Jun 25, 2020
Extremely Informative! Totally worth it! The course really emphasizes the absolute need for effective contact tracing as this is a major step in curbing the COVID-19 pandemic.Thank you so much, Emily!
Dec 24, 2020
This course was very informative not just as it relates to Covid-19 but also in the way we should deal and interact with people. Enjoyed learning about the time frames for incubation, isolation etc.
By Vonester D
•May 21, 2020
I LOVE this course! Because, it has not only shown me the value of why to become a tracer, but have also, enlighten me to the seriousness of COVID-19, this course have helped me to identify this virus and how it spreads to others, and without tracing it, it can easily get out of control very quickly. This course have helped me to learn how COVID-19 can affect people lives and even cause death. I would highly recommend this course for those who like to stay informed about COVID-19.
By Rick A S
•May 16, 2020
This course was a difficult course for me. It definitely requires focused concentration. It is EXTREMELY well thought out and presented. I recieved a 91% passing grade. I would rather have passed with a 100%. That is very possible to achieve depending on the effort of focusing concentration. Congratulations to all who contributed to this course. I’m not sure if I will be able to work as a tracer. A tracer needs to listen, and really understand the difference of the types of questions.
By Patricia M S
•Nov 7, 2020
Clear instructions with practical details and advice for Contact Tracing. Well broken down into short units that are easy to digest and review. Summary information made it easy to review anything that was unclear before taking the final assessment. The professor spoke evenly, with a good pace and expression (This last phrase sounds like what I was writing in my Kindergarten report cards before retirement! But it is true, none the less.) Thank you for your work fighting Covid-19.
By Karen R
•Sep 25, 2020
This course helped me a lot on knowing how contract tracers do their job! The quizzes are easy and direct to the point! The lessons can be long but you've got to be patient! This course effectively summarized all the important things people should learn about COVID-19 Contact Tracing. Very informative, concise and easy! Highly-recommended for people who want to learn more about COVID and for people looking for easy and free courses to take. Thank you so much, John Hopkins University!
By Dian G L
•Jul 7, 2020
I very much enjoyed learning about Covid-19 and How I could possibly help to slow and eliminate the spread of this dreadful Virus. The course was easy to understand by the author simple ways to educate and explain in simpler terms. The Examples were a great way to show how one could perform in a successful way to help guide those that find themselves with a Positive Test of Covid-19. Thank You for the Opportunity to learn more about the virus and to understand how to protect oneself.
By Kim L
•Jun 15, 2020
Great course, very informative easy to understand, Ms Emily done a great job in helping a 56 year old take an online class stick to it and pass. If it was a guaranteed I would get all simple uncomplicated teaching instructors like Ms Emily I would probably go back to school if I could fit it into my life. Thank you Johns Hopkins University for offering the class for free it gave me a chance to learn and be educated and to see if I can do it again that is go to school, SMILE, Love Kim
By Kelly S C
•Jun 15, 2020
While I already knew some of this information, the course helped me put what I knew in context, and taught me many things I didn't know - from the difference between cases and contacts, or confidential and private, to the two-day pre-symptomatic part of the infectious period. I was also pleased to see a section on active listening; I've recently studied this in another context, and believe it to be something valuable to learn and practice in both a professional and personal context.
By Cynthia C
•Aug 4, 2020
Great job, very informative. I retained a lot from this course. Emily Gurley, with her clear, relaxed tone and confidence in the subject matter made it easy to comprehend and absorb information. I continued with the program without taking a break. It was so much information, but I didn't feel overloaded or bombarded. I felt as if I wanted to hear (learn) more about the subject matter. Great in keeping my interest in the important topic (COVID-19 Contact Tracing. Thank you, CC
By Nomura Y
•Jul 9, 2020
This was a great opportunity for me to learn about COVID-19 and its contact tracing skills. Although I have heard about contact tracing on the news, I have never actually known what it really was, like its purposes or how they are done. Also, during this course I have learned about several communication skills that can be used in our daily lives. I am very grateful for coursera and my teachers to let me seize this chance to really know about what is happening around the world today.
By Aldrin M C
•May 25, 2020
The course is very extensive. It gave me a broader understading about COVID-19, its signs and symptoms, and infection rate and contagion. As a healthcare provider, this course made me understand the process of contact tracing. This course gave me guide on how to properly identify a case and contact. This also teaches me how to handle them, even learn how to talk to them in order for me to attain a successful contact tracing process to prevent spread of this disease in the community.
By Lynn B
•May 14, 2020
The calm, even tone of the narrator and her ability to explain the dynamics of contact tracing for COVID-19, make this material easy to understand. She explains each segment of each section thoroughly. The quizzes make is easier to assess if I am grasping the concepts or if I need to review a concept further. I appreciate being able to access this information and to be certified as being trained to be a contact tracer since my area will be needing people to fill those positions.
•Aug 20, 2020
I thoroughly enjoyed taking the course on COVID-19 Contact Tracing. I found it to be very informative and well presented. Information was direct and easy to comprehend, while covering all aspects from beginning to end. Examples were given on the proper way to handle communication, as well as, the best way to address any challenges if things didn’’t go as expected. This course definitely provides the knowledge and confidence to take the next step in becoming a Contract Tracer.
•Jul 17, 2020
John Hopkin University has done a wonderful job in this course. The course was very easy to follow and it increased my knowledge in this subject a lot. My country Malaysia has a very good Director General from the Ministry of Health educating us on Covid 19 in his daily Press Conference. But due to time constraints, his explanation could only be introductory and very brief. This course has explained in very much detail and provide me more understanding of the topic. Thank you.
By Mary M
•May 20, 2020
Some of the course was easier for me than other parts but it was in its entirety a very complete course which met all of the course requirements. The quizzes after each module were brief and fairly well done. I think everything was fair and my only wish is that they would set it up for CEU's for those professions who could benefit from the hours for license renewals such as nursing. Very well done, very professional and I learned from this course. I hope to find a venue to use it.
By Edwin A
•Aug 24, 2020
I feel the call to become or at least understand the reason of being a contact tracer and the importance of identification of cases and contacts. In this pandemic, the common good is the most important aspect that needs to be protected to ensure the survival of everyone. In these days of uncertainty, someone has to stand up and do what needs to be done; everybody's hands should be on deck and that everybody has to take part. Thank you for letting me get involved in this course.
By Wendy G R
•Jul 28, 2020
Very easy to follow, speaker was great and informitive. I feel this information needs to be public about the COVID-19, it would help eliminate a lot of questions and educate the public more. Instead of waiting until a person has contacted COVID-19 to educate them then.
** One problem, while answering questions, click on answers and when sumited the exam it would say I didn't answer the question, when I had indeed answered the question. Some how the system would delete my answers.
By Tara
•Feb 14, 2021
I really enjoyed the Contact Tracing course. It was not too in-depth as to make it an unattractive commitment. I learned a great deal in a short amount of time. The 'condensed' feel to the material was subtle and not intrusive on the learning experience. The low pressure atmosphere of the online experience is exactly what I need to do my best learning. I am now more informed on some of the behaviours of the virus and therefore better equipped to navigate a world in a Pandemic.
By Rene P O
•Jan 20, 2021
Very intense but rewarding!!! The fact that there’s a pandemic happening I’m very proud to accomplish a certificate so I can utilize this information to help educate others of the importance of staying safe and keeping our love one’s safe as well! I pray that I can work with a company so I may utilize this amazing tool on Contact Tracer that was offer to me for free that I know I will give 110% of me of something that captures my heart and mind🙏🏾
Thank you !!!
Rene’ Oliver
By Cherie K
•May 19, 2020
I work at a travel stop and I wanted to learn as much as I could as I am at risk for getting infected. I am interested in going back to school and was very excited to have an opportunity to learn about this virus that has changed our lives forever. It was very easy to understand and very informative. I am grateful for the opportunity to gain this valuable knowledge. I would be very interested in becoming a contact tracer. It is extremely important to stop the spread. Thank you!
By Alicia H
•Aug 11, 2020
This course was extremely easy to follow and helpful, but I've yet to find a place to ask specific questions I think might be relevant.
I'm specifically interested to know whether we have any information about the duration of time between initial infection and when a PCR will read accurately - much the same as taking a pregnancy test too early will yield uncertain results - is there any data from Johns Hopkins on how early a contact can expect accurate results from a PCR test?
By Karen C
•Jul 7, 2020
I learned a great deal as a result of completing this course. Even though the course was intended for people in the healthcare field, I am able to put a lot of the information to good use in my role as a teacher. The content cleared up several misconceptions I have heard about the incubation period of COVID-19, and I appreciated the guidance and suggestions that were given regarding interpersonal communication with people who may have been exposed to, or contracted, the virus.
By Rebecca S
•May 19, 2020
This course is an excellent introduction to the process of contact tracing being put into use during the Covid-19 pandemic. The information is very clearly presented and the learner is given many opportunities to review the information and to be tested on her/his understanding. It is a good starting point for anyone wanting to be better informed and for those who are willing and able to offer their service to the community. Thank you for so generously providing this training.
By Elizabeth D
•Sep 4, 2020
Exceptionally challenging but highly engaging, exceptionally well-structured with informative and easy-to-understand infographics; engaging examples of how case and contact interaction might work in real time; and ongoing updates regarding the state of the research on COVID-19. A course that I would love to see turned into a public health brochure for distribution on social media as well as in a physical format (such as a poster or handout) for those without internet access.
By Jessica J
•Aug 21, 2020
I actually had a little trouble following the flow of the course content, but it soon made sense. One thing that never got better was that when I had to take a break from the course, I couldn't find my way back to where I left off without going through a bunch of stuff I already completed. Probably just my style of dyslexia. I'm sure it was just me because out if 5,936 others who took the course, they had no issues right? :)
I, without hesitation grade the course 5 stars.
By Salahuddin M A
•Jul 11, 2020
This course is extremely informative and well organized. Absolutely loaded with tools to assist you in becoming a very successful contact tracer. The ability to engage communication as a professional, to garner positive relationships, and to find successful outcomes, in situations that are very stressful, speaks volumes about this training and its positive effects on those who suffer from infectious diseases.
Thank you to all the staff involved. The young lady was incredible!