Jun 25, 2020
Extremely Informative! Totally worth it! The course really emphasizes the absolute need for effective contact tracing as this is a major step in curbing the COVID-19 pandemic.Thank you so much, Emily!
Dec 24, 2020
This course was very informative not just as it relates to Covid-19 but also in the way we should deal and interact with people. Enjoyed learning about the time frames for incubation, isolation etc.
By Zoraya M O V
•Jul 23, 2021
To this day we continue with the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, many lives have been lost worldwide, but in November 2019 to date, great progress has been made to stop this evil that has affected all aspects. For me, this course gives me a basis to know what to do and how to contribute with the knowledge acquired in my personal life and my work environment, thank you for this experience and I will try to practice what I have learned for the good of my community
•Aug 14, 2020
Soooo much good information! This is the best course to bridge the information gap and conspiracy theorist's fantasies. It is the ground floor to both introduce you to COVID-19 and Contact Tracing. If you are thinking about becoming a Contact Tracer, curious about COVID-19 or both, John Hopkins University and their Bloomberg School of Public Health's Dr. Emily Gurley is the best to teach and show you. It will not dumb down but smarten you up. Thank you Dr. Gurley!!
By Toni F B
•Jun 7, 2020
The course was well designed. The materials and scientific information on what is COVID-19 was presented in a thoughtful and clear manner, which made it very understand and easily learned. The video vignettes of the contract tracers calls to individuals who either were diagnosed or had been in contact with someone with the disease were extremely useful and helpful. I took this course to learn more about COVID-19 and what is contact tracing and found it worthwhile.
By denise k
•May 23, 2020
I found the course very easy to navigate and understand and very interesting were 2 questions that I would have gotten right on the final test if it weren't for a sensitive screen that actually checked the rash question on its own as I scrolled down, and the other question had a grammar error when it was asking the Question about how technology might be used to help trace covid cases, and the word the used was to but I think they meant to say from the health dept.
By Derrick W
•May 14, 2020
This was an excellent course. It was easy to navigate and understand. As a former tech support person, I have the triage skills and know-how to effectively communicate with people to gather information and as a homeless social worker, I know also how to empathetically listen and speak to people who are going through a difficult time. Since I currently out of work due to COVID19, I will apply for a tracer job. My skill sets are perfect for a contract tracer position!
By Emily M R
•May 20, 2020
Brilliant course to learn the basic's of Covid -19, symptoms, differences between terminology, right up to the position of being a contact tracer and the skills needed to build trust and provide effective communication to the public. I have recommended this course to friends & would highly recommend others to do so. The presentations, flow of communication by the lecturer and the examples given were easy to follow and understand. Thank you for offering this course.
By Deborah B
•May 15, 2020
I would like to thank Dr Emily Gurley and her associates that put together this course. It was very informative, concise and direct in the information necessary to succeed as a contact tracer. I hope that I have the opportunity to use these skills in the near future. Although I am currently retired, I am actively searching for such an opportunity and now feel that I am qualified to contribute to the public good. Thank you again for such a well designed course.
By Patricia L
•Jul 16, 2020
The Covid-19 Contact Tracing course taught the basics of how the disease is spread and how contact tracing can reduce increased infections. I feel ready to apply for a job and help us overcome the pandemic. In addition, I feel calmer about our national situation. I feel as though I "know the enemy" a little better and I can be much more rational about how to both decrease the number of Covid-19 cases and reduce my own risk of becoming infected with SARS-C0V-2.
By Lynn
•Jul 15, 2020
The Contact Tracers course was very well-presented. It described all of the important aspects of the job including the challenges and the hurtles that a tracer may face. I gained a clear understanding of the importance of tracing in order to stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus. If more people would consider taking this course and taking on the job, I believe that we could not only educate the people we call but also dramatically lessen the number of infections.
By Diego I P
•Jun 16, 2020
didactic course, easy to understand and very useful to know information about the covid-19 pandemic, for Spanish speakers it is easy to understand, totally recommended, the only point that i would argue that can be better it is the ethics module, some points were a bit unclear, maybe it can be improved even more with another extra module about how far can the contact tracer demand the isolation/quarantine, with legal basis, because that is a very common problem.
By Robert G
•Jun 4, 2020
The Covid-19 Contact Tracing course was well done. The instructor provided numerous examples in a variety of formats to help the learner understand what's involved in Contact Tracing and the complexities involved in the process. Additionally, the signs and symptoms of Covid-19 and the disease transmission and progression were well articulated. The course provided a realistic sense of what the process of tracing is all about and some of the challenges involved.
By Joaquin G
•Sep 17, 2020
This was a very informative course. I won't be working for the DOH but I will be the contact tracer for my school. While I already have a good rapport with my employees, the communication tips were a great refresher. I also appreciate the amount of time spent on how COVID-19 operates, from the incubation to infectious period. My only suggestion would be to possibly have more difficult questions as part of the practice quizzes and the final assessment. Thank you!
By Donna K
•Jun 1, 2020
I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to take this course.
The materials were very clearly written and pretty easy to understand.
The quizzes and exams were also written clearly and easy to understand.
I was afraid being the fact that I am a blind user, that the materials would not work well with my screen reader.
I used a chrome book for the course and everything worked perfectly including the screen reader.
thank you to all who have made this course possible.
By Charles B
•May 29, 2020
Extremely informative course! I learned some fundamental but important information about COVID-19. The course provided detailed insights on the techniques and importance of Contract Tracing and effectively communicating with individuals that have been infected and those that have been in contact with individuals that have been infected. Most importantly it demonstrated how critical timely and detailed Contract Tracing is in preventing the spread of COVID-19.
By Connie L B
•May 22, 2020
I so appreciated the opportunity to take this course during the pandemic. It was interesting and gave worthwhile information. Well worth my time and effort to "learn something new everyday". I would highly recommend for those currently under or un-employed at this time to spend time taking this course. Whether you volunteer to assist with contract tracing in your community or get hired for a open position, it is a great starting place to make a difference.
By Jahempress G
•Jul 28, 2020
This is a very thorough course that explains the complexities of COVID-19 that the world is currently faced with. It allows anyone with available resources to not only learn how to approach the virus on a day to day basis, but also gives them insight into contact tracing. Applying these skills in the field of public health will contribute to greater public good by hopefully reducing the spread of COVID-19, and attaining such skills are beneficial for everyone.
By christiana a
•May 22, 2020
I thought this was an excellent course, but I thing there was an abundance of information that was taught but not reflected in the testing. At the same time, the most important information - figuring out infectious period, quarantine time, etc, needs more practice examples... I thing students need to be able to do these lessons as second nature -- and I don't think I have that skill quite yet. I would like more practice with someone checking my calculations.
By Lynette M G
•May 16, 2020
I didn't even know what contact tracing was until the coronavirus pandemic came. I have been working as a caregiver for elderly people for over 7 years and had interacted with pubic health personnel. But I now understand why contact tracing is so vital. Gathering information and providing resources to help people cope with the virus helps society at large and could save lives. Thank you for this course. It was very clear, easy to follow and very informative.
By Leo A
•Sep 28, 2020
I thought at first that I may not be able to finish the course because I have no background in Medical world. But fortunately, I passed and had a flying color with 97% average grade. The lesson, videos, instructions and quizzes are very clear and easy to comprehend. And the lesson is a step by step process that let non medical course individual to understand fully the thought and ideas of the subject. I will try other course for sure. Good job and more power.
By 5 S T C
•Jul 14, 2020
WOW! This course really should be mandatory for everyone to take regardless if it's for contact tracing. I have learned so much about this virus in such a small amount of time. CNN, social media cannot educate you like this course just did. I am changing all my behaviors going forward and doing my part as a sound citizen to help stop this virus from spreading. Thank you so much for offering this course free of charge. I am still in awe of what I just learned.
By Cynthia F
•May 31, 2020
This course is very well done. The instructor presents the information clearly with an emphasis on facts. I particularly like that the course includes acknowledgement that the situation may not always be easy, nor does it suggest that we need to have all the answers. Rather the lectures emphasize that contact tracers be diligent and careful while collecting data while maintaining their humanity and empathy for others in order to contribute to public welfare.
By John M A O
•Aug 2, 2020
Good Day.
This is really a very helpful course. This could really help our world specially in this times of pandemic. An eye opener to know what COVID-19 really is, and how to prevent the rise its number of infected. I highly recommend this for everyone who is willing to learn about how to perform an effective COVID-19 Contact Tracing. It is brief yet very concise course that will serve as a strong foundation in learning COVID-19 Contact Tracing. Thank You.
By Maruthi R V
•Jul 19, 2020
The course is very informative with specific example contact tracing interactions; I am sure there will be more challenging situations that may come up and as we learn more about the disease new and additional precautions may be necessary but this course offers a good starting point. I really enjoyed the course content. Great job by the instructor, team and thanks for offering this course for free. I would recommend the course for my friends and colleagues.
By Pamela W
•May 20, 2020
This class was excellent, information, and really makes me feel empowered and ready to help with the pandemic. Information is power, as we all know, and it's comforting to get your head around the science and facts. I'm excited to use my phone and communication skills to assist with this vital COVID-19 tracing effort, and hope to quickly begin helping with these efforts. Thank you so much for creating this course, keep up the good work, and stay safe.
By Adriene A
•Aug 12, 2020
This course was very informative. If I could change one thing it would be to incorporate new CDC findings into the course and not as a side note after you've read the material. It gets confusing.. for me anyway. I bet people did the worse on the infectious time periods than any other part of the curriculum. I think its because after you read and process it, you get the disclaimer from the CDC stating a new recommendation. Other than that, it was excellent!