. So you don't assume what you read is what it is. this was challenging. but i got it on the second try. mind you i was rushed. did it in 1 hr. read carefully. i have to say you made me sweat. Okay okay, I see you!
By Mark R
•May 19, 2020
Good course but made me feel like I would be a terrible contact tracer because of my interpersonal style - would fall into being more of a Drew than an Amy.
Made me much more cognizant of the timeline and just how long it could be from contact to symptoms if you get it to no longer infectious.
Made me very sceptical of the apple/google bluetooth contact that stays on phone - can see people filing false reports or people getting so many possible hits that they just stop paying attention to it.
By Karen B
•Jun 8, 2020
Little did I know that what I learned in the communication module would benefit my personal relationships! For anyone who wants to learn more about this subject, whether you plan on being a professional tracer or not, I highly recommend it. I believe it will benefit the public.
The process allows sufficient time to finish and is free from pressure. And for those who feel queasy around tests, coursera gives you unlimited tries to get your answers right. There's almost no reason not to take it.
By Krisha S
•Jun 6, 2020
The course is beautifully designed, with perfect division of modules. It is to the point and contains mock video calls with the cases and contacts which helps learners to interpret how exactly they should speak while contact tracing. The instructor is clear in the way she speaks - slowly so that the learner can easily understand. The mock questions after every video lecture were of great help. I would highly recommend this course, especially to eradicate the fear of the virus that has set in.
By Aoune S
•May 22, 2020
Highly informative, effective, and knowledgeable course on the origins, basics, understanding of the Covid-19 including, testing, incubation periods, infectious periods, how to isolate, quarantine, how to make effective communication with contacts, cases, and how to establish rapport and start contact tracing procedures, understanding the needs and worries and concerns of people, and helping communicate with them to ease their worries, fears, concerns, and best practices to reach out to them.
•May 31, 2020
I have never participated in this type of teaching setup. I am super duper happy. I was able to download the transcripts, the slides, and the videos. I made sure that I read, saw the video and heard the video. I was more concerned with truly learning the subject. This program gave me a chance to thoroughly learn the material and then was tested in a very fair manner. I will highly recommend this to my friends and family. I am looking forward to seeing what other courses are available.
By Holly l
•May 24, 2020
Easy to follow! I liked having the role play so I could watch an actual interaction. I was confused when two of the final test questions asked to choose all of the correct answers and there was just one. I felt obligated to chose two since the helpful hints said to chose more than one answer when the question said pick also the correct answers ? ( maybe I interpreted that wrong). When I got my results back sure enough there was only the one answer. I still did well so I didn’t take it over.
•May 20, 2020
It was a VERY SIMPLE , STRAIGHT FORWARD yet very effective course. I enjoyed the way Dr. Emily Gurley delivered it. It was also great to see the way the actors performed ( I could've been one of them though : ). I am eager to start using the methods here in volunteering and helping out non profits and even for the federal government of Canada ( I've signed up as a contact tracing volunteer).
MORE POWER to Coursera, Johns Hopkins Uni and to Emily Gurley for this SUPER AMAZING and FREE course!
By Randall E P
•May 27, 2020
Since this pandemic began I have received volumes of information from Television, social media, newspaper, and person to person discussions. By taking this class I was able to receive clear and concise information without personal bias or political spin. The material was explained in a manner in which a person of my experience level could understand. The videos and slides were high quality and the instructors spoke clearly and at a pace so a non-medical individual could grasp the material.
•Dec 26, 2020
Bom, aprendizagem clara e rápida para fins de orientação na comunidade corresponde bem as minhas expectativas no campo de trabalho . Atuo em Saúde da FamÃlia junto ao posto de saúde com médicos clÃnicos, dentista e enfermeira com ações de prevenção fazendo visitas domiciliar a diabético, hipertenso, neonatal, dentro da comunidade. Excelente o curso recomendo a todos que desejarem aprender para socializar e informar os perigos da COVID-19 e como se proteger a si e os outros a sua volta.
By Phil K
•Nov 12, 2020
With Covid-19 being an evolving issue this course helped me understand the basics of the virus and how quickly it can be spread. Having the right tools to analyze situations related to Covid-19 will help me if a Contact Tracing position becomes available as well as personally if I start to exhibit signs of the virus. Most of the knowledge that I have about Covid-19 or SARS-CoV-2 was from this course. I highly recommend anyone interested in learning more about the virus to take this course.
By Sindy G N
•Sep 6, 2020
I loved taking this course online. It is efficient and extremely informational when it comes to the process and hiccups one may experience on both sides of the conversation. As a member of school staff, I have constant contact with the general public and this class has helped me improve active listening skills, patience, and rapport with families we serve in our community, especially those who are less fortunate, trouble with language barriers, and live in poor circumstances. Thank you!
By Janice R
•Jun 29, 2020
This was a great course. I learned a lot. The Doctor explained in pace that you could understand the importance of the information that was being shared and to set you up for success as a contact tracker. Examples were provided for a better understanding of what can go wrong as a contact tracker and what you should do to try and resolve it. If you can't resolve than you take it to the next level. I highly recommend this course for anyone that wants to help keep our communities safe.
By Marian L
•May 18, 2020
Great course. Very Informative, covering all aspects of Contact Tracing in relation to Covid-19. Great videos examples of best practice. Regular short assessment of learning and understanding. Very important focus on communication skills for effective public health approach to people who are sick with Covid-19 and people who may have been infected. Challenging but achievable final assessment with a John Hopkins Certificate offering proof of effort. Thank you to Coursera and Johns Hopkins.
By Wasif S (
•Jul 28, 2020
This entry to the mid-level course is fantastic & detailed in every possible way to get yourself familiar with the current pandemic situation. But the information derived from here should not be confined to only Covid-19 contact tracing. It can be applied to most parts of life. The contents are great, nicely arranged with good intriguing exercises. I hope everyone who has completed this course (or, yet to take it) can think of it more like a new life experience more than a single course.
By Elizabeth M
•May 31, 2020
Dr. Hurley was very thorough in facilitating the CoVid-19 Contact Tracing course. As questions occurred in my mind, at some point she answered them even though it was only a virtual learning course. The "Save Notes" system helped greatly to memorize and refer back to points that I need for reassure. I hope I will be able to get a job in this field to assist the public health department in collecting information and supporting, investigating and reporting Cases and Contacts as mandated.
By Kristina D L
•May 30, 2020
Hello! I am Kristina De Lara. I am a graduating Dentistry student here in the Philippines and I would just like to thank your good university and program for providing such an informative and wonderful online course. It inspired me more to pursue a career in Public Health in the future. I was really delighted for Active listening, Empathy, etc. were tackled. I will try to keep everything that I learn from this course and contribute well to my society. Thank you once again and stay safe.
•Sep 6, 2020
When I first started this course, I was looking to learn something easy because I was bored. My cousin called me and shared with me how serious COVID-19 is. That immediately peaked my interest. I had no idea that there are jobs related to this or just how interesting the field is. I would like to thank Professor Emily for being very good at communicating the information needed to get this certificate.
I have spoken to and invited many people to take advantage of these courses. Thank you.
By Susan L
•Jun 25, 2020
A very simply well explained course.
There was 1 question I didn't agree with - the fact you would not be a contact of a case if you had a 5 minute conversation with them face-to-face. Surely the risk of airborne droplets directly is the greatest risk therefore anytime spent face-to-face makes you a contact. Otherwise it would be difficult to explain all the cases that we now see. (The choir members were all deemed contacts although some may never have been in the vicinity of the case.)
By Torrenus S S
•May 20, 2020
Thank you for this critical course that helps to enlighten those who want to learn more about COVID-19 and equip others who want to play a part in helping to slow the transmission of this serious disease. COVID-19 has sickened many, taken the lives of a multitude of loved ones, and changed our world forever. I am a public school teacher with a degree in Biology and I am determined to devote my time during this summer hiatus to give a helping hand to the contact tracing efforts. Be safe.
By Bernetta M
•Sep 14, 2020
This course, COVID- 19 Contact Tracing is very informative. Not only I feel as if I am a good detective (smile) but it confirms that my education, work experiences, and compassion for others are essential parts of my love for helping people. This course explains everything so clear, very understandable. The scenarios are awesome and the narrator's diction is great.
I really enjoyed this course, whether I land a job as a Contact Tracer or not; it was a great learning experience.
By Edward A
•May 31, 2020
The best aspect of this course are the video vignettes, where actors go through different tracer/contact scenarios. They really brought the point home that being a contact tracer is a challenging job.
The presenter gave clear instruction in her video, without any odd side-comments, which is also expected of contact tracers.
The final exam was sufficiently challenging that I felt I accomplished something by passing it. For the quizzes during the course, I wish there were more questions.
By Michelle G B
•Aug 27, 2020
Thank you so much Johns Hopkins University especially to Emily Gurley, PhD, MPH and the rest of the higher people who collaborate with you to come up with this Course. Thank you for extending this Course here in Philippines through TESDA. This is a great blessing and priviledge to study and especially be aware of what's happening in this world.
I learned a lot of information about SARS - CoV 2. I'm sure I will be able to use this Learnings to Volunteer for Covid-Tracing in my place.
By Mary M
•Jul 24, 2020
Even though I work in an assisted living community part time, I understand facts more clearly about Covid-19 better than I previously prior to taking this course. I enjoy working with people in the community and look forward to the opportunity to use social work skills as I did when I was a social worker in long term care for 17 years. It is imperative to educate and assist families and individuals in all settings to achieve potential to have a successful isolation and quarantine.