Jun 25, 2020
Extremely Informative! Totally worth it! The course really emphasizes the absolute need for effective contact tracing as this is a major step in curbing the COVID-19 pandemic.Thank you so much, Emily!
Dec 24, 2020
This course was very informative not just as it relates to Covid-19 but also in the way we should deal and interact with people. Enjoyed learning about the time frames for incubation, isolation etc.
By dixie r
•Jun 7, 2020
This course is helpfully broken into manageable chunks, with check in questions throughout. It explains things thoroughly, but simply, making it accessible to a wide range of people.
I also really like that you can not only save a note of a slide with the click of a button, but that you can type your own clarifying notes. Additionally, I appreciate the transcription at the bottom of each page, and that you can click any spot in the transcription and be shown the corresponding slide, and thus any visual aids.
By Brigitte C
•Aug 8, 2022
fue un curso un poco mas dificil en cuanto a las preguntas y tengo una en especial acerca del caso por telefono ya que puedo oir su respiracion o puede dercir que siente presion en su pecho y se puede oir confuso pero como puedo saber si tiene o no cianosis eso me confundio un poco llevandolo a un adulto que si esta confuso me es dificil o imposible saber y que tal vez replantear esta alternativa como emergencia medica, en general estuvo muy bien, bastante informacion actualizada, gracias por la experiencia
By Mary A W
•May 21, 2020
This course was comprehensive, well-organized and clearly presented. The varied media including slides, reading, listening, videos and frequent assessment struck an excellent balance for learning styles. The use of concrete examples with follow up questions (illustrating both "do and don't" was the most helpful aspect of the training.
Thank you, Dr. Gurley and associates for providing this invaluable training.
Thank you, Bloomberg Foundation for making the certificated course available at no cost.
Stay safe!
By Souvik 1
•Sep 23, 2020
This course is just extraordinary.You can know all the very details about coronavirus and well as the process and methods of contact tracing.Notable to mention is that Dr.Emily S.Gurley is a great speaker and her tone and pace in understanding the course is simply great.She makes even difficult topics so easy to make you understand in a very clear way.I really liked her way of teahing.simple and clear! Thanks a lot Coursera and Johns Hopkins Univ.for providing such knowledges and opportunities to everyone.
By Windy F
•May 14, 2020
Well-written, timely course with solid, basic information on healthcare interviewing by phone/remote services. Excellent segment on listening and communication, as well as no-nonsense information on the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus as it applies to public health workers. Plenty of useful information without being too academic or too simplified- just right for those interested in considering contact tracing as an occupation or to increase their public health/case management skillset. Windy Foster, RN, BSN, CDE
By Catherine R
•Jun 14, 2022
This was a thoughtfully outlined course. Each module in the course built on the last and was clear and easy to learn from. I do not have a public health background—and though I do have some work experience in communication, and healthcare design research—I actually learned a lot of new, practical information relevant to my previous work and interpersonal communication skills in general. Thanks to Dr. Gurley for designing this useful course to prepare workers and volunteers for Covid-19 Contact Tracing.
•Dec 31, 2020
Super helpful course with the concepts explained very lucidly. This course can be taken by anyone as long as they are willing to learn and understand about contact tracing. What I loved best about the course is the fact that they explained every concept clearly in an easy language so even if you don't have any prior knowledge of the different time periods or anything that might be dangerous or infectious, you can learn it here. Thank you for providing this course here that can be easily accessed by many.
By yemyat t
•Nov 10, 2020
Thanks Coursera of Johns Hopkins University. I have learnt updated health knowledge related to current pandemic COVID19. It is pretty much important to have basic knowledge about this pandemic for every single people, no matter rich or poor, High rank officer or normal staff, General or no bar/rank soldier, religious leader or follower. This course gives better understanding of COVID19 and handling it. I do recommend for everyone to learn this course.
Thanks again COURSERA Team of John Hopkins University.
By Yael A R M
•Jul 22, 2020
El curso esta muy completo y bien explicado.
En estos momentos que soy estudiante en el área de la salud, me fue muy útil para comprender diversos temas tanto del SARS-COV-2 como el seguimiento de contactos.
Me hubiese gustado que el certificado hubiera tenido algun credito, sin embargo no es asÃ, he incluso aparece en el certificado que es un curso sin credito.
Sin embargo, me ha encantado y sin duda volverÃa a tomar un curso ofrecido por la Universidad Johns Hopkins impartido por la Doctora Emily Gurley .
By Stephen M C
•Jul 15, 2020
Great information even if very basic sometimes. Presented in a way that is easy to understand. I have a background in healthcare, so much of it made sense to me, but it was presented in a way that anyone should be able to learn the information. I appreciated being able to download the PowerPoints from the videos, this will provide excellent reference in the future. I'm hoping this will provide a good foundation for me in my pursuit of a position as a Contact Tracer. Thank you for making this available!
By Anthony S
•May 19, 2020
This was an amazing course. It helped me to understand the importance and nature of Covid-19 Contact Tracing. Beyond the facts of the disease, I have a sound grounding in the process of interacting with Cases and Contacts for the procurement of vital information. I plan to hone my communication skills and would like to contribute to the Contact Tracing efforts in my community. Dr. Emily Gurley, thank you very much for designing such a comprehensive and well-organized course. The experience was wonderful.
By Hope G
•Jun 7, 2020
This Course was very helpful in understanding the SARS-CoV-2! I spent all-day studying this course because I wanted to have a better understanding of COVID-19 and how it affects the body. I have definitely learned a lot from this course and I plan to become a COVID-19 Contact Tracer as soon as I can get hired. Thank You John Hopkins University for offering this free course! I will definitely signup for more courses now that I have my Associates in Applied Science Degree in Health Information Technology.
•May 25, 2020
I want to say BRAVO to Prof. Emily Gurley for a job well done. I learned more about COVID-19 and the best strategies and skills desire to reduce and prevent COVID-19 spread, in particular, and communicable diseases as a whole. The Professor presentation is thorough, clear and very educative. Without mincing words, I really achieved knowledge and skills herein, particularly in the area of contact tracing, investigation of infectious diseases and effective communication. My humble regards! STAY BLESSED!!!
By Alan T
•Jul 14, 2020
Well organized course, and very clear on the requirements. The first half of the course was very specific on the way COVID is created, transmitted, and resolved. There seemed to be be a lot in the later courses of Customer Service and how to deal with people, in general. Very sad, but that is how people are now and need to be trained in customer service and how to deal with people. It must be tough for some generations to actually have to talk to people instead of sending a text or email. Great course!
By Beverly D
•Jun 14, 2020
This COVID-19 Contact Tracing Course is presented efficiently and very well put together. The information was comprehensive and clear. The final exam was based on the actual content which made it very easy to take. I am so glad I took this class. It was very informational for me and I now have a much clearer understanding of how the virus spreads and the process by which it takes to help contain the spread through contact tracing. It truly is a one size fits all process.
Thank you John Hopkins
By Shirley K
•Jun 5, 2020
Professor Gurley was awesome and the material was very educational. She communicated very well and her tone was excellent. I feel some of the information learned in this course can be used in other industries.
The modules were easy to comprehend and the quizzes were a plus. It was great to have semi essays at the end of some of the questions, this allowed for self-expression. I would recommend this course to anyone looking to enhance his/her knowledge of viruses and being an effective communicator.
By Nikki H
•Jul 27, 2020
I really appreciate the opportunity to engage and learn about contact tracing. I've been anxious about the students returning to campus for the fall and having the chance to further understand COVID-19, signs/symptoms, contact tracing, resources and support has helped me gain confidence in how I can show up in the fall semester. Overall, the format of the class (presentation, subtitles, save note feature, save slides feature and video modules of calls with cases/contacts was beneficial and engaging.
By Shik L P I
•Jul 10, 2020
The instructor, Ms Emily Gurley PhD MPH, is great with her very clear video presentations and pdf files to explain the COVID-19 tracing procedures, communication skills, health and infection prevention skills. She explained and covered the COVID-19 tracing skills in such an Outstanding format that it is very easy to understand and following her guidance. I and other students can benefit a lot from her presentations and videos. She is a fantastic instructor helping the public health issues. Bravo!
By Jennifer G
•Nov 5, 2021
I think this course was simply put together perfect. It provided such detailed information and helped me understand the severity of this disease. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to learn further about this life threathing virus or anyone possibly looking for a job helping the department of health being a Contact Tracer. Thank you for the time you spent putting this wonderful course together and also for the people who have had the pleaaseure to take it.....Jennifer Gately, CPC, NY
By Igor R
•Jul 20, 2020
This is an excellent course, very clear and complete. The teacher gave me all the information I needed to understand what contact tracing is and how should I do it. I liked the course organization. Sometimes it was difficult for me to understand everything, specially difficult to me were some communication terms and concepts. But I tried to do my best in the course. I am reccomending it to health students adn professionals in Mexico. Hope it can help us also to beat the pandemic we are facing now.
By Gretchen Z L
•Jun 19, 2020
I have worked in the medical field for some 20 years, mostly in a clerical capacity. I learned so much about how to actually working with people taking this course than I learned at work. I've been in a NICU, an OR, billing for DME and Home Health. I love the field and I hope that I have learned what I need to successfully perform the duties of a Contact Tracer. If not, it's me and not this course. I highly recommend it. If for no other reason than to learn more about this terrible disease.
By Trina M F
•May 31, 2020
I really enjoyed this course. Ms. Gurley is an exceptional instructor and each module was timed well. The course objectives were very user friendly. I was reading about contact tracers and then I saw on the news that John Hopkins was offering a free on-line course. I have a medical background and this course just brought new beginnings for me. Thank you very much to all The Professors and everyone involved in making this course available to us. I can not wait to put my talents and skills to work.
By Shannon M W
•May 31, 2020
This course is informative, clear, concise and the quizzes help to reinforce important concepts. While it's a fundamental foundation to a Contact Tracer to be, anyone can benefit from this information to gain a better understanding of how to keep themselves, their loved ones and community members safe! While some reviewers commented on the instructor's voice being unpleasant, I found the appropriate pace and clarity to be more important. Thank you for making this FREE and available to the public!
By Bright R
•Mar 30, 2022
This course was detrimental in my success with New York City Test & Trace. It was required in order to be able to perform my duties as a Contact Tracer and it prepared me with a firm foundation on which to continue learning and growing as the COVID-19 pandemic took unexpected turns and developed surges. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn about not just COVID-19 but who and what Contact Tracers are and the vast nature of the duties and responsibilities they are entrusted with.
By Hannah S
•Aug 4, 2020
I loved this course! In a short amount of time I learned A LOT. I gained a better understanding of COVID-19 as well as how to be the best contact tracer I can be. Being a recent health science graduate, I found it fascinating; however, the course was simplified enough that a non-science person would understand as well. I am going to recommend it to all my friends and family so they too can get a simple and scientific understanding of what is going on in our world. Thank you Dr. Gurley and team!